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1、V101 冲压仿真报告 V101 Simulation Report 翼子板 FENDER,长安汽车有限责任公司 CHANGAN-CHINA,2019年5月23日 23 May 2019,目 录 Contents,2. 冲压仿真结果 2. Results of simulation,1. 引言 1. Introduction,3. 结论 3. Conclusion,附录 Appendix,引 言 INTRODUCTION,1. 引 言 1. INTRODUCTION,模具概述 Overview of Tool Concept,冲压类型 : 单动 Press type : Single acti

2、on press 冲压材料 : DC05,0.7mm material : YS=110190, TS260, EL 0.38, r 1.8, n 0.24 冲压工序: OP10 DR OP20 TR,c/TR OP30FL&RST ,C/FL OP40 PI, C/FL&RST OP50 PI,C/PI,C/RST,OP20 TR,OP20 C/TR,OP30C/FL,RST,OP30,C/FL,OP40C/FL,RST,OP50 PI,OP40 PI,OP50 PI,C/PI,OP50 C/PI,OP40C/FL,RST,OP50C/RST,第一道工序设计(1) 1st Tool Conc

3、ept Design(1),模具中心: CENTRAL AXIS OF TOOL : X:190; Y:-750; Z:335 OP10旋转角度: SET UP ANGLE : CARLINE,正视图 (Top View),侧视图 (Back View),前视图 (side View),第一道工序设计(2) 1st Tool Concept Design(2),A,R10,R15,10,R5,R30,R5,20,A,A,A,A,冲压仿真结果 Results of simulation,2.冲压仿真结果 2. Results of simulation,冲压条件 Drawing Conditio

4、ns, 板料尺寸(Blank size) : 1370 X 1090 压边力(Blank holding force) : 80 吨 (ton) 成形力(Forming force) : 380 吨 (ton) 摩擦系数(Friction coefficient) : 0.15,板料及拉延筋的形状 Blank geometry & Bead section geometry,有限元模型 Finite Element Model,BEAD “A”,510,1370,凹模,压边圈,凸模,板 料,500,1090,580,冲压仿真结果概述 Overview of Simulation Results

5、,1,冲压成形过程 Forming Process,成型状态云图 Formability Contour,减薄率云图 Thinning Contour,起皱高度云图 Wrinkle height Contour,主应变云图 Major Strain Contour,冲击线 strike/ impact lines,冲击线控制在产品外表面以外,滑移线 strike/impact lines,A处局部放大图,棱线处材料开始屈服时(545mm)最大滑出半径4.2mm,到下死点时(650mm)最大滑出半径4.4mm,B,C,说明: 1、A处两次距离差值0.2mm为滑移量,未滑出 半径,不会产生滑移线。

6、 2、B、C两处未滑出半径,不会产生滑移线。,回弹-X方向位移云图 Springback Displacement in X dir,回弹-Y方向位移云图 Springback Displacement in Y dir,回弹-Z方向位移云图 Springback Displacement in Z dir,回弹-法向位移云图 Springback Displacement in normal dir,A,B,C,A、B处回弹可以在拉延时做形状补偿也可以不补偿。C处回弹在整形时应加大侧壁压料力以减小回弹,回弹-角度变化云图 Springback Angle Change,结 论 Conclus

7、ion,3. 结 论 3. Conclusion,产品设计更改要求 Requests of Part Change,附 录 Appendix,附 录 Appendix,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,自 重 Loading,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,压 边 Binding,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点140mm Stroke of bottom 140mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点130mm Stroke of bottom 130mm,成形过程详解 Fin

8、al Forming Process,离下死点120mm Stroke of bottom 120mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点110mm Stroke of bottom 110mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点100mm Stroke of bottom 100mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点90mm Stroke of bottom 90mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点80mm Stroke of bottom 80mm,成形过程

9、详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点70mm Stroke of bottom 70mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点60mm Stroke of bottom 60mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点50mm Stroke of bottom 50mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点 40mm Stroke of bottom 40mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点 30mm Stroke of bottom 30mm,成形

10、过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点 20mm Stroke of bottom 20mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点 10mm Stroke of bottom 10mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点 5mm Stroke of bottom 5mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点 2mm Stroke of bottom 2mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,离下死点 1mm Stroke of bottom 1mm,成形过程详解 Final Forming Process,下死点 Stroke of bottom,



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