计算机英语 教学课件 ppt 司爱侠 张强华 unit 1

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1、计算机英语实用教程,人民邮电出版社,司爱侠 张强华 编著,Unit 1 How Computers Work,退出,New Words,purpose 5pE:pEs n.目的,意图,用途 arithmetic E5riWmEtik n.算术,算法 memory 5memEri n.存储器,内存 input 5input n.&v.输入 output 5autput n.输出 device dI5vaIs n.设备,装置 interconnect7intE:kE5nekt vt.使互相连接 bus bQs n.总线 wire 5waiE n.金属丝,电线 hardware 5hB:dwZE n

2、.硬件 comprise kEm5praIz v.包含,由.组成 separate 5sepEreit adj.分开的,分离的,个别的,单独的,New Words,component kEm5pEunEnt n.部件;成份,部份 construct kEn5strQkt vt.建造,构造,创立 microprocessor7maIkrEu5prEusesE n.微处理器 direct di5rekt v.指导,指挥 concurrentlykEn5kQrEntli adv.并列地,并行地;同时发生地 instruction in5strQkFEn n.指令 program 5prEurAm n

3、.程序 decode 7di:5kEud vt.解码,译解 signal 5sinl n.信号 adj.信号的 v.发信号,New Words,operate 5CpEreit v.操作,运转 location lEu5keIFEn n.地点,位置 function 5fQNkFEn n.功能,作用;函数 perform pE5fC:m vt.履行,执行 type taip n.类型,字型v.打字 cell sel n.单元,电池 increment 5inkrimEnt n.增加,增量 point pCInt vi.指,指向,表明 register 5redVistE n.寄存器v.记录,登

4、记,注册 counter 5kauntE n.计数器 modify 5mCdifai vt.更改,修改,New Words,jump dVQmp n.跳转 loop lu:p n.循环 conditional kEn5diFnEl adj.有条件的 execution 7eksi5kju:FEn n.实行,完成,执行 sequence 5si:kwEns n.次序,顺序,序列 microsequencer5maIkrEu5si:kwEns n.微序列器 microcode maIkrEkEud n.微码 logic 5lCdVik n.逻辑,逻辑学,逻辑性 subtract sEb5trAkt

5、 vt.减去 integer 5intidVE n.整数 Boolean 5bu:lIEn adj.布尔的,New Words,statement 5steitmEnt n.语句 multiple 5mQltipladj.多样的,多重的n.倍数,若干v.成倍增加 processor 5prEusesE n.处理器,处理机 vector 5vektE n.向量,矢量 matrix 5meitriks n.矩阵 address E5dres n.地址 differentiatedIfE5renFIeIt v.区分,区别,分辨 significance si5nifikEns n.意义,重要性 bi

6、nary 5bainEri adj.二进制的 byte bait n.字节 consecutive kEn5sekjutIv adj.连续的,连贯的,顺序的,New Words,negative 5neEtiv n.否定,负数 complement5kCmplimEnt n.补码 arrangementE5reindVmEnt n.排列,安排 rapidly 5rApIdlI adv.快,迅速地 constantly 5kRnstEntlI adv.经常地,不断地 variety vE5raiEti n.变化,变量;种类 random 5rAndEm adj.随机的n.随意,任意 initia

7、l i5niFEl adj.最初的,初始的 erase i5reiz vt.删除,抹去,擦掉 retain ri5tein vt.保持,保留 orchestrate 5C:kistreit vt.使和谐地结合起来; 配合,New Words,reset ri:5set vt.复位,重新启动 embed im5bed vt.嵌入 firmware 5fE:m7wZE n.固件,韧件(软件硬件相结合) blur blE: v.模糊 conventionalkEn5venFEnl adj.惯例的,常规的 restricted ris5triktid adj.受限制的,有限的 cache kAF n.

8、高速缓存 automaticallyC:tE5mAtIklI adv.自动地 intervention7intE5venFEn n.干涉,介入 receive ri5si:v vt.收到,接到,接收,New Words,peripheral pE5rifErEl n.外围设备adj.外围的 keyboard 5ki:bC:d n.键盘 mouse maus n.鼠标 display dI5spleI n.显示,显示器 printer 5printE n.打印机 interface 5IntEfeIs n.界面,接口 tiny 5taini adj.很少的,微小的 calculation 7kA

9、lkju5leiFEn n.计算,Phrases,integrated circuit 集成电路 central controller 中央控制器 keep track of 跟踪,明了 depend on 依靠, 依赖 a set of 一组, 一套 trigonometry function三角函数 square root 平方根 floating point 浮点数 real number 实数 break down 分解,Phrases,equal to 等于 greater than 大于 less than 小于 logic operation 逻辑运算 superscalar c

10、omputer超级计算机 set up 设置 as long as 只要, 在.的时候 turn off 关机 hard disk drive 硬盘驱动器 turn on 开机,Phrases,flash memory 闪存 personal computer个人计算机,缩写为PC floppy disk 软盘 optical disc 光盘 desktop computer 台式计算机,Abbreviations,ALU 算术逻辑部件; 运算器(Arithmetic and Logic Unit) CPU 中央处理器(Central Processing Unit) SIMD 单指令多数据(

11、Single Instruction Multiple Data) MIMD 多指令多数据(Multiple Instruction Multiple Data) RAM 随机存储器(Random Access Memory) ROM 只读存储器(Read-Only Memory) BIOS 基本输入输出系统(Basic Input Output System),Text,请老师朗读并讲解课文,Notes,1 A key component common to all CPUs is the program counter, a special memory cell that keeps t

12、rack of which location in memory the next instruction is to be read from. 本句中,a special memory cell that keeps track of which location in memory the next instruction is to be read from是一个名词性短语,对the program counter进行补充说明。在该短语中,that keeps track of which location in memory the next instruction is to be

13、 read from是一个定语从句,修饰和限定a special memory cell。keep track of的意思是“跟踪;明了”。,Notes,2 It is noticeable that the sequence of operations that the control unit goes through to process an instruction is in itself like a short computer program. 本句中,It是形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的从句the sequence of operations that the cont

14、rol unit goes through to process an instruction is in itself like a short computer program。在该从句中,the sequence of operations是主语,is like a short computer program是谓语,that the control unit goes through to process an instruction是一个定语从句,修饰和限定the sequence of operations,动词不定式短语to process an instruction作目的状语

15、,修饰goes through。in itself的意思是“本身,实质上”。,Notes,3 And indeed, in some more complex CPU designs, there is another yet smaller computer called a microsequencer that runs a microcode program that causes all of these events to happen. 本句中,called a microsequencer是一个过去分词短语,作定语,修饰和限定another yet smaller comput

16、er。that runs a microcode program是一个定语从句,修饰和限定a microsequencer,that causes all of these events to happen也是一个定语从句,修饰和限定a microcode program。,Notes,4 Therefore, any computer can be programmed to perform any arithmetic operation, although it will take more time to do so if its ALU does not directly support


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