物业管理专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者韩国波 10(93-103)P11 sm

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1、Lesson Ten,Property Owners Move-in,PartI Conversation,1.Move into the New House,Scene: Oriental Garden,A:Property manager,B:Property owner Mr. Chen,A:Good morning, sir. Can I help you?,B:Yes. Yesterday I received your Move-in Notice. So, today I come to handle all the procedures of removing.,A:Congr

2、atulations on moving into the new house! First of all, lets handle the keys. Please tell me your name and the number of your apartment.,B:My name is Jack Chen, and the number is 1002, Building A.,A:Here you are. Please take good care of them.,Then you have to go with the engineering manager to condu

3、ct check-in procedure, fill-in check-in re- port and file the report, after that, please come back to pay the residential fees. You have learnt the necessary payment, havent you?,B:Yes, I know. But I have no idea how much I,should pay for this.,A:A moment please. Let me see. Altogether you should pa

4、y 500 Yuan for this.,B:OK. When I finish the check-in, I will come back to pay the money.,A:Thank you. Would you please sign your name,here on the form for getting the keys?,B:Ok. Is there anything more?,A:No, thats all. The engineering manager is wait- ing for you outside.,B:See you later.,2.Move-i

5、n Inspection,Scene: Oriental Garden,A:Engineering manager Mr. Wang,B:Property owner Mr. Chen,A:Are you Mr. Chen?,B:Yes, I am. Are you Mr. Wang, the engineering manager?,A:Yes. Nice to see you! Im waiting for you to inspect your apartment.,B:Nice to see you, too. Shall we go to do the in- spection no

6、w?,A:Yes, lets go.,B:May I know what I should pay attention to in the,inspection?,A:According to the principle of “the developer be- ing responsible for providing the residence with all necessary accessory constructions”, newly-built residences shall be completed with public works, public utilities

7、and public building facilities to meet,the basic living conditions of residents who move in, in accordance with the requirements of the planning, design and the plan of investment, con- struction work, and all necessary accessory facili- ties of residential construction upon completion of the reside

8、nces. As you know, all necessary accesso- ry constructions designed and planned in this,community have been completed. Therefore, you should just examine the accessory facilities within the apartment.,B:Thank you for your information.,A:Thats my pleasure! Well, this is the close cir- cuit TV outlet,

9、 and heres Internet connection.,You see, they all work well.,B:OK. Please try all of the lights to see if the power system works well.,A:No problem.,B:Well. Everything is in good condition. The quali- ty of the building is also good.,A:Im to glad to hear that. Now please sign your name on the Inspec

10、tion Report Sheet.,B:Oh, yes. Thank you for your help.,A:Youre welcome.,Exercises,Translate theChinese sentences into English to fin-,ish the whole conversation.,Scene:Oriental Garden,A:Engineer,B:Property owner Mr. Chen,A:Hello,(抱歉让您久等了。) . Im the person from engineering,division and(今天由我带您去验房。) .,

11、B:Thats all right. Glad to meet you. My name is Jack Chen.(请问您贵姓?),?,A:My name is Tom White.(请这边走。),.,B:Thank you. I would like to know what I should pay attention to when I make decoration of my house.,A:Oh, yes. There is something you should pay spe- cial attention to when you make decoration.,B:F

12、or example?,A:Please observe the principle for decoration time, (不能打扰其他业主的正常休息。),.,B:And more?,A: (单元内原有封闭阳台和窗户不能更换;) ; you mustn t floor indoors by using floor stone, neither.,B:What else?,A: (改动暖气前您必须咨询供热站。) .,B:Oh, I see. Thank you. Youre so professional. However, you know, I have bought a lot of

13、 decora- tion material. How can I carry them to my house?,A:You can use the elevator.(请您使用货梯运送装 修材料。) .,B:Thank you. Thats very kind of you.,Part II Text,Management of Owners Move-in,After marketing and renting the property, a proper- ty management company has to face another specif- ic task-the pro

14、perty owners, or users move-in. In order to offer conveniences to the owners or,users, the company should establish proper move-in procedures on the basis of its understanding and familiarization of property management. And it should also conduct the checkup procedure with the owner or user. Besides

15、, it has to carefully consider and establish the property management contract and agreement in which the rights, responsibilities,and commitments of the owner and company are clearly defined so that the owner or user may abide by the rules and regulations better, and a kind of new relationship betwe

16、en the property management company and the owner or user could be estab- lished and maintained.1 Thus, a “united force” will be produced and the level of property man-,agement improved.,I.The procedure of the owners or users move- in,The property owners or users move-in is con- ventionally termed as “join the gang” by some real estate companies. It means that the property,owner or user, after paying all kinds of fees, gets



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