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1、21世纪职业教育规划教材 英 语 主 编 刘 利 副 主 编 王 春 平 李 春 侠 中国水利水电出版社 ISBN 7-5084-3992-9,内容提要,本教材是依据中等职业学校英语教学大纲编写而成。可供中等职业学校学生使用,也可供英语爱好者自学使用。 本书话题涉及城市问题、旅游、健康、环保、求职、名人等各方面,题材新颖,时代感强。教材提供了一些应用性的训练,可引导学生进行英语的学习和交际。 本书为双色印刷,版式精美,图文并茂,是一本融知识性、趣味性、使用性为一体的好教材。,Unit 1 Introductions and Greetings,Part 1 dialogue Mr. Gates

2、 introduces his wife to Mr. Zhang. Mr. Gates: Hello, Mr. Zhang! Mr. Zhang: Hello, Mr. Gates! Havent seen you for ages. Mr. Gates: You havent met my wife yet, have you? Her names Alice. Honey, this is my Chinese friend, Mr. Zhang. Mrs. Bates: Hello. Mr. Zhang. My husband often talks about you. Mr. Zh

3、ang: Nice to meet you. How do you like the life here? Mrs. Bates: Not too bad. Mr. Zhang: If you need my help, please call me or send text message. My mobile number is 13369298098. Mrs. Bates: Oh, Its very kind of you. Mr. Zhang: Youre welcome.,Part 3 Reading Different ways of Introducing and Greeti

4、ng,Each country or society has its own culture, its own customs and habits, and its own ways of doing things. You should pay attention to several things when introducing two people. The formal and polite way is to introduce younger people to old people, a man to a woman, a person in a lower position

5、 to a person in a higher, and someone you know well to someone you know less well. “How do you do?” is to greet someone for the first time on formal occasions. It is not a question, but a greeting. “Glad to meet you” and “Pleased to meet you” are used to greet someone, too. If you run into a friend

6、or someone you have met, you can say “Hello, Nice to meet you again.” In starting a conversation with a stranger, you may not ask, “How old are you? ” or “How much do you earn a month?” But you may talk about weather, clothing and sports. These topics are safe. You will not offend anyone.,In China,

7、people often greet each other by asking, “Have you eaten?” But in English-speaking countries, to ask the same question would mean to invite the other person to join him or her for a meal. Chinese people also often greet each other by asking, “Where are you going?” But if you said this to an English-

8、speaking person, especially someone you do not know very well, he or she might think you are rather “nosy”, or they might say, “Its none of your business.” Social customs differ so much from country to country, so the important thing is to understand that different people have different customs.,Par

9、t 4 Reading out,THE VALUE OF TIME An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but cannot in any way get back time. For this reason, we may say that time is more valuable than money. Many people do not know the value of time

10、. It is indeed a great pity. We must keep in mind that wasting time is equal to wasting your life.,Part 5 Grammar,现在进行时和过去进行时 1 现在进行时构成: am / is / are + v-ing 2 现在进行时的基本用法 1) 表示说话的此刻正在进行的动作。通常由表示“此刻”的时间状语(如now, at this moment等),或通过Look/Listen!这两个提示语来表明此时此刻的动作正在进行。 She is making a fire now. Look, he

11、is sleeping in the office. 2) 表示现阶段正在进行的动作。 They are planting trees on the hill these days. She is working on a paper these days. 3) 表示按计划或安排将要发生的动作。能这样用的动词并不多,通常是arrive, begin, come, do, drive, fly, go, leave, stay等表示位置转移的动词。这种用法比较生动,给人以一种期待感。 Jane and Betty are going on holiday in a few days. Wher

12、e are you staying in Guangzhou?,二 过去进行时 1过去进行时构成: was / were + v-ing 2过去进行时的基本用法 1) 表示在过去某一时刻正在发生的动作或该动作与过去的另一动作同时发生。 I was having supper at 7:00 yesterday evening. She was playing the piano while I was reading the newspaper. 2)表示过去某一段时间内正在进行的动作。 We were talking about you the whole morning. He was w

13、atching TV at home from 8:00 to 9:00 this morning. 3) 表示按计划、安排过去将要发生的事。 He told me that he was going soon. She said she was leaving for New York the next month. He wanted to know when she was coming.,Unit 1 Suggested Keys,Comprehensive Exercises A 1 to offend 2 attention 3 topic 4 nosy introduce 6 h

14、abits 7 has earned 8 business B 1 近况如何? 你觉得这里的生活怎么样? 3 你(入学以来)觉得学校生活怎样? 4 你过得怎么样 ? 5 好久不见。 6 不错。就是有时有点儿想家。 7 请允许我自我介绍。 8 我能荣幸地把您介绍给王先生? 9 真没想到会遇见你。 10 我想你没有见过我的中学同学李红,C 1 This is a foreign guest of our company, Mr. Parker. 2 How do you like the life here? 3 Its great fun. 4 Have some fruit, 5 and ma

15、ke yourself at home. D 1 In starting a conversation 2 differ so much 3 on formal occasions 4 will not offend anyone 5 its own customs and habits. 6 a person in a lower position to a person in a higher. 7 pay attention to 8 rather “nosy”, Its none of your business. 9 will send text messages 10Youre w

16、elcome. E 1 T 2 T 3 T 6 ,Grammar Exercises A 1 B 2 B 3 C 4 C 5 B 6 B 7 B 8 D 9 A 10 C 11C 12B 13 B 14 A 15 D B 1 is falling 2 was changing 3 is thinking of 4 was standing 5 are doing 6 was snowing 7 is jumping 8 was having,Unit 2 Housing,Part 1 dialogue Ben has moved into a new house. Sue and Ben are talking about Bens new house. Sue: Hi, Ben. How are you? Ben: Hello, Sue. Im fine, thank you. Sue: I hav


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