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1、高尔夫度假2009刊例 GOLF VACATIONS 2009 MEDIA KIT,高尔夫度假从诞生的那一刻即坚持为高尔夫旅行者提供最专业最丰富最实用的信息,把世界上最具诱惑力的旅行目的地、最伟大的球场和最出色的酒店一一推荐给挑剔的高尔夫人。 2005年高尔夫度假创刊,成为中国第一本以高尔夫度假为题材,关注高尔夫人生活方式,引领高尔夫人生活潮流的高端杂志。,Ever since the moment it was born, Golf Vacations made it their sole purpose in providing hypercritical golfers with the

2、 most professional and practical information: recommending the most alluring destinations, the greatest courses and the best hotels. Along with the recent flourishing of Golf in China, Golf Vacations came into birth. Golf Vacations is quickly becoming the first high-end magazine subjected on golf va

3、cations, focusing on golfers attitude and guiding golfers fashion.,为何选择高尔夫度假兴趣点排名第一,阅读率排名第一 Why Focus on GOLF VACATIONS,高尔夫平面媒体内容阅读率调查: 阅读率排在前列的依次是:世界上著名高尔夫胜地和最佳球场、人物故事、赛事、技术。 阅读率排序最低的是技术。,高尔夫爱好者兴趣点调查: 超过90%的高尔夫爱好者的最大兴趣点是“打遍世界上最好的球场” 。,为何选择高尔夫度假兴趣点排名第一,阅读率排名第一 Why Focus on GOLF VACATIONS,Golfers int

4、erest poll: The Biggest interest for more than 90% of golfers is “playing the best courses in the world”. Golf readers interest listed by scale: Highest: Worlds most famous golf courses, golf legends, golf tournaments and techniques. Lowest interest is golf techniques.,主要栏目 Core Content,SPECIAL TOPI

5、C:专题 贯穿全年的特别企划栏目,围绕一个主题,比如区域、某种类型的球场或度假村等等,全线展开讨论和推介,资讯丰富,体验独到,是高尔夫人争相收藏的度假指南。 DESTINATION FOCUS:度假地 以国际化的视野,围绕一个度假地给与深入报道,并给予行程安排和旅游线路推荐,具有信息量大,实用性强的特点。 CHOICE RESORTS:特别推荐度假村 以专业标准选取度假球场,对度假村设施和球场状况进行全面介绍,是读者获得度假球场第一手信息的重要版块之一。 GOLFER PROFILE:高尔夫人 热爱高尔夫的社会名流,有故事的高尔夫人都是我们的目标,风趣的访问,古怪的爱好,是这个栏目的内容特点。

6、 SMART TRAVEL :精明旅行 最新鲜实用的出行资讯,内容涵盖吃、住、行、购、娱等方方面面,是你制定出行计划时最贴心的参考。 G.V. FOCUS:焦点 搜集世界前卫的高尔夫人所追求的物质生活和精神食粮,从衣食住行到文化历史,我们都试图挖掘最新鲜的资讯与读者共享。,主要栏目 Core Content,SPECIAL TOPIC: The all-year-through special topic, which is focused on one subject, including all-round discussion and popularization about the g

7、olf courses and golf resorts. Abundant information and original experiences will make the additional issue a valuable collection of vacation guidebooks for golfers. DESTINATION FOCUS: Offers a deep report of courses within a region through international vision, with trip arrangements and route recom

8、mendations, and featuring variety and practicality. CHOICE RESORTS: Choosing resorts up to professional standards and offering all-round introduction to facilities and situations, thus providing readers with first-hand information. GOLFER PROFILE: We aim at celebrities who love golf and golfers with

9、 stories, featuring witty interviews and eccentric hobbies. SMART TRAVEL : Offering readers the newest and most practical travel information, including shopping, entertainment, room and board etc And its the most useful information for your travel planning. G.V. FOCUS: Keeping up pace with the world

10、 most avant-garde golfers life both materially and spiritually. We would like to share with readers the hottest resources on cuisine, fashion, hotels and touring, as well as culture and history.,读者分析 Reader Profile,读者分析 Reader Profile,目标读者描述 Target Reader Profile,高尔夫人群分析: 新增财富的创造者 优越优质生活的引领者 品牌敏感者 高

11、端产品消费者 目标读者表象描述: 30-45 岁,男性 社会地位高,处于决策层,是公司、政府或者组织的领导者 社会阶层中平均教育水平,文化水平最高的人群 目标读者的价值观和态度: 核心价值: 追求主导地位 个人意识超强,更具有创新精神 好奇心强,具有主动学习性 信息国际化,享受各种新鲜奢侈品,目标读者描述 Target Reader Profile,Analysis of the Golfers: Creator of additional wealth. Leading quality lives. Sensitive with brand choices. Quality brands c

12、onsumers. Demographic Characteristics: 30-45 years old. More likely to be males. Occupation level is the highest group among society - more likely to be CEOs, govt. organization leaders, etc. Education level is the highest group among society. Values & Attitudes: Core value: Pursuing leadership in s

13、ociety. Like to be regarded as leaders. Being more creative than other groups. Enjoy various luxuries.,发行渠道 Distribution,发行渠道 Distribution,主要发行城市 Channel Construction,2009年标准报价 Standard Rate for 2009,制作要求 Production Request,出刊频次 Frequency 月刊 Monthly 重要时间 Important Dates 广告图文截止日/ Advertising Deadline

14、:出刊前20日/20days before publishing 广告定版截止日/Booking Deadline:出刊前30日/ 30days before publishing 软文编辑截止日/Edition Deadline:出刊前40日/40days before publishing 广告尺寸 Page Layout 全页净尺寸/ Full Page : 204 *264 (W*H)mm 跨页净尺寸/ DPS : 408* 264 (W*H)mm 出血尺寸/Full Page Bleed Size:3mm 印刷须知 Specifications 纸张Type of paper:封面

15、Cover 200g铜版 内页 Rop 95g铜版纸 印刷网线 Screen Line: 175Lines 技术要求:提供四色菲林广告软片或CD(精度要求300dpi),并附彩色打样Mechanical information: Advertising color film or CD(300dpi) with color proof.,广告刊登须知 AD Publishing Request,在本刊刊登广告须按照广告法,广告管理条例执行。 所有版位均有本社统筹安排,按签约订版顺序优先安排,刊内指定版位需加收广告费的15%,特殊广告形式另行商议;广告报价不含设计费用。 合同应在出版前30天签订

16、,广告稿件应在出版前20天送到本社,方可保证刊登。 如果客户未能在截稿期前提供稿件,本社有权重复使用广告客户以前提供的广告稿件。 如广告合同已经签署,客户因故需要撤版或者停刊,请于出刊前30天通知本社,否则应支付广告费用的50%作为赔偿金。,广告刊登需知 AD Publishing Request,Advertisers must submit Chinese Advertising Law and Administration of Advertisement Statutes. We will plan the advertisement position and a 15% surcharge will be charged for designated positions except the special ads, design fees are not included in the ad rates. We assure the ad publishing will be on time if the cont


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