新版pep五年级下册unit 4 b let27s talk

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1、Unit4 When is Easter? B Lets talk,fourth,fourth,May,May,July,July,first,first,nine,April 4th,April 4th,nine,When is .? Its on _.,Childrens Day,Chinas National Day,New Years Day,Army Day,May Day,June 1st,October 1st,January 1st,May 1st,August 1st,Enjoy a song,Mikes cousin,What are they talking about?

2、,Questions:,When is Chen Jies mothers birthday? 2.When is Mikes birthday? 3.What will Chen Jie do for her mum?,Questions:,When is Chen Jies mothers birthday? 2.When is Mikes birthday? 3.What will Chen Jie do for her mum?,Its on April 4th.,Its on April 4th.,She will cook noodles for her .,P41,Chen Ji

3、e :_? Mike: My bitrhday is_. Chen Jie : Thats my mothers birthday, too! Mike: Cool!_? Chen Jie: Ill _. Mike : Chinese noodles are delicious! Chen Jie: Please come then. We can have a birthday party for_!,C. on April 4 th,D.When is your birthday,A.What will you do for your mother,Listen and fill.(听音填

4、空。),E. cook noodles for her,B. both of you,Chen Jie : When is your birthday? Mike: My birthday is on April 4 th. Chen Jie : Thats my mothers birthday, too! Mike: Cool! What will you do for your mother ? Chen Jie: Ill cook noodles for her. Mike : Chinese noodles are delicious! Chen Jie: Please come t

5、hen. We can have a birthday party for both of you!,Lets talk,When is your birthday?,My birthday is on January 1st.,Thats New Years Day!,Yes!,Do some exercises!,一、Listen and choose.(在图片下面选择对应的生日,并把序号写在括号内。),A: My birthday B: My grandpas birthday C: My grandmas birthday D: My mums birthday E: My dads

6、birthday,( ),( ),( ),( ),( ),B,C,A,E,D,二、Lets match. 选择正确的答句,并将序号写在括号里。 ( ) 1.When is your birthday? ( ) 2 What will you do for your mum? ( ) 3. Whats the date? ( ) 4. What day is it today ? ( ) 5. When your mothers birthday? ( ) 6. Is your birthday in July ?,A: Its Monday. B :My birthday is on Octo

7、ber 10th. C: Its May 6th. D: Yes ,it is. E: Ill sing to her. F: Her birthday day is on May 4th.,B,E,C,A,F,D,我的妈妈,每一个孩子心中的妈妈都是最好的,我妈妈是一个棒极了的厨师,也是一个很会杂耍的特技演员,她不但是个神奇的画家,还是全世界最强壮的女人,她是一个仙女,在我沮丧的时候她总是有办法让我开心起来,她的歌可以唱得像天使一样好,她吼起来像一头狮子,我妈妈真的、真的很棒!,我的妈妈像蝴蝶一样漂亮,又舒适的像一把扶手沙发,她像猫咪一样温柔,有时候也像犀牛一样强悍,我妈妈真的、真的、真的很棒!,不管我妈妈是个舞蹈家,还是个航天员,我爱我妈妈,而且你知道吗?,妈妈也爱我,而且会永远爱我。,Do you love your mum?,我们诞生的同时也给妈妈带来了很大的痛苦,所以我们要对得起妈妈,对得起她对我们的苦心,所以我们都要做个懂事孝顺的好孩子。,我们要记住家人和朋友的生日,在生日的这一天送上你们的关心和祝福!,Homework:,1. 读背P41.,2. 抄写P41的句子:When is your birthday? My birthday is on April 4th. B本(4英中).,3. 完成练习册. P37,


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