汽车专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 刘海雄 Unit 15

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1、Part Automobile Sales and Insurance,Unit 15,Text,Auto Insurance Foundation 1) Bodily injury liability 2) Property damage liability 3) Medical payments Personal Injury Protection(PIP) 4) Collision 5) Comprehensive 6) Uninsured/Underinsured motorists coverage,Liability Insurance Collision and Comprehe

2、nsive Coverage 1) Replacement cost 2) Actual cash value (ACV) 3) Comprehensive coverage Medical Payments, PIP, and No-fault Coverage 1) Medical payments (MedPay) coverage 2) Personal injury protection (PIP),Uninsured/Underinsured Motorists Coverage 1) Uninsured motorists (UM) coverage 2) Underinsure

3、d motorists (UIM) coverage Add-on Features 1) Rental reimbursement 2) Coverage for towing and labor charges 3) Gap coverage,New Words and Phrases,assets sets n.资产 liability ,laibiliti n责任,义务,倾向,债务,负债,与assets相对 motorist mutrist n.乘汽车者,常坐汽车的人 medical medill n.& a. 医生,体格检查;医学的,内科、古 (医)药的 payment peimnt

4、 n .付款,支付,报酬,偿还,报应 uninsured ninud n未保险的 collision klin n.碰撞,冲突 pole pul n.棒, 柱, 杆, 竿, 极, 磁极, 电极 v. 用竿支撑, 用棒推,depreciation di,pri: iein n.贬值, 减价, 跌落, 折旧, 轻视 lender lend n.出借人, 贷方 loan lun n. 借,借给 pedestrian pidestrin n.步行者 a. 徒步的, 呆板的, 通俗的 funeral fju:nrl n. 葬礼, 出殡 rentalrentl n. 租金额, 租金收入 breakdown

5、 breikdaun n 崩溃,衰弱,细目分类 lamp lmp n灯 vt照亮 regardless ri ga:dlis n不管,不顾,不注意,practical prktikl n实际的,实践的,实用的,应用的,有实际经验的 liability limit 责任限额(保险单上规定的最高赔偿金额) book value 净资本,资产账面价值,固定资本价值 wear and tear 磨损,折磨 claim adjuster理赔人 arise from 起于,由出身,Notes,1 Although it is not mandated by federal law, the purchas

6、e of auto insurance is usually requirement in most states; every state (with the exception of New Hampshire and Wisconsin) have minimum insurance laws. 尽管它没有联邦法律所规定,但是在大多数州(新罕布什尔和威斯康星州除外)都要求必须购买汽车保险。 2 If said owner cannot produce proof of satisfactory assets, then he must buy an auto insurance poli

7、cy. 如果没有足够证据表明车主财力足够,那么他就必须买一份汽车保险。,Exercises,Answer the following questions according to the text. 1. What kind of coverage a insurance policy should be made of according to the text? 2. Which liability insurance is required to porches, bodily injury liability or property damage liability? 3. Why a

8、re the collision and comprehensive coverage highly recommended by the insurance industry? 4. What kind of damage will the insurer pay for if you chose the comprehensive coverage? 5. If you are not at fault in an accident, will the insurer pay for the damage on condition that you have chosen the Medp

9、ay coverage?,Translating Skills,科技英语翻译方法与技巧 专业英语词汇的构成 1.派生词(derivation) (1)前缀,(2)后缀,2.复合词(compounding),3. 混成词(blending) Intermediary (inter+media+ary ) 中介 Sysop (System+Operator)系统操作员 Codec(coder +Operaator)编码译码器 compuser (computer +user ) 计算机用户 tanseiver (transmitter+receiver ) 收发机 syscall (system

10、+call ) 系统调用 calputer (calculater+computer) 计算机式计算器 Brouter (Bridge Router) 路由网桥 Infomercial (information +merchandise +ial ) 商业信息,4.缩略词(shortening) (1)压缩和省阅 biz =business 商业 lab = laboratory 实验室 math = mathematics 数学 iff = if only if 当且仅当 E-zine = E-magazine 电子杂志 ad = advertisement 广告 Corp =Corpora

11、tion 公司 fiber = fiber optic 光纤 Web = World Wide Web 万维网,(2)缩写(acronyn) 1)通常以小写字母出现,并作为常规单词。如: rodar (radio detecting and ranging)雷达 laser (light amplification and ranging ) 激光 sonar (sound navigation by stimulated emission of radiation) 声纳 spool (simultaneous peripheral operation on line )假脱机,2)以大写字

12、母出现,并作为常规单词。如: BASIC(beginners All-purpose Symbolic Information Code ) 初学者通用符号指令代码 ASCII(American national Standard Code for Information Interchange) 美国国家信息交换(用)标准(代)码 COBOL (Common Business Oriented Language) 面向商务的通用语言 NASDAQ(National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotation System) 全国

13、证券交易商动报价词系统协会,3)以大写字母出现,没有读音音节,仅为字母头缩写 EDI(Electronic Data Interchange)电子数据交换 EFT (Electronic Funds Transfer)电子资金转换 B2B(Business-to-Business)企业间 B2C(Business-to-Consumer)企业与消费者间的 B2G(Business-to-Consumer) 企业与政府间的 C2C(Consumer-to-Government)消费者间的 DNS(Domain Name Service)域名服务 AOL(America on line)美国在线网

14、络 FAQ(Frequently Asked Question)常见问题解答,LAN(local area network)局域网 WAN(Wide Area Network)广域网 ATM(Automated Teller Machine)自动出纳机 MBPS(Mega Byte Per Second )每节秒兆字节 Mbps(Mega Bits Per Second) 每节秒兆子位 CIO(Chief Information Official)高级信息管理人员 HTTP(Hypertext Transfer Protocol)超文本传需协议 ERP(Enterprise Resource

15、Planning)企业资源计划编制 ODBC(Open Database Connectivity)开放式数据库连接性 ISDN(Interprise Services Digital Network)综合业务数字网络,ADSL(Asymmetrical Digital Subscriber Loop)非对称数字用户环线 CRM(Customer Relationship Management)客户关系管理 ADE(Application Development Environment)应用开发环境 DBMS(Data Base Management System)数据库管理系统 5.借用词 channel conflict 脱煤 platform平台 cache 高速缓存 domain 域 woofer低音喇 hacker黑客 virus 病毒(程序、软件) flag 标志、状态 gateway网关 semaphore 信号量 firewall防火墙 host主机 mailbomb邮件炸弹 scratch pad 高速缓存 server服务器 hub网络中心 surfing 网上冲浪 Windows视操作系统 Pentium奔腾处理器 Amazon著名网上 Intel因特尔公司,Reading Material,The Legal Responsibilities to


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