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1、1 周口中英文学校周口中英文学校 2018-20192018-2019 上期上期高高三三年级摸底年级摸底考试考试 英英 语语 试试 题题 第二部分第二部分 阅读理解(本大题共两节,每小题阅读理解(本大题共两节,每小题 2 2 分分, ,共共 4040 分分) 第一节(共第一节(共 15 小题,每小题小题,每小题 2 分,满分分,满分 30 分)分) 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的(阅读下列短文,从每题所给的(A,B,C 和和 D)中,选出最佳选项。中,选出最佳选项。 A A ThereThere areare twotwo typestypes ofof peoplepeople inin the

2、the world.world. AlthoughAlthough theythey havehave equalequal degreedegree ofof healthhealth andand wealthwealth andand otherother comfortscomforts ofof life,life, oneone becomesbecomes happyhappy andand thethe otherother becomesbecomes unhappy.unhappy. ThisThis arisesarises fromfrom thethe differe

3、ntdifferent waysways inin whichwhich theythey considerconsider things,things, persons,persons, eventsevents andand thethe resultingresulting effectseffects uponupon theirtheir minds.minds. PeoplePeople whowho areare toto bebe happyhappy fixfix theirtheir attentionattention onon thethe conveniencecon

4、venience ofof things:things: thethe pleasantpleasant partsparts ofof conversation,conversation, thethe wellwell preparedprepared dishes,dishes, thethe goodnessgoodness ofof thethe winewine andand thethe finefine weather.weather. TheyThey enjoyenjoy allall thethe cheerfulcheerful things.things. Those

5、Those whowho areare toto bebe unhappyunhappy thinkthink andand speakspeak onlyonly ofof thethe oppositeopposite things.things. Therefore,Therefore, theythey areare continuallycontinually dissatisfied.dissatisfied. ByBy theirtheir remarks,remarks, theythey soursour thethe pleasurepleasure ofof societ

6、y,society, offendoffend (hurt)(hurt) manymany people,people, andand makemake themselvesthemselves disagreeabledisagreeable everywhere.everywhere. IfIf thisthis turnturn ofof mindmind waswas foundedfounded inin nature,nature, suchsuch 2 unhappyunhappy personspersons wouldwould bebe thethe moremore to

7、to bebe pitied.pitied. TheThe intentionintention ofof criticizing(criticizing(批评批评) ) andand beingbeing dislikeddisliked isis perhapsperhaps takentaken upup byby imitation(imitation(模仿模仿).). ItIt growsgrows intointo a a habit,habit, unknownunknown toto itsits possessors.possessors. TheThe habithabit

8、 maymay bebe strong,strong, butbut itit maymay bebe curedcured whenwhen thosethose whowho havehave itit realizerealize itsits badbad effectseffects onon theirtheir interestsinterests andand tastes.tastes. I I hopehope thisthis littlelittle warningwarning maymay bebe ofof serviceservice toto them,the

9、m, andand helphelp themthem changechange thisthis habit.habit. AlthoughAlthough inin factfact itit isis chieflychiefly anan actact ofof thethe imagination,imagination, itit hashas seriousserious resultsresults inin lifelife sincesince itit bringsbrings onon deepdeep sorrowsorrow andand badbad luck.l

10、uck. ThoseThose peoplepeople offendoffend manymany others;others; nobodynobody lovesloves them,them, andand nono oneone treatstreats themthem withwith moremore thanthan thethe mostmost commoncommon politenesspoliteness andand respect.respect. ThisThis frequentlyfrequently putsputs themthem inin badb

11、ad tempertemper andand drawsdraws themthem intointo arguments.arguments. IfIf theythey aimaim atat gettinggetting somesome advantagesadvantages inin socialsocial positionposition oror fortune,fortune, nobodynobody wisheswishes themthem success.success. NorNor willwill anyoneanyone startstart a a ste

12、pstep oror speakspeak a a wordword toto favorfavor theirtheir hopes.hopes. IfIf theythey bringbring onon themselvesthemselves publicpublic objections,objections, nono oneone willwill defenddefend oror excuseexcuse them,them, andand manymany willwill joinjoin toto criticizecriticize theirtheir wrongd

13、oings.wrongdoings. TheseThese shouldshould changechange thisthis badbad habithabit andand bebe pleasedpleased withwith whatwhat isis pleasing,pleasing, withoutwithout worryingworrying needlesslyneedlessly aboutabout themselvesthemselves andand others.others. IfIf theythey dodo not,not, itit willwill

14、 bebe goodgood forfor othersothers toto avoidavoid anyany contact(contact(接触接触) ) withwith them.them. Otherwise,Otherwise, itit cancan bebe disagreeabledisagreeable andand sometimessometimes veryvery inconvenient,inconvenient, especiallyespecially whenwhen oneone becomesbecomes mixedmixed upup inin

15、theirtheir quarrels.quarrels. 21.21. PeoplePeople whowho areare unhappyunhappy _._. A.A. alwaysalways considerconsider thingsthings differentlydifferently fromfrom othersothers B.B. usuallyusually areare affectedaffected byby thethe resultsresults ofof certaincertain thingsthings C.C. usuallyusually

16、 misunderstandmisunderstand whatwhat othersothers thinkthink oror saysay D.D. alwaysalways discoverdiscover thethe unpleasantunpleasant sideside ofof certaincertain thingsthings 3 22.22. TheThe phrasephrase “sour“sour thethe pleasurepleasure ofof society”society” mostmost nearlynearly meansmeans “_”.“_”. A.A. havehave a a goodgood tastetaste withwith socialsocial lifelifeB.B. makemake othersothers unhappyunhappy C.C. tendtend toto pleasep



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