商务英语函电(高职高专) 教学课件 ppt 作者 诸葛勤(8)

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1、商务英语函电,作者:方宁,责任编辑:钟仲南 出版日期:2009年9月 IDPN:308-2009-009 课件章数:10,Chapter IX Insurance,Learning Aims (学习目标): 通过本章的学习,我们将更好地了解一些有关保险的术语,具备撰写有关保险信函的能力。,What is our learning aims in this chapter?,保险的目的:,保险的目的是使其货物遭受损失或损坏者得到赔偿。 它是一种赔偿契约,给某人赔偿遭受损失的全部金额或按特定百分比赔偿所损失的一部分金额。,保险单上的投保险别:,1)平安险 F P A 2)水渍险 W A or W

2、P A 3)一切险(综合险) All Risks 4)偷窃提货不 T P N D 5)淡水雨淋险 Fresh and or Rain Water Damage Risk 6)缺量险(或短量险) Shortage Risk,7)混杂沾污险 Intermixture & Contamination Risks 8)渗漏险 Leakage Risk 9)破损破碎险 Clash & Breakage Risks 10)串味险 Taint of Odour Risk 11)受潮受热险 Sweating & Heating Damage 12)钩损险 Hook Damage Risk,13)锈损险 Rus

3、t Risk 14)包装破裂险 Breakage of Packing Risk 15)罢工、暴力、民变险 S R C C 16)战争险 War Risk 17)进口关税险 Import Duty Risk,18)舱面险 On Deck Risk 19)拒收险。 Rejection Risk 20)交货不到险 Failure to Delivery Risk 21)黄曲霉险 Aflatoxin Risk 22)海关检验条款险 Survey in Customs Risk 23)码头检验条款险 Survey at Jetty Risk,保险单上的投保险别:,有关保险的信函一般包括:,1) 要求办

4、理保险函。 2) 答复要求保险函。 3) 要求额外保险函。 4) 澄清保险条款函。,Letter 1,Letter 2,Letter 3,Letter 4 (上),Letter 4 (下),Letter 5,Vocabulary,Vocabulary,Exercises,I Fill in the following blanks 1. W P A is too narrow for a shipment of this nature ,please extend _ to include T P N D 2. We note that you wish us to insure shipme

5、nt to you _10% _ the invoice value 3. Please insure _ the invoice value _10% 4. We shall provide such coverage _ your cost 5. Our clients request their order to be insured _ All Risks and War Risk Please arrange for the insurance cover accordingly 6. Please arrange to supply these and charge _ our a

6、ccount,Exercises,I Fill in the following blanks 7. Regarding insurance ,the coverage is _ 110% of the invoice value up to the port of destination only 8. we regret being unable to agree to the buyer s request as stated in the LC stipulations for insurance to be covered up to the inland city because

7、our price is _ on CIF Shanghai. 9. Risks rather than All risks and War Risk can be _ if the insurance company accepts ,and the extra _ should be borne by the buyer 10. Since the insurance varies with the extent of _,extra premium is for buyers account ,should additional risks be _ 11. We regret our

8、inability to _ with the buyers request for covering insurance for 150% of the invoice value ,because our contract stipulates that _ is to be covered for 110% of the invoice value 12. The insurance _ varies with the nature of the goods ,the degree of “cover” desired and the place of destination ,Key

9、of Exercise I,1. it 2. for ;aboveover 3. atfor ;plus 4. at 5. against 6. to,7. for 8. based 9. covered ;premium 10. coverage ;covered 11. complymeet ;insurance 12. premium,Exercises,II Translate the following sentences into Chinese In the absence of your definite instructions regarding insurance ,we

10、 covered your ordered goods against W P A for 110% of the invoice value according to our usual practice 在没有得到你方明确的保险要求情况下,我们按惯例把你所订购之货按发票金额110% 投保了水渍险。 2. The premium is calculated according to the premium rate or rates for risks to be covered 保险费是根据投保险别的保险费率计算的。 3. If the goods ,after arrival at th

11、e port of destination ,are to be transported immediately to an inland city or other ports , we may cover the inland insurance on your behalf and debit you with the additional premium 如果货物在到达目的港后需立即转运至内陆城市或其他港口,我们可以代你方投保内陆险,额外费用将记在你方账上。,Exercises,II Translate the following sentences into Chinese 4. S

12、hould any damage be incurred ,you may ,within 60 days after the arrival of the consignment ,file a claim ,supported by a survey report , with the insurance company at your end 损失一旦发生,你可以在货物到达后60天内,向在你处的 5. Please quote us your lowest F .P .A . rate for US $ 18,000 on TV sets from Hong Kong to Shangh

13、ai 请报由香港至上海保额为18000美元电视机投保平安险的最低费率。,Exercises,III Translate the following sentences into English 至于第345 号合约项下的500 架缝纫机,我们将自行办理保险。 We will cover the insurance ourselves on 500 sets of sewing machines under Contract No.345. 2. 我们已将一千箱西湖啤酒按发票金额的110% 投保一切险和破损破碎险。 We have covered insurance on 1,000 cases

14、 of West Lake Beer for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks and Clash & Breakage Risks 3. 很遗憾,我们不能接受这一索赔,因为你们的保险未包括“钩损险” 。 Much to our regret , we cannot accept this claim because your insurance doesnt include Hook Damage Risk ,Exercises,III Translate the following sentences into English 4. 我

15、方将将你方第864 号订单项下的货物按发票金额的120% 投保至目的港。 Well insure your Order No .864 for the invoice value plus 20% up to the port of the destination 5. 如你方希望将货物投保一切险,我们可以为你方投保,但保费稍高,保费差额由你方负担。 If you desire to cover your goods against All Risks , we can provide such coverage, but at a slightly higher premium, the difference of which will be for your account.,Exercises,IV Translate the following letter into Chinese ,Key of Exercise IV,V Translate the following letter into English ,Exercises,Key of Exercise V,本章要点回顾,投保险别 撰写有关保险的信函,


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