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1、 河北省气候影响评价公报 2015 年 河北省气象局 根据河北省实施根据河北省实施办法第办法第 20 条规条规 定:定:“省人民政府气象主管机构负责全省气候资源的综合调查、省人民政府气象主管机构负责全省气候资源的综合调查、 区划工作,组织进行气候监测、分析、评价以及气候变化的研究区划工作,组织进行气候监测、分析、评价以及气候变化的研究 和应用。适时发布全省的气候状况公报。和应用。适时发布全省的气候状况公报。”现将河北省现将河北省 2015 年气年气 候状况予以公告。候状况予以公告。 目录 CONTENTS 摘 要 i 基本气候概况 . 1 1. 气温 1 2. 降水 2 3. 日照 4 主要天

2、气气候事件 . 7 1. 雾霾 7 2. 干旱 9 3. 暴雨 10 4. 极端降雪 11 5. 寒潮降温 12 6. 阴雨寡照 14 7. 高温 17 8. 大风冰雹 18 9. 沙尘 20 气候影响评估 . 22 1. 气候与水资源 22 2. 气候与农业 25 3. 气候与林业 27 4. 气候与畜牧业 27 5. 气候与海洋灾害 28 6 气候与盐业 . 29 7. 气候与交通 29 8. 气候与空气质量 29 9. 气候与人体健康 31 指标说明 . 34 2015 年河北省主要气象灾害及异常气候事件概述 37 i 摘摘 要要 2015 年(2015 年 1 月12 月) ,河北省气

3、候年景总体偏好:气温偏高,降水接近常 年,气象灾害普遍偏少,但局地灾情重。 2015 年,河北省天气气候特点为:全省年平均气温 12.6,较常年偏高 0.8。冬 季气温显著偏高,为 2008 年以来最暖冬季;春季气温偏高;夏、秋季接近常年。全省 年平均降水量 506.0 毫米,接近常年,较 2014 年偏多近 3 成,降水时空分布不均。夏季 降水偏少,部分地区突破历史极小值,致使我省出现大范围气象干旱;春、秋季降水显 著偏多, 超过 30%的区域秋季降水异常偏多; 冬季接近常年。 全省年平均日照时数 2319.1 小时,属偏少年份。秋季日照显著偏少;冬、春、夏季接近常年。 2015 年,河北省

4、气象灾害特点为:雾霾天气多于常年,重雾霾偏少。冬、秋季雾霾 偏多,春、夏季偏少。阶段性气象干旱严重,夏旱影响较大。高温日数偏少,7 月 13 日出现极端高温事件,21 个县(市)达到或突破 40。暴雨日数显著偏少,局地出现 强降水,部分地区出现洪涝灾害。降雪日数接近常年,为近 5 年最多,11 月降雪异常偏 多。寒潮、风雹、沙尘过程偏少。连阴雨天气多于常年,秋季异常偏多,秋末阴雨寡照 历史罕见。总体而言,2015 年河北省气象灾害发生的频率和损失程度低于近 10 年平均 水平,损失程度属于“中等偏轻”年份。 ii ABSTRACT Climate in Hebei province in 20

5、15 (Jan - Dec), on the whole, was much better. The annual precipitation was close to normal; annual mean temperature was higher; types of meteorological disasters were less, but, the losses were serious in certain areas. The Feature of Weather/Climate in Hebei in 2015 are as follows: the annual mean

6、 temperature was 12.6, which was warmer by 0.8 than normal year. Among seasons, winter in 2015 was significantly warmer than normal year, and it is the highest winter since 2008. Spring temperature was higher. Summer and autumn were all close to normal year. The annual mean precipitation was 506.0 m

7、m in 2015, which was near the normal year. But it was more than 2014 by near 30%. The temporal and spatial distributions of rainfall were uneven. Rainfall in summer was less clearly, spatially in central places breakthrough their minimum values, which caused wide range summer drought occurring. Rain

8、fall in spring and autumn were significantly more than normal year, even more than 30% places in HeBei reach abnormal level in autumn. Winter rainfall was near the normal year. The annual average sunshine hours were 2319.1 hours which were less than the normal year. Sunshine hours in autumn were sig

