商务英语谈判 教学课件 ppt 作者 张琛 (5)

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1、商务英语谈判,作者:王秀萍,责任编辑:张琛 出版日期:2009年6月 IDPN:308-2009-009 课件章数:14,商务英语谈判,第十章 装运 Unit 10 Shipment,Leadin,Business Negotiation,装运条款是指交易时,买卖双方必须就交货时间、装运地和目的地、能否分批装运和转船、转运等问题商妥,并在合同中具体订明。明确、合理地规定装运条款,是保证进出口合同顺利履行的重要条件。本课以装运知识为中心内容。,Pre-reading Questions,Business Negotiation,Questions 1: How many means of tra

2、nsportation do you know in foreign trade?,Questions 2: What role does shipment play in foreign trade?,After-reading Exercises,Vocabulary: Find the words in the text which mean the following,Business Negotiation,2. consignment,3. cargo,5. ocean freight,4. air freight,1. shipment,Comprehension: Answer

3、 the following questions with True or False.,1) Direct shipment, partial shipment, transhipment is the three terms of shipment. 2) Partial shipment is delivery of an order in one consignment. 3) Some exporters accept transhipment because of lower cost. 4) Trains are usually used to transport light p

4、roducts. 5) In recent years the international multimodal transport is frequently used in transportation.,Business Negotiation,Comprehension: Complete the following statements with the information from the passage.,Business Negotiation,A,C,B,D,C,本课的重要句型,1. Excuse me for. 请原谅我 e.g. Excuse me for comin

5、g late. 2. I believe (that). 我相信 e.g. I believe the party will be successful. 3. I intend to. 我打算 e.g. I intend to sell the goods.,Business Negotiation,4. It is (not) true that. (不)是真的。 e.g. I t is true that he could do the job. 5. Please forgive me for. 请原谅我 e.g. Please forgive me for missing the m

6、eeting. 6. To start with, . 首先, e.g. To start with, it is too much expensive.,Business Negotiation,7. As far as I know,.据我所知, e.g. As far as I know, there is no cause for concern. 8. It doesnt make sense to. 没有任何意义。 e.g. It doesnt make sense to argue about money. 9. It is possible /impossible to. 是(

7、不)可能的。 e.g. It is impossible to lower the cost.,Business Negotiation,Dialogues,Dialogue 1 Talking about transhipment Important sentence patterns 重点句型1)Please forgive me for. 请原谅我 重点句型2)To start with, . 首先, 重点句型3)It doesnt make sense to. 没有任何意义。 重点句型4)It is possible /impossible to. 是(不)可能的。,Business

8、Negotiation,Dialogue 2 Requesting for partial shipment Important sentence patterns,重点句型1)Excuse me for. 请原谅我 重点句型2)I believe (that). 我相信 重点句型3)I intend to. 我打算 重点句型4)It is (not) true that. (不)是真的。 重点句型5)As far as I know,. 据我所知,Business Negotiation,Background information 谈判知识与技巧,是非题 1.优势谈判主要有吹毛求疵技巧、先

9、斩后奏技巧、权力有限技巧等技巧。 2. 吹毛求疵策略就是无所不用其极激怒对方。 3.“我们非常喜欢你们的产品,也很感谢你们提供的产品,遗憾的是我们公司的预算只有这么多。”这是运用了权力有限技巧中的财政方面的限制 4.“既然本行业的其他厂商都决定增加20%, 你提出的10%太低了。”这是运用先斩后奏的技巧。 5.“你看,我担心你的支付能力,因此最好先支付70%的货款。”如果对方不够诚信,很有可能在预付款的情况下,寻找理由提价或延期交货。这是先斩后奏的一个手法。,Business Negotiation,10.3.2 词组解释,1. 商业道德 2. 人质策略,Business Negotiatio

10、n,10.3.3讨论题,1. 文中提到“对于被挑剔的实际问题,要开诚布公,开门见山地谈判”,这种谈判方式有什么优缺点? 2. 如何理解谈判中“有限的权力才是真正的权力”? 3. 进一步阐述公司制度限制的含义。,Business Negotiation,10. 4. Situational dialogue design,Please design a negotiation dialogue for each of the two situations in which two persons representing two business parties to negotiate ove

11、r the affairs as described below. Your design has to use some of the vocabularies and sentence patterns you have just learned in this unit. And the dialogue should be as long as at least about 10 sentences.,Business Negotiation,Situational dialogue 1,Business Negotiation,An American importer intends

12、 to change the delivery terms in order to ensure the prompt delivery of the goods. In the past dealings he usually took Transhipment Allowed. But this time he wishes to have direct shipment instead. You feel it impossible to agree to that. Try to persuade him not to change delivery terms. A: B:,As a

13、 rule, your company usually stipulates “Shanghai Port” as the port of loading, so it will be convenient to ship the goods at a nearby port. But due to circumstances beyond your control, you should tranship the goods at “ Ningbo Port”, so the time will be a little later. Try to persuade the customer to accept it。 A. B.,Business Negotiation,Situational dialogue 2,Thank you!,



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