【思远 行远】2017年高考英语二轮复习专题15完形填空押题专练含解析

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《【思远 行远】2017年高考英语二轮复习专题15完形填空押题专练含解析》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《【思远 行远】2017年高考英语二轮复习专题15完形填空押题专练含解析(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、专题15 完形填空一、When you meet friends,family and new people,they all want to have an interesting conversation.Most of the time this_1_you will make a great impression when you bring up interesting topics of_2_told in the form of a story._3_,lets say a new hotel has just opened in your city.One way to_4_t

2、his is to give the facts and the statisticsit is a 5 Star hotel with 200 rooms,a gym,great views of the skyline and a roof top restaurant.That is not the_5_Id introduce that news as a topic of conversation.Id tell a story.“On Tuesday evening last night a little after 8pm I was walking down Main Stre

3、et with Lisa when we_6_unusual red lights way down the street.We had some time to_7_before meeting her sister so we walked a few more blocks_8_those red lights got closer and closer.We still didnt know what the_9_were about.Anyway,we got to the building and_10_that those red lights were all around t

4、he building.Its a hotel but it doesnt look like any hotel Ive_11_seen.As you walk up to the entrance its more like walking along a passage_12_a really weird art gallery and a European late night bar.We walked in and ended up talking to the_13_.He even gave us a tour of the bar and restaurant before

5、taking us_14_in the elevator to the roof.What a_15_!You can see right across the city from up there.This is a very_16_hotel.Ive never seen anything like it.”Notice how I_17_a news item without making it sound like a news broadcast.I introduced very few_18_.I would share more information if the perso

6、n Im talking to_19_me to tell them more.First I need to get their attention to_20_if they have any interest in that subject.Story telling is the best way to do that.【语篇导读】不管是会见朋友,还是和家人相聚,谈话的方式都很重要。本文通过作者的亲身体会,介绍了交流的最佳方法。在作者看来,以讲故事的形式谈话会有意想不到的谈话效果。1A.promises Bmeans Cexplains Dproves2A.quarrel Bargum

7、entCdiscussion Dconversation 2D从句的意思是:当你以故事的形式提出谈话(conversation)的话题的时候。3A.For example BWhats moreCIn fact DBy the way 3A根据上下文的语境可知,这里是列举例子,所以是例如(For example)。4A.build Bdesign Cmention Denjoy 4C一种提到(mention)这个话题的方式是给出事实和数据。5A.time Bexcuse Creason Dway5D它不是我要介绍有关信息的方式(way)。6A.switched Bspotted Crecogn

8、ized Dtransform 6B我们看到(spotted)街道上有很多不同寻常的红灯。7A.spare Bsave Ckill Drest 7C在我们见到她姐姐之前还有一些时间可以消磨(kill)。8A.until Bif Cthough Dbecause8A我们一直(until)走到红灯越来越近的地方。9A.houses Btrees Croads Dlights 9D我们不知道这些灯是为了(about)什么。10A.predicted Bnoticed Cguessed Dadmitted 10B我们走近这座建筑物,注意到(noticed)建筑物的周围都是红灯。11A.often Bu

9、sually Cever Dhardly11C那是一座宾馆,它看上去不像我以前(ever)见过的任何一个。12A.between Bthrough Cbeyond Dalong 13A.captain Bchairman Cmonitor Dmanager 13D我们走进去,最后和经理(manager)进行攀谈。14A.down Bup Cin Dout 14B根据下文的意思可知,作者和经理乘坐电梯到上面的(up)顶层。15A.sign Bmark Cview Dsymbol15C多么美丽的景象(view)啊!16A.unique Bpopular Cfamiliar Dsteady16A这是

10、一家与众不同的(unique)的宾馆。17A.evaluated Bapproved Ccovered Dshared 17D注意我没有像新闻广播一样和别人分享(shared)消息的方式吧。18A.secrets Bfacts Cideas Dpoints 18B我几乎没有介绍枯燥无味的事实(facts)。19A.allows Bforbids Casks Dbegs 19C如果和我谈话的人要(asks)我讲更多的东西,我会和对方分享更多的信息。20A.see Bwonder Cdoubt Danswer二、When Danny Bowman was at school,he was so c

11、razy to attract girls.He spent 10 hours a day_1_more than 200 selfies(自拍)trying to find the_2_one.He would take 10 photos of_3_before he washed and would go_4_class secretly three times every hour.At 16,he dropped out of school_5_he could throw himself into his addiction(上瘾),and he ate_6_.He did not

12、 leave his house for six months,and when he failed to take the perfect picture,he tried to_7_ himself by taking an overdose(过度用药)His mother,Penny,_8_to save him,and forced him to ask for help after his addiction had become_9_.The 19yearold,believed to be Britains first selfie_10_,is now under specia

13、l treatment_11_.He has not taken a picture of himself in seven months and has_12_that achieving perfection is_13_.He told the Sunday Mirror,“I was constantly_14_the perfect selfie and when I realized I couldnt,I wanted to die.I_15_my friends,my education,my health and almost my life.The only thing I

14、_16_ about was having my phone with me so that I could satisfy the desire for a picture of myself at any time of the day.” He expressed his_17_to the doctors and said their help kept him_18_and called on others to ask for help_19_ they ended up in hospital.One psychologist at a clinic_20_Danny was t

15、reated said the addiction to taking selfies has now become a mental illness.【语篇导读】丹尼自拍上瘾,为了拍到最完美的照片而辍学、自杀;为此,丹尼的妈妈和医生们及时给予帮助,并很快使他恢复了健康。1A.making Btaking Chaving Dgetting1B根据下文中的“He would take 10 photos”可知,他喜欢拍(taking)自拍。2A.perfect BbeautifulCgood Dcomfortable2A他每天花费十个小时拍二百多张照片,并试图找出最完美的(perfect)一张。3A.others Bhis teacherCthe classroom D



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