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1、豆丁文档代下载:http:/ (0.1元/篇)精品文档豆丁网维维大豆整理2011年7月19号专项设计Special item design为了适应北方地区干燥、风沙大,冬夏及昼夜温差大的气候特点,金风750kW风力发电机组采取了专项的技术措施,改善机组性能,以适应当地运行环境:Goldwind(750kw) wind power generator set is taken technical measure of special item, which can improve capablility of generator set, in order to fit the local ru

2、nning condition, in the north it is dry, very windy and dusty, the difference in temperature from day to night , or from summer to winter is quite large.1 高强度结构设计1、design of high strengthen structure北方地区多是山谷、平原地形,风资源非常丰富,加之冬夏及昼夜温差较大,要求机组具有高强度的设计来适应这种多变的气候特点。而目前风电届面临着齿轮箱问题的巨大挑战,大批量的齿轮箱出现问题给设备制造商和用户都带

3、来了巨大的损失。齿轮箱问题已经引起了风电工业界的高度关注,在德国认证机构的Germanischer Lloyd2003年颁布的新的风力发电机组认证指南中,重新规定了齿轮箱的设计要求,提出了比以前更为严格的指标。金风750kW机组齿轮箱按照最新的设计规范制造,具有以下特点:The terrain of the north is most of valley and plain, the resource of wind is very rich, the difference in temperature of day and night and from summer to winter is

4、 quite large, which asks generator set should be taken on design of high strengthen stucture to fit these changeful character of climate. Wind power field is now facing the great challenge of gear box, numbers of gear boxs have problem,which make great loss to the equipment manufactures and users. T

5、he problem of gear box have got high attention in wind power field, it is stated the requirement of design of gear box over again, brought forward more strict index than before in the new edition manual of wind power generator set, which is published by German organization of certeficate Germanische

6、r Lloyd in 2003. The gear boxs of Goldwind(750kW) wind power generator set are designed and made by the new index, which have character hereinafter: 设计载荷按保守算法取上限齿轮按照额定载荷计算寿命期内的强度,轴承按照85的额定载荷1,600,000工作小时设计选型,这比GL规范所要求的按照设计载荷谱(LDD)核算的方法要保守的多,但安全性高。同时为了追求更高的安全性,以适应不稳定风况变化所带来的载荷波动影响,金风750kW机组的齿轮箱设计额定功率

7、取825kW。The load of design is taken the upper limit by the safety calculateStrenghen of gear is calculated by the rating load in its life long, bearing is chosen and designed by 85% of rating load and 1,600,000 working hours, which is more conservative than the calculating requirment of design by LDD

8、 in GL criterion, but more safety. In order to get more safety at the same time to fit the wave of load caused by the changeful wind, the rating power of gear box of Goldenwind(750kW) generator set is taken 825kW. 轮齿的安全系数要求GL规范要求风电齿轮箱的轮齿抗点蚀安全系数SH1.2,齿根抗弯系数SF1.5;金风750kW机组齿轮箱的设计参数为SH1.45,SH1.7,从根本上保证了

9、齿轮工作的可靠性。The requirement of safety factor of gearThe safety factor of resisting pitting ofgear box of wind power (SH) 1.2 by GL criterion requirement, the factor of resisting bending of gear root (SF)1.5; the parameter of design of the gear box of Goldwind(750) is SH1.45,SF1.7,which guarantees the r

10、eliability of gear working at beginning. 润滑金风750kW机组的齿轮箱在充分吸取600kW机组经验的基础上,采取大流量润滑冷却系统以保证每个轴承和啮合轮齿都随时得到充分的润滑和冷却,过滤系统具有双重过滤功能,纳圬容量大,即使在主过滤器被堵塞情况下,油仍能通过备份滤芯向系统提供清洁足量的润滑油。Lubrication The gear box of Goldwind(750kW) set is based on taking enough experience from Goldwind(600kW), takes big flux cooling lu

11、brication system to guarantee each bearing and toothing gear can get sufficient lubrication and cooling at any working time, the filtrating system has doubt filtrating fiction, has big capacity to take dirty dust, even if the main filtre is blocked, it can supply sufficent lubricant oil by backup fi

12、ltre. 出厂试验标准每台齿轮箱出厂均要求进行载荷试验。The test crtierion of leaving factoryEach gear box must be tested the load test before leaving factory2抗低温性由于北方地区冬季气候严寒,因此对设备的低温性提出了很高的要求,针对这一情况,金风750kW采用了如下的技术措施:2. capacity of resisting low temperatureIt is very cold in the north in winter, which brings forward high re

13、quirement for the capacity of resisting low temperature of equipment, aiming at this situation, Goldwind(750kW) takes technical measure hereinafter 叶片采用低温型叶片,结构胶采用直升机用结构胶配方,适用于高、低温环境。金属材料均采用不锈钢和航空结构钢,不锈钢材料对低温不敏感,航空结构钢采用耐低温特性较好的材料,以保证叶片低温运行要求。BladeTaken low temperature blade, structure glue is taken

14、the structure glue of helicopter, which can be used in low,high temperature environment.The metal material are all adopted stainless steel and aviation structure steel, stainless steel has a thick skin to low temperature,aviation structure steel is taken good material in enduring low temperature, to

15、 meet the requirement of blade working in low temperature.叶片剖面图Profile of blade 金属结构件按照低温型技术规范,材料选用适应低温冷环境的钢材。对于焊接结构件来说,对焊缝的质量提出了更高的要求,在底板的焊接过程中,严格按照压力容器的焊接标准及检验标准执行,从而保证了结构的低温强度。The piece of metal structureIt is taken the material of steel which is fit to the low temperature environment.To the jointing component, the requirement to the quality of welding line is much high, in the process of jointing, it is strict according to jointing criterion of pressure vessel, and guarantees the intension of structure in low temperature 液压油温度值油品的粘度根据北方地区的气候特



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