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1、Lecture Eight,Repetition 重复法,I. For Clearness,1. Repetition of nouns The Peoples Daily guides, educates and encourages the masses. 人民日报指导群众,教育群众,鼓舞群众。(重复作宾语的名词) They do some things in that they are men misled and blinded with error. (重复作表语的名词) 他们做了某些事情,因为他们是误入歧途的人,是被错误蒙蔽的人。,The engineer must have a

2、knowledge not only of what these properties are and mean, but also of how they are determined. 工程师不仅必须具备有关性能及其含义方面的知识,而且还必须具备测定性能方面的知识。(重复英语介词短语前所省略的名词) We call this type a closed-core transformer. 我们把这种类型的变压器叫做闭铁芯变压器。(重复相关联成分后面所省略的名词),The great inviolate place had the ancient performance which the

3、sea cannot claim. 这块未经骚扰过的伟大土地有着古老的性质,这种性质连大海也不能与它相比。 (重复英语中作先行词的名词或英语中的同位语以及英语定语从句中关系代词所指代的名词先行词),Classroom Practice (1),1) We should learn how to analyze and solve problems. 我们应该学会如何分析问题和解决问题。 2) It is our duty to rebuild and defend our homeland. 重建家园和保卫家园是我们的职责。 3) A good play serves to educate a

4、nd inspire the people. 一出好戏足以教育人民和鼓舞人民。 4) It was he who first repudiated and breached the understanding. 是他首先否定了这一谅解,破坏了这一谅解。,5) They would be very reluctant to postpone or cancel the meeting. 他们非常不愿意推迟这次会议或取消这次会议。 6) Odette needs and deserves admirationit is the element that contents her. 奥德蒂需要让人羡

5、慕,而且也值得让人羡慕这正是她感到满意的一点。,7) They began to study and analyze the situation of the enemy. 他们开始研究敌情,分析敌情。 8) Ignorance is the mother of fear as well as admiration. 无知是羡慕的根源,也是恐惧的根源。,9) They now get water from 37 deep wells which a few years ago cost 60,000 yuan each to sink. 现在,他们从三十七口深井中取水。还在几年前,每挖一口这样

6、的深井要耗资6万元。 10) They are striving for the ideal which is close to the heart of every Chinese and for which, in the past, many Chinese have laid down their lives. 他们正在为实现理想而努力,这个理想是每个中国人所珍视的,在过去,许多中国人曾为了这个理想而牺牲了自己的生命。,11) All of these arrangements were a prelude to the ball, the hostess ultimate prize

7、. 所有这些活动的安排只不过是这次舞会的序曲,舞会才是女主人的最终目的。 12) They slipped out into the open,avoiding the kitchen, a spacious separate building. 他们悄然溜到了室外,故意不到厨房去,虽然厨房也是个宽敞的独立楼舍。,2. Repetition of verbs,He declared that for himself he was still for the Charter, details, name, and all. 他声称他本人仍然拥护宪章,拥护它的细则,拥护它的名称,拥护它的一切。 L

8、ocomotives are built of steel, and airplanes of aluminum. 火车头由钢制成,飞机则由吕制成。,Classroom Practice (2),1) People forget your face first, then your name. 人们首先忘记你的容貌,接着又忘记你的名字。 2) This requires care and, for difficult problems, great experience. 这就需要细心,而且对许多困难问题来说,还需要丰富的经验。,3) I owned a town house, a summe

9、r lodge in the mountains, a winter cabin in the desert, a car and a drivers license to take myself about. 过去,我在城里有一所住宅,在山间有栋避暑的住所,在沙漠地带有一栋御寒的寓所,外出还有汽车和驾照。 4) They were starting from scratch and needed men, guns, training. 他们是白手起家的,他们需要人员,需要枪支,需要训练。,5) He wore zippered black boots and a tailored suit

10、. 他脚上穿着拉链式的黑皮靴,身上穿着一套考究的西装。 6) I could see in her face that night both youth and age, both her devotion to the young woman that she had been and the positions that she had yielded graciously to time. 那天晚上,我在她脸上既看到了青春又年龄;既看到了对自己少妇时代的耿耿之心,也看到了她对岁月的步步礼让。,7) Theyve made everything tense and unpleasant.

11、他们把什么事都搞得很紧张,都搞得令人不快。 8) Its on this basis that we reexamine the world, our region and ourselves. 我们正是在此基础上,重新估价世界,估价我们所处的区域,估价我们自己的。,9) Then he spoke of the rise of charity and popular education, and in particular of the spread of wealth and work. 接着他谈到了慈善事业的兴起和教育的普及,特别谈到了财富和工作面的扩大。 10) Grammar dea

12、ls with the structure of language, English grammar with the structure of English, French grammar with the structure of French, etc. 语法是论述语言结构的。英语语法论述英语结构,法语语法论述法语结构,等等。,11) They talked of things they longed for of meat and of hot soup and of the richness of butter. 他们谈到了他们所渴望的东西谈到了肉、谈到了热汤、还谈到了黄油的丰富营

13、养。 12) They had prepared for this campaign as carefully as they had for larger once. 他们为这次战役所作的准备,其周密细致的程度同他们为较大的战役所作的准备一样。,13) He encouraged this bumptious young man to write of his own regionof its bleak poverty and of its women old before their time. 他鼓励这个狂妄的年轻人写自己的故乡写故乡的荒凉和贫困,写故乡未老先衰的女人。 14) But

14、 his wife kept dinning in his ears about his idleness, his carelessness, and the ruin he was bringing on his family. 可他老婆总是在他耳边唠叨个没完。说他懒惰,说他粗心,还说他一家人都要毁在他的身上。,3. Repetition of pronouns,Our basic unit of electrical charge is that of electron. 电荷的基本单位是电子的单位。 The country has its romantic feeling. 乡下有乡下

15、的风情。,However you travel, itll take you at least two days. 你怎么走,怎么至少都得两天。 Some have entered college and others have gone abroad. 上大学的上大学了,出国的出国了。,Classroom Practice (3),1) Ignoring a problem does not solve it. 对一个问题置之不理,并不能解决问题。 2) Smith seemed ill at ease with power, Ball sought it. 史密斯似乎对权力感到困惑不安,包

16、尔则拼命追求权力。,3) But there are clues, and they seem to bear out my earlier suspicion. 但还是有蛛丝马迹可寻的。这些蛛丝马迹似乎都足以证实我最初的揣测。 4) When her eyes looked up, they were very large, odd, and attractive. 她抬起眼来的时候,眼睛显得很大,很特别,很动人。,5) His dress is that of a gentleman, but his speech and behavior are those of a scoundrel. 他的服装是绅士的服装,但他的言谈举止却是流氓无赖的言谈举止。,6) In capitalist society there sprang up the feeling of responsibility of parents for childrens welfarethat is, they feel that they should help t


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