电子商务英语电子课件 电子商务英语8

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1、Key point: useful terms and definitions of e-commerce Difficult points: writing of agreements,By the end of this lesson, you should be able to have a good command of e-commerce terms given in the lesson writing of agreements useful sentences for agreement (contract) By the end of this lesson, you sh

2、ould be able to analyze Nikes marketing decisions prescribe the growing steps of Nike.,Nike, from Small Beginnings to World Giant,Abstract: Sports footwear and clothing maker Nike has become one of the most successful companies in the world. Its position as a giant global company has much to do with

3、 its marketing decisions. Key words: Nike; marketing decisions; marketing strategies; advertisement,New Words,Sentence Explanations,1. The global giant company with revenues in 1996 of $US6.4 billion and profits of $553 million started in the 1960s with the companys founders selling cheap Japanese s

4、ports shoes to American high school athletes at school track meetings, using a supply of shoes they kept in their car. 这家全球巨人公司1996年销售额达64亿美元、利润达5.53亿美元,而在60年代却是靠推销廉价日本运动鞋起家的,它的创始人将鞋放在自己的小汽车里,在高中田径运动会上向运动员兜售。,with the companys founders selling cheap Japanese sports shoes to American high school athl

5、etes at school track meetings, using a supply of shoes they kept in their car. 注意,with 后面接复合宾语(宾语companys founders及其后面的两个宾语补足语 selling cheap Japanese sports shoes和using a supply of shoes they kept in their car )用来说明附带情况。,2. With excellent timing and a fair share of good luck, the founders of Nike we

6、re perfectly placed to cash in on Americas sports leisure boom during the 1970s, when millions of Americans began Jogging and running as part of their Personal campaigns to keep fit and healthy. 当时,在70年代,全美正掀起运动休闲的热潮,成千上万的人为了保持健康开始参加慢跑和长跑运动。天赐良机和得天独厚的运气使耐克的创始人大获其利。to cash in 从中获利。 to cash in 从中获利。,3

7、.The endorsements by star players, encouraging ordinary consumers to buy the sports gear of the stars and dream of being champions themselves, saw Nike selling close to $US 1 billion worth of running, basketball, and tennis shoes in 1986, while creating their first sports clothes under the Nike labe

8、l. 明星运动员的加盟鼓动了普通消费者购买明星们穿的运动服装,梦想自己有朝一日成为冠军。1986年,耐克公司出售了价值近10亿美元的跑鞋、篮球鞋和网球鞋。这一年,耐克创立了它首批以耐克命名的运动服系列。 The endorsements做主语。 saw是谓语,see sb +ing表示使某人如何如何,Skill Training,Agreement (Contract) 协议书也称为协定或合同。是一种契约凭证。协议书对签约各方均有约束力,要求各方履行所规定的义务,保证享受所规定的权利。协议书一般包括以下几个部分:标题、正文、签署日期、签署地点、签约各方签字署名。协议书由于是一种契约凭证,具有法

9、律效力,所以用词非常讲究明白、准确、严谨。有一些常用的词组、套语。Agreement的写法同样适合以下类似文种:contract 合同; protocol 草案; treaty 条约等等。,AGREEMENT ON BUILDING A TOURIST HOTEL BETWEEN CHINA HAINAN TRAVEL SERVICE AND U.S. A & B BUILDING COMPANY,An agreement is hereby concluded between the China Hainan Travel Service (hereinafter to be called

10、the first party) and the U. S. A & B Building Company (hereinafter to he called the second patty) for the building of a tourist hotel. The two contracting parties after full discussion and consultation, agree to the following terms:,1) The first party entrusts the second party with building a touris

11、t hotel, the design of which is to be submitted by the first party. 2) Both contracting parties agree that the building cost is fixed at $ 5 000,000 only (five million U. S. dollars) , thirty per cent of which is to be paid by the first party to the second party within ten days after the conclusion

12、of the resent agreement, all the rest to follow up two weeks after the completion of the building. 3) The materials to be used for building the tourist hotel are to be supplied on time by the,first party. They must meet the agreed standards and specifications. 4) The building of the tourist hotel mu

13、st be complete six months after the conclusion of the present agreement. The take-over will take place on Dec. 24, 1999. 5) The said tourist hotel is guaranteed for fifty years against collapse or leakage, for which, if found in any form, repairs must be done gratis by the second party.,6) Should an

14、y matter that is not provided for in this agreement arise during the course of its performance, it is to be settled through consultation by the two parties. 7) Signed on June 24, 1999, at Haikou,Guangdong Province, the present agreement is made in duplicate in the Chinese and English languages, both

15、 texts equally authentic.,Li Xin Harry Whitney (signed) (signed ) For Hainan Travel Service For A & B Building Company P.R. China USA,Useful Sentences for Agreement (Contract),1.(hereinafter to be called the first party) 以下称为甲方 2.Following sincere and friendly discussion, AAA Company and BBB Company

16、 have arrived at the following agreement. AAA公司与BBB公司双方经过诚挚友好会谈,达成以下协议。 3.An agreement is hereby concluded between AAA Company and BBB Company for AAA公司与BBB公司就(某事)达成协议。,4.The two contracting parties after full discussion and consultation, agree to the following terms: 协议双方经过充分的讨论和协商,同意以下条款: 5.The first party entrusts the second party with 甲方委托乙方(做某事) 6.Both contracting parties agree that 协议双方一致同意



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