9、nificantly less than normal year. Winter, spring and summer were near the normal year. The characteristics of meteorological disasters of Hebei province in 2015 were summarized as: fog and haze appeared more than normal year, but heavy fog was less. Season differences showed that fog and haze in aut

10、umn and winter were more than normal year, but summer and spring were less. Drought occurred in summer caused great losses in agriculture. High temperature was less than normal year, but extreme high temperature event occurred in 13 July when 21 stations reached 40. Although heavy rain days were les

11、s than normal, uneven and supreme precipitation gave rise to flash flood in certain places. Snowfall days were near normal year, but it was abnormal more in November. The snowfall days on the whole year was the most in near 5 years. Strong wind and hailstorms, dust, cooling and cold, were all less t

12、han normal year. Otherwise, continuous rainy day was more than normal year; especially it was abnormal more than normal in autumn. Sparse sunlight intensity in 2015 was rarely in history which appeared in autumn late. iii All in all, the frequency and losses of meteorological disasters were less tha

13、n the recent 10 years. Thus disaster in 2015 was on the medium and light side. 1 基本气候概况基本气候概况 1. 气温气温 (1)年平均气温偏高,局部地区气温显著偏高 2015 年, 全省年平均气温 12.6, 较常年偏高 0.8, 比 2014 年偏低 0.3 (图 1) , 属偏高年份。 图 1 河北省历年年平均气温变化() 全省年平均气温在 3.314.9之间,长城以北在 10以下,坝上地区低于 6,石 家庄、 衡水两市局部, 邢台、 邯郸两市大部在 14以上, 永年、 邯郸、 正定、 峰峰 14.9, 为全

14、省最高 (图 2) 。 与常年相比, 张家口北部和南部及长城以南局部地区偏高超过 1; 承德局部偏低超过 0.5;其他地区接近常年(图 3) 。 图 2 河北省 2015 年平均气温分布() 图 3 河北省 2015 年平均气温距平分布() (2)冬季气温显著偏高,春季偏高,夏、秋季接近常年 2 表 1 河北省 2015 年各季和年平均气温() 气温气温 冬季冬季 春季春季 夏季夏季 秋季秋季 年值年值 2015 年值年值 -1.2 14.0 25.1 12.0 12.6 常年值常年值 -2.7 13.0 24.9 12.1 11.8 冬季,全省平均气温-1.2,较常年偏高 1.5,为 200

15、8 年以来最高。空间分布上, 全省大部分地区偏高 1以上,部分地区偏高 2以上,8 个县(市)平均气温突破历史 同期极值。季内,12 月上旬和 2 月下旬气温偏低,其他大部分时段偏高(图 4,下同) 。 春季,全省平均气温 14.0,较常年偏高 1.0,比 2014 年偏低 1.2,属偏高年 份。空间分布上,全省大部分地区气温偏高,部分地区偏高 1.5以上,香河和永年偏 高 2以上。 季内, 3 月中下旬显著偏高; 4 月和 5 月冷暖交替出现, 气温整体接近常年。 夏季,全省平均气温 25.1,较常年偏高 0.2,比 2014 年偏低 0.1,属正常年 份。空间分布上,长城以南大部分地区气温

16、接近常年或偏高,唐山、石家庄、邢台和邯 郸四市的局部偏高 1以上。季内,6 月和 7 月气温接近常年,但 7 月 13 日出现极端高 温事件。8 月平均气温接近常年,但中旬偏高。 秋季,全省平均气温 12.0,较常年偏低 0.1,比 2014 年偏低 0.9,属正常年 份。空间分布上,承德东北部、冀中南局部气温偏低;张家口北部和西南部气温偏高; 其他大部分地区接近常年。季内,9 月下旬和 10 月中上旬气温以偏高为主,整体接近常 年;11 月下旬气温显著偏低,26 日出现全省性强降温天气,多地最低气温突破历史极 值。 图 4 河北省 2015 年逐旬平均气温距平变化() 2. 降水降水 (1)年平均降水量接近常年,但时空分布不均 3 2015 年, 全省年平均降水量 506.0 毫米, 接近常年, 比 2014 年偏多近 30% (图 5) 。 降水量大于 500 毫米的地区出现在东北大部、廊坊和沧州大部、衡水东北部、保定和石 家庄中西部、 邢台西北部, 沧州大部, 保定中部、 石家庄西北部


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