五年级英语上册 unit4 what can you do第一课时课件 人教pep

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《五年级英语上册 unit4 what can you do第一课时课件 人教pep》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《五年级英语上册 unit4 what can you do第一课时课件 人教pep(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

Unit 4 What can you do?,Lesson 1,Lets chant: Run, run, I can run. Jump, jump, I can jump. Draw, draw, I can draw. Read, read, I can read.,你还能用I can 说句子吗?,dance,I can .,sing English songs,I can .,play the pipa,I can .,do kung fu,I can .,draw cartoons,I can .,Spell the words,d n e s ng En li h s ngs pl y t e pip . Do k ng f . dra ca too s,a c,i g s o,a h a,u u,w r n,Make a sentence.,I can . I can ,too.,Do a survey.,What can you do? 在小组里说一说,


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