unit7 it27s raining语法精讲

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1、Its raining!,Unit 7,By Millie,weather,snowy,rainy,sunny,windy,cloudy,Main Words,dry,= wet,foggy,humid,spring,summer,autumn/fall,winter,What are the four seasons(季节)?,cold,cool,warm,hot,100,cold cool warm hot,spring,summer,autumn/fall,winter,Hows the weather in?,几对反义词,hot,cold,warm,cool,wet,dry, Hows

2、 the weather in Beijing?, Its sunny.,Pairwork, Its cloudy., Hows the weather in Shanghai?, Its snowy., Whats the weather like in Moscow?, Its raining., Whats the weather like in Boston?, Its windy., Hows the weather in Toronto?,weather 是不可数名词, 意为“天气”。 其前面不能用不定冠词 a 修饰,但可以用定冠词 the 或 bad/fine 等修饰;通常可以用

3、 it 来指代。,rain 做动词,意为“下雨”。 现在重庆在下雨。 _ rain 做名词,意为“_ ”,不可数。,Its raining in Chongqing now.,雨,雨水,rain,表示“下雨”的几种方式: 现在重庆在下雨。 It is raining in Chongqing.(动词ing形式) It is rainy in Chongqing.(形容词) There is rain in Chongqing.(名词),rain,作动词,意为“烹调;煮” He cooked me lunch. 他给我做的午餐。 He cooked lunch for me. 他给我做的午餐。

4、cook sb. sth.=cook sth. for sb. 作名词, 意为“厨师”。,cook,John is a very good cook.(名词) 约翰很会做菜。 =John cooks well.(动词),learn 和 study,learn:侧重学习的成果,有“学会,学到”之意。,learn about:了解,learn from sb. 向学习,learn sth. from sb. 向学习,study:指比较深入的学习,努力去学的意味,有“研究,专研”之意。,learn to do sth. 学习做某事,答语常为:Great. / Pretty good. / Not b

5、ad./Terrible等。 你的学习情况如何? Hows it going _your study? How about your study?,Hows it going? 情况怎么样? Hows ? 句型在问候语中用来询问对方的情况。,with,表达问候,How are you? 答语常为“Fine, thank you.”。 这两句话的重点在于询问身体状况,问候或打招呼。 Hows everything? How goes it? 以上两句都表示 “近来怎么样?”(重点在于询问 情况进展),Not bad! 还可以/一般。,如果是很熟悉的朋友,大家也可以回答,Not bad。当然,因为

6、这属于寒暄语,所以我们就算心情很差,一般也不会直接的就说bad. 除非是极要好的朋友,你需要聊天和倾诉,也可以说not good, terrible,朋友会追问why?,这样就产生出更多的对话。,1. 疑问副词 how 用来询问天气。 今天天气怎么样? _ the weather today? 询问天气还可以说: _ the weather _?,Hows,Whats,like,how,2. how 用于问候,打招呼 你好吗?_ 你那里情况如何? _,How are you?,Hows it going?,3. how 用来询问方式或手段。 你怎样去上学? _ do you go to sch

7、ool?,How,4. how 用来询问年龄 你弟弟多大年龄? _ _ is your brother? 5. How 用于询问价格 那件紫色的毛衣多少钱? _ _ is the purple sweater?,How much,How old,可数名词,意为“消息,信息” take a message for sb. leave a message for sb. give a message to sb. 我可以给她捎个信吗? Can I take a message for her?,message,给某人留个信,1. Here is a message _you. A. to B. w

8、ith C. for D. of,Please ask him to leave a _. A. letter B. sentence C. notice D. message 3. -May I speak to Linda, please? -_. Yes, youre right. B. Speaking C. Thank you. D. She is fine.,Sounds like youre having a good time. 听起来你玩得好开心。 这是一个省略句,相当于 It sounds like youre 英语It sounds like 与It sounds 句型近

9、似, 都表示“听起来;听上去”。 这种省略的用法十分口语化,在日常英语会话中经常听到。,back,1.课文中做副词,意为“回来,回原处” be back=come back=get back=return 回来 两小时后他会回来。 He will come back in two hours. 我妈妈现在回来了。 My mother is back now. 他希望回去工作。 He hopes to be back at work . 钱会还给你的。 Youll get your money back.,2. 做名词,意为“后部,背面” She turned her back to the p

10、oliceman. 她转过身背对着警察。 the back of the classroom 教室的后部。 3. 做形容词,意为“后面的,后部的” He opened the back door. 他打开了后门,No problem. 没有问题。 你会做风筝吗? 没问题。 Can you make a kite? No problem.,problem 和 question,用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Its a _ day today (sun). 2. The weather is bad now. Its _ (wind). 3. Sounds like you _ (have)

11、a good time now.,sunny,windy,are having,练一练,4. Its _ (cloud) now. Is it going to rain? 5. Hows the weather now? It _ (rain) now. 6. Its _ (snow) in winter in Harbin now.,cloudy,is raining,snowy,Hows the weather?,Its sunny.,Whats he doing?,Hes playing the guitar.,Hows the weather?,Its windy.,What are

12、 they doing?,Theyre walking to school.,Hows the weather?,Its snowy.,What are they doing now?,Theyre making soup.,Hows the weather?,Its cool.,What is he doing?,Hes reading a book.,Hows the weather?,Its raining.,What are they doing?,Theyre playing soccer.,Im having a great time visiting my aunt in Can

13、ada. have a great/good/nice/wonderful time= enjoy oneself=have fun 意为“玩得开心,过得愉快” They are having a great time. =They are enjoying themselves. =They are having fun.,have a great/good time (in) doing sth =have fun (in) doing sth 愉快地做某事 我们经常放学后愉快地打篮球。 We often have a great time (in) playing basketball

14、after school. 格林一家人正在愉快的游泳。 The Greens are having a great time (in) swimming.,-I am going to Shanghai for my holiday next week. -_! A. Have a good time B. Best wishes to you C. Congratulations D. Please go,1.动词,意为“ 拜访,探望;参观,游览” 我每一年都去拜访我的祖母。 I visit my grandmother every year.,visit,visit +sb. 拜访/探望某

15、人 visit +地点 参观/游览某地,我想要参观北京。 I want to visit Beijing.,2.名词,意为“参观,访问” This is my first visit to China. 这是我第一次来中国旅游。 We are on a visit to Beijing. 我们正在参观北京。,be on a visit to+地点 正在参观,visitor :名词,“参观者,游客”,Im so happy to see them again. 再次见到他们我是如此高兴。 be happy to do 高兴做某事 be +adj+to do sth 做某事 他见到你会高兴的。 He will be happy to see you. 我害怕上学。 Im afraid to go to school. Its +adj (for sb) to do sth 做某事对于某人是 Its difficult for the students in the village to go to


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