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《电子商务英语电子课件 电子商务英语13》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《电子商务英语电子课件 电子商务英语13(19页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Key point: useful terms and definitions of business plan Difficult points: the tips of every sections,Requirement,By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of the tips of every sections commonly-used sentences in writing business plan By the end of this lesson, you should

2、be able to write executive summary know introductory elements of a business plan know business description of a business plan know what the business personality is,Creating an Effective Business Plan (I), Abstract: This article (including the following two texts) tells how to prepare a business plan

3、. Usually a business plan consists of the following structures: Introductory Elements, Business Description,The Market, Development financial,New Words,Skill Training,The Aim and Structure of a Business Plan 一般来说,商业计划书的格式都是类似的,但是具体到每一份计划需要强调和突出的重点有所不同。怎样设计一份商业计划依赖于预想的投资类型和计划所应该包含的内容。例如,一个为公司创建所作的商业计

4、划就有别于一个为了占领新市场的计划;而一份用于在国内融资的商业计划书也应该有别于一份以吸引外资为目的的商业计划书。,尽管有这些差异,商业计划也具有一些共同的特征。总的来说,它们都应该提供一个清晰的容易为人理解的画面,显示着商业投资的机会和风险。一份完整的商业计划书应包括以下各主要部分: 第一部分: 概述 概述部分要明确说明公司的现状与历史沿革、业务和发展目标,产品与服务是什么,公司的产品和服务有那些竞争优势,企业管理团队的素质和发展变化情况。,第二部分: 产品和服务 精确描述公司要推出的产品或服务,重点描述产品或服务的用途和好处,有关产品的专利、著作权、政府批文等 第三部分: 市场 详细说明现

5、在和将来的市场状况,提供充分的市场调查的数据和相关假设,描述市场的变化趋势和增长潜力,说明每个细分目标市场及其客户。,第四部分: 竞争 分析现有和将来的竞争者,他们的强项和弱处,以及本公司的优势和战胜竞争对手的方法。如果是进入一个已有竞争的市场,要分析竞争对手会对本公司的进入做出什么反应,如果是进入一个新市场,要预测其他对手将如何跟随进入这个市场。 第五部分:营销 对每个细分目标市场作出特定的营销计划,如何接触客户、争取客户使用公司的产品并保持市场占有率。,第六部分:管理团队 详细描述管理团队组成人员的背景材料,包括其经验、能力和专长。尤其对总经理、技术主管、营销主管、财务主管的人选情况进行说

6、明。 第七部分:投资说明 对投资形式明确且具体地阐述意见。如所需资金的额度及用途,以后融资的设想,风险投资参与投资后的股权分配情况及参与公司管理的方式的计划。,第八部分:财务预测 现有的公司财务报表、投资后五年的财务预测报表(头两年的营业收入和费用现金流量表用月报的方式作出预测),投资需求及如何使用这些资金,每年的预算。做财务预测要有一定的预测基础,避免完全的想象。 第九部分:风险因素 对于公司以后发展中可能面临的风险因素进行正面描述,并提出应对办法。如:管理团队经验不足、市场发展的不确定性、技术开发不成功的可能、实验室阶段转化批量化生产的不确定性、关键人离去对企业的影响等。,第十部分:资本退

7、出 说明希望风险投资的变现方式,如股票上市、股权转让给行业内大公司(若确有这种设想请列出有可能的公司名称),股权回购(按预先商定的方式买回我方在贵公司的权益)。 第十一部分:附件 提供本公司综合介绍的有关文献、所处行业的相关资料、统计数据以及其他有助于了解本公司的材料。,在以上各项中,投资者最为关注的一个是创意,另一个是团队情况。后者是实施前者的保证,所以在一定意义上说来比前者更为重要。一个具有成功的经历和企业家的人格魅力的管理团队更容易获得投资者的青睐。,The Commonly-used Sentences in Writing Business Plan (I),1. My Compan

8、y was formed as a proprie-torship, partnership, corporation in Month, Year in City, State, by John Doe in response to the following market conditions: 2.Several other prospective customers/clients have expressed serious interest in doing business within six months. 3.I/We have several customers who

9、are willing to place large orders, contracts within the next three months.,4. The basic components of this plan are:. 5. I/we need investment from private indivi-duals and/or companies. 6. A total of $XXX is being raised which will be used to finance working capital, plant and equipment. 7. The comp

10、any will be incorporated and common stock issued to investors. 8. The company will be run as a proprie-torship, partnership, corporation.,9.Sales growth from zero to $1,000,000 in five years. 10.Mr. Doe was the founder and Chief Executive Officer of the original operating company known as Random Exc

11、ess, Inc. 11.Ms. Seaugh graduated from the University of Denver in 1974 with a bachelors degree in Education. 12.Richard Roe, CPA, Chief Financial Officer - Responsible for financial operations, accounts payable, accounts receivable, interaction with auditors, investor relations. Salary - $40,000,13

12、. In Month, Year I/we formed a Pro-duct/Service company that manufactured com-plex widgets. This company was located in City, State. I/we formed this company as a proprietorship, partnership, corporation. 14. The main goal of this company was to explain. 15. Financing was arranged through home equit

13、y loans, savings, venture capital, friends and family, etc. Explain terms, rates and ability to repay.,16. This venture was very successful in generating and increasing sales, as well as effective in achieving profitability. This was due to the following reasons: 17. My Company was recently conceive

14、d and is still in the beginning stages. To this point the following has been accomplished: 18. We have a copyright, service mark, trademark, or exclusive agency, marketing rights for this product/service.,19. This agency will last until XXX at which time it may be extended for XX years or terminated

15、. 20. Even though at this time our expertise is unique in the market-place, we expect advances to be made and competitors to arise and offer similar services.,Reading Materials,What Is Your Business Personality? Abstract: In business, image and first impressions are the first elements on which people are judged. This article introduces some personalities and the traits, which should be developed and honed if you plan on succeeding in business. Key words: personality; negotiator; leader; team player 返 回,


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