外贸英语函电与单证 教学课件 ppt 作者 王俐俐 主编 第9章

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1、第9章 申诉与索赔 Complaints and Claims,9.1 因质量低劣提出申诉 Complaints for Inferior Quality 9.2 因包装不当提出索赔 Claims for Poor Packing 9.3 因数量短缺提出索赔 Claims for short delivery 9.4 理赔 Claims accepted 9.5 拒绝赔偿 Claims rejected,主要内容,返回目录,21世纪高职高专规划教材,Objects,了解提出申诉与索赔的原因。 掌握以下词汇的含义和用法: complain, apologize, claim, settlemen

2、t, investigation, inconvenience, inspection, reject, loss, solution, compensation, lodge a claim, arbitration, etc. 掌握提出申诉与索赔的英文表达。 学会写索赔信和理赔信。,Terms to learn,commodity inspection (商品检验): 商品检验机构对卖方拟交付或已交付货物的品质、规格、重量、包装、卫生、安全等项目进行的检验、鉴定和管理工作。 2. shipping quality and weight (离岸品质、离岸重量又称装运港检验):货物在装运港或装

3、运地交货前,由合同规定的检验机构对货物的品质、重量、数量等项目进行检验,并有该机构做出最后依据。卖方对交货后货物所发生的变化不承担责任。 3. landed quality and weight (到岸品质、到岸重量又称目的港检验):货物到达目的港和目的地时,由合同规定的检验机构在规定的时间内对商品进行检验,并出具检验证书。 4. complaint (申诉):在履行合同的过程中,受损方由于损失较小,为表示友好,不提出赔偿的要求,只是要求对方下次注意,防止类似的情况发生。,5. claim (索赔):买卖合同的一方因另一方违约而招受损失,向另一方提出损害赔偿的要求。赔偿大多是由受损方向另一方或

4、其承运人、保险公司提出索赔。 6. settlement of claim (理赔):在发生索赔的情况下,责任方就受损方提出的要求进行处理。 7. arbitration (仲裁): 买卖双方达成协议,自愿将有关争议交给双方所认同的仲裁机构裁决,裁决对双方都有约束力,必须遵照执行。,Think and Discuss,What is a claim? What is a complaint? What does of a letter of complaint usually about? What are the causes of a claim? What do you usually

5、settle the trade disputes?,Sample letters,To: Wang Wei A manager of Hong Feng company From: Scott A manager of Trading company Subject: Claims for inferior quality Date: Dear Sirs, After carefully examining the upholstery materials supplied to our order No.206, we must express our surprise and disap

6、pointment of their quality. The materials do not match the samples you sent to us. The quality is so poor that we cant help feeling there must have been mistakes in making up the order. The qualities of these materials are unsuited to the needs of our customers, so we have no choice to ask you to ta

7、ke them back and replace them with materials of the quality ordered. If you can replace them, we are prepared to allow the stipulated time for delivery to run from the date you confirm that you can supply the materials we need. Yours,match: 和相符 The products do not match the simple you sent us. 产品与你方

8、所送样品不符。 The shipment does not match the sample you sent us last month. 这批货与上个月寄来的样品不符。 This firm cant be matched for good service. 这家公司无法提供好的服务。 make up: 包装、完成、弥补 This matter is entirely to the carelessness on your part, we ask you to take steps to make up for the loss caused to us. 问题完全是由你方疏忽造成的.我们

9、要求你方采取措施弥补我方由此带来的损失。 They need ten days to make up the whole consignment. 他们需要10天时间完成这批货。 Great losses were incurred by rough handling at the port, so compensation should be made up by the shipper. 大量损失来自在港口时的粗糙装运,所以应由船方赔偿。,have no choice but to 别无选择、只有 If you cant grant us, Im afraid we have to cho

10、ice but to return the goods 如果你方不答应,我方只好退货了。 cant help doing: 禁不住 类似的用法有: Cant but do sth. Cant help but do sth. have no choice but to do e.g. For the sake of safety, the seller cant but require payment by L/C. 为了安全起见,卖方不得不要求信用证付款。 Nothing having heard from you for a long time, we cant but withdraw

11、the offer. 毫无消息,我方不得不取消报盘。 We are prepared to allow the stipulated time for delivery to run from the date you confirm that you can supply the materials we need. 如果你方能将来料替换,我们准备把规定的交货日期从你方确认能供我方所需材料的日期算起。,complaint: 不满、申诉、抱怨 complaints and claims 申诉与索赔 lodge a complaint against sb. 向提出申诉 complain tha

12、t complaint about sth. Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15days after their arrival. 任何有关商品质量问题的申诉,应该在货物到达后15天内提出。 Our end users are complaining of the inferior quality against us. 我方用户正就低劣的质量问题向我方提出申诉。 They complain that the seeds contain too much admixture. 他们

13、就种子中含有混合物提出申诉。,Key to 9.1,1.C, c,c,c,a,d,a,a,2.,Replacement Inferior In unsuited Have no choice Cant help match,3.,随函附寄由商检局开出的第8796号检验报告,证明上述商品的质量与样品不符。 我方不得不告知你方货物对我方无用,请早日更换。否则我方将向你方提出索赔。,9.2 Sample letters,Dear Sirs, We received this morning the 30 boxes of sweaters under our order No.7862 ex S.S

14、. “Prince”. We regret to inform you that 5 boxes were broken .the boxes in which the sweaters were damaged. We found that 30 sweaters were crushed or stained and cant sell at the normal price. In view of the present condition, we suggest that you make us an allowance of 10% on the invoice value. Oth

15、erwise, we are afraid we shall have to return them. Please let us know what you wish us to do with it. Yours,Language points,packing 类似的表达法还有: improper packing包装不当 poor packing包装不良 defective packing有欠缺的包装 faulty packing有缺陷的包装 insecure packing不可靠的包装 We cannot acknowledge your claim for damage due to

16、defective packing. 我方无法承认贵公司对于包装欠缺所作的损坏赔偿的索赔。 2. per prep.由装运走(从出口商的角度上是“运走”) ex. prep. 由装运来;从进口商的角度,claim n.& v. 索赔 lodge a claim提出索赔 claim for damage (poor packing)因破损(包装不良)提出索赔 claim on / against somebody向提出索赔 to lodge a claim against somebody for short-weight on something 因货物短重而向提出索赔 accept a claim接受索赔 settle a claim解决索赔 entertain a claim受理索赔 admit a claim同意索赔 dismiss a claim驳回索赔 reject a claim拒绝索赔 waive a claim放弃索赔 withdraw a claim撤回索赔 claim on account of damage因损坏而索赔


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