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《u4b4 for Grade 2010.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《u4b4 for Grade 2010.ppt(71页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2019/5/23,1,Unit Four,The Multicultural Society,Text A America as a Collage,3,2019/5/23,Population of Los Angeles,4,2019/5/23,Population of Los Angeles,5,2019/5/23,Population of Los Angeles,7,2019/5/23,collage: n.,an assemblage of diverse fragments 大杂烩 picture made by an unusual combination of bits

2、of paper, cloth, photographs, metal, etc.拼贴画,8,2019/5/23,Chinatown,9,2019/5/23,Immigrant immigrate (to/into) immigrant immigration emigrate (fromto) emigrant emigration migrate (fromto) migrant migration 来自爱尔兰的移民 移居加拿大的人 Irish immigrants emigrants to Canada 非法移民 流动工人 迁徙的海鸟,USA: A nation of immigrati

3、on,illegal immigrants,migrant workers,migrant seabirds,10,2019/5/23,decline (L.2): n. becoming less in amount, importance, quality or strength vi. to go down; gradually become less, worse or lower,e.g. His interest in the project declined after his wife died. The recent decline in the dollar has put

4、 a bigger strain on the economic system.,11,2019/5/23,*in decline / on the decline: losing strength; declining,e.g. Nowadays home cooking seems to be on the decline. She claims that the industry is in terminal decline.,12,2019/5/23,characteristic (L.4 ): n. special mark or quality,e.g. The male bird

5、 displays several characteristics which distinguish him from the female. adj. typical of a person or thing (+ of) Windy days are characteristic of the spring in Beijing.,13,2019/5/23,paralyze (L. 8): vt. make ineffective; make (sb.) lose the ability to move part or all of the body,e.g. The drug para

6、lyzes the nerves so that there is no feeling or movement in the legs. The accident left her paralyzed from the waist down / with fear.,14,2019/5/23,(L8) paralyze: make ineffective He had a minor stroke in 1987, which left him partly paralyzed. The accident left him paralyzed from the waist down. Sto

7、rm Paralyzes City. (news headline) The electricity failure paralyzed the train service. The city was paralyzed by general strikes. be paralyzed with fear, horror, shock, etc 恐惧、恐怖、惊骇使得不知所措 paralysis / ses n. e.g. He is suffering from paralysis of the arm. paralysis of industry by strikes,15,2019/5/2

8、3,precedent (L.12): n. earlier happening, decision, etc. taken as an example or rule for what comes later,e.g. There are several precedents for promoting people who havent formal qualifications. The invasion of Iraq has set/established a dangerous precedent.,16,2019/5/23,*unprecedented: adj. never h

9、aving happened or existed in the past,e.g. This century has witnessed / seen environmental destruction on an unprecedented scale. *without precedent in history 史无前例的 *precede: vt. 先于;在之前,17,2019/5/23,Precedent,e.g. The Supreme Court has already set a precedent for dealing with similar cases. Dont ta

10、ke / use this as a precedent for disobeying me again. The appointment of female CEO in the company is without precedent. precede v. e.g. A precedes B in the alphabet. She preceded him across the street. precedence/cy n. e.g. Ladies shall have the precedence. A recent poll reported that people gave p

11、recedence to the control of inflation.,18,2019/5/23,(L12) inevitably follow historical precedent不可避免地重蹈(历史)覆辙 create/establish/set a precedent 开辟先例 break (a) precedent 打破先例 a precedent for 为 确定的先例 without precedent (unprecedented) 无先例的,空前的,19,2019/5/23,fuse: (L. 18)v. to join or become combined,e.g.

12、 In Istanbul, East and West fuse together in a fascinating way. *fusion: n.,20,2019/5/23,poly- (L. 26): combining form (from Greek) many,e.g. polycentric adj. / polygamy n. 一夫多妻制 *multi-: (from Latin) many; much; more than one e.g. multicultural adj. 多文化的/ multilateral adj. 多边的 / multimillionaire n.

13、 亿万富翁 / multinational adj. 多民族的;多国的;跨国的,21,2019/5/23,(L26) polycentric poly-: many polygamy 一夫多妻 polyandry 一妻多夫 polygon 多边形 polynomial 多项式 polysyllable 多音节 polytechnic 工艺/理工专科学校 polytheism 多神信仰(论),22,2019/5/23,leave behind (L. 26):cause to remain; fail or forget to bring or take,e.g. The army left a

14、 trail of destruction behind them. 她匆忙地跑出教室, 把课本落下了。 She ran out of the classroom in such a hurry that she left her textbook behind.,23,2019/5/23,mentality (L. 26) n. characteristic attitude of mind; way of thinking,e.g. They hope that closer links between the US and Asian countries will change the

15、American mentality towards Asian-Americans. *mental: adj.,24,2019/5/23,Cotton production has been the decline these years.(CET-6,1996),A. down B. on C. at D. under,25,2019/5/23,Some pieces of gold coin have together in the blaze.,A. softened B. melted C. fused D. mixed,26,2019/5/23,Many people think

16、 that the standards of public have declined. (CET-6, 1996),A. morality B. rightness C. awareness D. mentality,27,2019/5/23,The Los Angeles Lakers!,28,2019/5/23,29,2019/5/23,The Austria-born athlete and actor governor, or terminator?,30,2019/5/23,LA, the 2nd largest city in the US,31,2019/5/23,32,2019/5/23,33,2019/5/23,Modern LA has become the industrial center in the western US,34,2019/5/23,A global entertai


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