国际商务英语听说(含光盘) 教学课件 ppt 作者 杜玲玲 (5)

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国际商务英语听说(含光盘)  教学课件 ppt 作者 杜玲玲 (5)_第1页
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1、国际商务英语听说,作者:阮绩智,责任编辑:杜玲玲 出版日期:2010年7月 IDPN:308-2010-24 课件章数:15,UNIT,8,支付条件,Terms of Payment, Speaking Out, Warming-up Discussion, Listening In, Follow-up Practice,CONTENTS, Writing Practice,Warming-up Discussion,We need to discuss some questions about what we are going to learn in this unit.,Sure, t

2、hatll help us understand better about what we are asked to do.,1. The terms of payment are an important part of the sales contract both sellers and buyers are concerned about. Now store the words and phrases that are associated with payment terms and then explain or describe these terms.,2) Discuss

3、the following questions.,1) What are the main contradictions that exist between sellers and buyers in international payment? 2) What are both sellers and buyers concerned about in negotiating payment? 3) What are the commonly used methods of payment in international trade? Can you tell the advantage

4、s and disadvantages of each for both sellers and buyers?,Introductory Remarks,The terms of payment are an important part of the business contractFrom the sellers point of view, the best terms would be full payment in cash at the time of sale,while the buyers would prefer to have the goods before mak

5、ing paymentImporters and exporters are separated from each other by thousands of milesThis adds to the difficulties of coming to an agreement on how payment should be madeThe exporters and importers usually meet each other half way and agree to payment by letter of credit opened by a reliable bankA

6、letter of credit is a bankers guarantee that payment will be made on presentation of all the required shipping documents. In this way,the sellers or exporters receive a guarantee not only from the buyers or importers, but also from a banker that payment will be made on delivery of the goodsOn the ot

7、her hand, the buyers or importers are given the guarantee that the banker will not make payment unless the shipping documents are presented,Main Modes of Payment in International Trade,I. Remittance A. Mail Transfer (M/T) B. Telegraphic Transfer( T/T) C. Demand Draft (D/D) II. Collection A. Clean Bi

8、ll for Collection B. Documentary Bill for Collection 1. Document against Payment (D/P) (1) D/P at sight (2) D/P after sight D/P T/R 2. Document against Acceptance III. Letter of Credit (L/C),Understanding Letters of Credit,Do you know that 50% of L/C documents presented to banks are rejected? This c

9、osts you dearly, in extra bank charges, your wasted time and the customer dissatisfaction. Key Contents What is a letter of credit? Learn the differences between different types of L/Cs and when to use them. Discover which are the most usual types of L/C - Sight, Deferred Payment, Transferable, Stan

10、dby.,Applicant (Importer),Beneficiary (Exporter),1 S/C,Paying bank Issuing bank,Advising bank Negotiating bank,8 Paying the money for documents,2 L/C application,4 Credit advice,5Presenting documents for negotiation,3 Issuing L/C,6 Recourse,7 Reimbursement,Performance of L/C,Different Types of Lette

11、rs of Credit,1. According to the attaching of documents 1) Clean credit 2) Documentary credit 2. According to the revocability of credit 1) Revocable credit 2) Irrevocable credit 3. According to the transferability of credit 1) Transferable credit 2) Non-transferable credit 4. According to the addin

12、g of confirmation 1) Confirmed credit 2) Unconfirmed credit 5. According to the time of payment 1) Sight credit 2) Usance or time credit 6. According to the method of payment 1) Payment credit 2) Deferred payment credit 3) Acceptance credit 4) Negotiation credit 7. According to the credit amount to

13、be used revolvingly 1) Automatic 2) Semi-automatic 3) Non-automatic 8. Other credits 1) Red clause credit 2) Back to back credit 3) Reciprocal credit 4) Standby credit,Identify the following letters of credit,1. Deferred L/C is a credit available by deferred payment, under which payment must be effe

14、cted on a specified future date. 2. Red Clause L/C is one with a clause inserted into the credit authorizing the negotiating bank to make an advance of the amount under the credit, whole or part, to the beneficiary. 3. Transferable L/C The beneficiary is entitled to ask the bank to transfer L/C righ

15、ts partially or wholly to a third party. This is used for direct financing of supplies, where the selling party is not the direct producer but is an intermediary. 4. Revolving L/C The underlying L/C amount is renewed during the life of the L/C according to pre-defined terms and conditions. It is adv

16、antageous for contracts with repeated goods deliveries.,Revolving L/C Transferable L/C Clean L/C Sight L/C Deferred L/C Irrevocable L/C Red clause L/C Confirmed L/C,5. Clean L/C is a credit under which payment will be effected only against a draft without any shipping documents attached thereto or sometimes, against a draft with an invoice alone attached thereto. 6. Irrevocable L/C is a credi



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