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1、外研版高中英语选修六 1-6单元知识点归纳Module 11重点单词1经典短语透视2热点语法聚焦(非重点)3Module 24重点单词4经典短语透视5热点语法聚焦(重点)6Module 37重点单词7经典短语透视8热点语法聚焦(重点)9Module 410重点单词10经典短语透视11热点语法聚焦(非重点)11Module 513重点单词13经典短语透视14热点语法聚焦(非重点)15Module 615重点单词15经典短语透视17热点语法聚焦(非重点)17 Module 1重点单词【词条1】lack【点拨】lack动词, 意为缺乏,没有。如:He is good at his job but h

2、e seems to lack confidence.What he lacks in experience he makes up for in enthusiasm. 【拓展】1. lack的常用短语有:be lacking欠缺,缺乏;be lacking in缺乏(某种品质、特点等);lack (for) nothing应有尽有。如:Money for the project is still lacking.I think the film is lacking in pace.They have got everything ready and they lack for nothi

3、ng.2. lack还可作名词,常与of连用,意为缺乏,没有。for lack of 因为缺乏。如:The work had to be stopped for lack of funds.The flowers withered for lack of water.【词条2】reply【点拨】名词,意为回答,答复,常与介词to 连用。如:Is it a reply to the first or the second letter?To my anger, she made no reply to my question.其常用在短语in reply to中,意为作为对的回答,回复。如:Wh

4、at did he do in reply to your challenge?【拓展】reply也可作动词,意为回答,答复,reply (to . / that .) 。如:The teacher gave me no chance to reply to her question. Lily replied that she knew nothing about it.【词条3】apology【点拨】apology名词,意为道歉,歉意,常用于短语:offer / make an apology to sb.向某人道歉, accept an apology接受道歉。如:Its impolit

5、e of you to leave without a word of apology.In my judgment, we should accept their apology.Youd better make an apology for your absence.【拓展】其动词形式为apologize,意为道歉,表示歉意,常用短语为: apologize to sb.(for sth.)(因某事)向某人道歉。如:I must apologize for not being able to meet you that day.I think Tom might have apologiz

6、ed to Jane for what he did. 经典短语透视【短语1】think of【点拨】think of可意为想起,想出。如:The photo made me think of my child-hood.It was Tom who thought of the good plan.【拓展】think的其他常用短语:1. think highly / much of 重视,高度赞扬。如:All the teachers think highly of John because he is very smart and kind.2. think about 考虑。如:I wa

7、s thinking about something else and missed your words. 3. think over 仔细考虑。如: Please think the plan over and let me know your decision tomorrow.【短语2】in addition【点拨】in addition意为另外,此外。如:I write my own songs and I play the guitar in addition.You need money and time. In addition, you need diligence.【拓展】

8、in addition to 除之外(还有),to为介词,后接名词或动词-ing形式。如:His brother can speak three foreign languages in addition to English.besides也意为除之外(还有)。如:The play was badly acted, besides being far too long.【短语3】leave out【点拨】leave out意为省去,删去。如:In Western countries, people usually leave out No. 13 as the number is thoug

9、ht unlucky. You can leave out the unnecessary words when writing down the notes.【拓展】1. leave out还可意为漏掉,遗漏。如:Decide with you partner which words have been left out.2. 与leave相关的常用短语:leave behind遗留,留下It left behind a long train of problems and difficulties.leave over剩余,暂不解决We shall have to leave the qu

10、estion over till the next meeting.leave alone别管,不理会If I were you, Id leave this question alone.【短语4】show off【点拨】show off意为炫耀。如:Those boys always show off their sports skills to the girls.His brother likes to show off his knowledge in public.【拓展】与show相关的常用短语:show sb. around领某人参观The headmaster showed

11、us around the school.show up出席,到场The party is about to begin, but Mr. Wang hasnt shown up. 热点语法聚焦(非重点) didnt need to do和neednt have done的区别(非重点) didnt need to do和neednt have done都有过去不必做某事的意思,但是didnt need to表示过去没有必要做某事,事实上也没做;neednt have done表示过去本来不必做某事,实际上却做了。如:I didnt need to take a taxi from the a

12、ir-port there was a bus all the way into the city. I neednt have booked in advance; there were plenty of tickets left. 此外,要注意need的其它用法: need可作实义动词,也可作情态动词。 1. 作实义动词时, need有人称和数的变化,后可以接名词、代词、动词不定式和动名词等,否定式要在前面加dont (doesnt, didnt),疑问句用do (does, did) 提问。如:The company needs some good salesmen.His broke

13、n car needs to be repaired. = His broken car needs repairing. 2. 作情态动词时,need没有人称和数的变化,后接动词原形,否定式为neednt,常用在否定句和疑问句中。如:You neednt worry about him. He is very mature now.Need I stay another day?Yes, you must. Module 2重点单词【词条1】behave【点拨】behave 用作不及物动词,意为(举止或行为)表现。如:She has been behaving very politely.

14、另外,behave还可意为举止得体;守规矩,常和反身代词连用。如:Cant you make your little child behave himself?【拓展】well- / ill- / badly-behaved adj.表现得好的/不好的;behavior n.行为,举止如:He is thought to be a well-behaved child. She was ashamed of her childrens bad behavior.【词条2】appeal【点拨】appeal可用作名词,意为吸引力,感染力。如:Films of this sort have lost their appeal for me.【拓展】1. appeal用作名词时,还可意为呼吁,请求。如:His appeal for forgiveness we


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