高考专题【志鸿优化设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习(梳理整合 归纳拓展)模块七unit3theworldonline教学案译林牛津版

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高考专题【志鸿优化设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习(梳理整合 归纳拓展)模块七unit3theworldonline教学案译林牛津版_第1页
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高考专题【志鸿优化设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习(梳理整合 归纳拓展)模块七unit3theworldonline教学案译林牛津版_第2页
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高考专题【志鸿优化设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习(梳理整合 归纳拓展)模块七unit3theworldonline教学案译林牛津版_第4页
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《高考专题【志鸿优化设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习(梳理整合 归纳拓展)模块七unit3theworldonline教学案译林牛津版》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《高考专题【志鸿优化设计】2014届高考英语第一轮复习(梳理整合 归纳拓展)模块七unit3theworldonline教学案译林牛津版(5页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 3The world online1_ n.假定,假设_ vt.假定,假设2_ adj.多种多样的_ n.多样性,差异3_ n.世界;地球仪_ adj.全球的_ adv.全球范围地4_ vt.评价,评估_ n.评价,评估5_ n.准确性;精确度_ adj.精确的_ adv.精确地6_ n.缺点;弱点_ adj.虚弱的7_ n.教育工作者_ vt.教育_ n.教育8_ n.参考;提到;介绍人_ vi.参考;提到9_ vi.& vt.脱离;撤退;取款_ n.撤退;脱离;取款10_ n.发明者_ vt.发明_ n.发明,发明物11_ n.约会;任命_ vt.与约会;任命12_ vt.分类,

2、归类_ n.分类,归类13_ n.资格,资历_ adj.有资格的14_ n.改正,修正_ vt.改正,修正1There was a_ evidence to support the theory.2The government would not even consider his c_ for money.3The program deals with subjects as d_ as pop music and Beijing Opera.4His actions dont c_ with his words.5There is still some w_ in the legs,but

3、 her general condition is good.6There is no further _(谈及,提到)to him in her diary.7No one doubts her _(能力)as a teacher.8The cruel man _(放弃)his wife and child.9He saw the _(轮廓)of a building against the sky.10This type of university course is no longer _(紧密相关的)to todays problems.1in _ of 支持2have an _ on

4、 对产生影响3the _ to do sth.做某事的能力4turn _ 转向,求助于5a _ of time 浪费时间6_ out 发现,查明7hand _ 上交8be/become _ to 沉溺于,迷恋上9_ out 退学,脱离10at the _ of 在的底端11keep in _ with 与保持联系12set a good _ to sb.为某人树立好榜样13make an _ 找借口14comb _ 梳理15up to _ 时新的,最新的1Without the Internet,these people would have fewer avenues to meet peo

5、ple.如果没有因特网,这些人与别人的交往途径就会更少。句型提炼:介词短语without the Internet相当于由if引导的非真实条件句(if there was no Internet),所以本句的谓语动词使用了虚拟语气。2To help solve this problem,a special clinic was opened in Beijing in 2005.为了帮助解决这个问题,2005年在北京开办了一家特殊的诊所。句型提炼:不定式to help solve this problem作目的状语。目的状语也可以放在句子后面,不要与句子用逗号隔开。不定式表示结果状语时,要放在

6、句子后面。3Should you ever find something you want to save on your own computer,you can download it.万一你发现了你想保存在自己电脑里的东西,你可以下载下来。句型提炼:从句should you ever find something you want to save on your own computer是一个省略if 的倒装句,在含有if引导从句的虚拟语气中,可以省略if,而把should,had,were提到句首。注意此时主句可以虚拟,也可不虚拟,因为should意为“万一”,意味着主句也是有可能真的

7、发生。4When you are finished,you should always acknowledge where you got your data by attaching a list of the websites you got your information from.当你写完报告时,你总是应该附上你获取信息的网站列表,表明你所获取资料的来源。句型提炼:句中finished用作形容词,表示“已完成某事”,这里when you are finished相当于when you have finished writing your report。5Follow these ti

8、ps,and your time spent doing research on the Internet will be much more worthwhile.遵循这些建议,你花在互联网上的研究时间就非常值得了。句型提炼:这是一句并列句,前一个分句是祈使句。做题时一定要看清楚句子的结构,分清简单句、并列句和复合句。1command n. 命令,指挥,掌握v.命令,指挥,掌握,博得Its very important to command a certain number of vocabularies.掌握一定的词汇量是很重要的易混辨析command,order,direction和in

9、struction辨析这些名词均含“命令”之意。command:较正式用词,强调权威性、全局性和强制性。order:普通用词,侧重指具体的命令。direction:正式用词,指口头或书面的指示或命令。内容不一定详尽,语气较缓和,不太强调强制性。也可指指导性的说明。instruction:书面用词,指不容违反、不容推翻的命令。也多指包含具体说明的指示。The army is under the kings direct command.军队由国王直接统率。He yelled out an order.他大声发布命令。The factory is under the direction of th

10、e government.该工厂受政府的管理。Follow my instructions carefully.认真听我的指令。反馈1.1Always read the _ on the bottle carefully and take the right amount of the medicine.AexplanationsBinstructionsCdescriptionsDintroductions反馈1.2He has _ of over 1200 men.AdirectionBorderCcommandDdemand2claim n.要求,要求权,主张,断言,声称,要求物vt.要

11、求,请求,主张,声称,断言claim用作动词时,往往有如下用法:a“自称,声称”,通常在有怀疑或反对的时候使用。b“要求,索取”,通常指要求某种正当权益下的称号、财产或金钱等方面。Did you claim on the insurance after your car accident?出了车祸后,你向保险公司要求赔偿了吗?The matter claimed our serious attention.这件事需要我们认真注意。He claimed that he had done the work without help.他声称没有得到帮助而完成了这项工作。反馈2Geldof inten

12、ded the concert _ money for those suffering from the earthquake,which _ 2000 lives.Ato maintain;claimedBto raise;claimedCto collect;killedDto raise;kill3correspond vi.符合,相当,通信Janet and Bob corresponded for many years before they met.珍妮特和鲍勃会面之前已通信多年。I should never correspond to your pattern of a lady

13、.你为女士们制定的规格我永远达不到。反馈3To our puzzlement,the written record of our conversation doesnt _ what was actually said.Acontribute to Bsubscribe toCcorrespond to Dsubmit to4make a difference 做出成就;产生效果/影响(通常是好的)Want to make a difference when you grow up?想长大后有一番成就吗?Your fathers taking over may make a difference to the situation.你父亲掌权了可能会促使形势出现改观/可能会有好的影响。His words didnt make much difference.他的话也没起多大作用。


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