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1、RESTAURANT一. Welcome The Guest1.Welcome to our hotel, sir, Anything I can do for you?先生, 欢迎您来我们酒店. 我能为您做点什么吗?2.This way , please?这边请。3.Welcome, sir. Step right in, please.欢迎光临,先生. 请进.4.Welcome back, Nice to meeting you again.欢迎您再来,很高兴又见到您.5.Good morning. How many persons of you, please?早上好,请问几位?6.Ha

2、ve you made/got a reservation, sir先生,您有预订座位吗?8.In whose name was the reservation made?请问是谁预订的餐位?9.Oh, Mr Smith. Weve been/ We are expecting you.噢,史密斯先生,我们正等候着您呢?10.Where would you prefer to sit?您喜欢坐哪儿?11.What about that table near the window?靠窗边的位置怎么样?12.Is this table fine with you, madam?这张桌子可以吗, 夫

3、人?13.Im afraid all the private rooms are reserved. Would you mind sitting in the main dining rooms?恐怕所有的厅房都预订完了,您介意在主餐厅用餐吗?14.Im so glad you like it.很高兴您喜欢这儿.15.Here is the menu, please take your time. The waiter will be with you in a moment.这是菜单, 请享用您们的时光,服务员马上就来.二. Taking Orders16. What kind of dr

4、ink would you like?您要喝什么饮料?17. Would you like to start with a glass of beer?您想先要一杯啤酒吗?18. May I take your order, madam?请问您要吃点什么,夫人?19. Are you ready to order now?您准备点菜了吗?20. Have you decided on something, sir?先生,您决定点什么菜吗?21. What are you going to have / take today?先生,您要吃点什么?22. What kind of dishes d

5、o you want?您要什么菜?23. What dishes do you particularly like?您特别喜欢吃什么菜?24. Would you like to order a set course or a la carte?您想叫一份套餐还是按菜单点菜?25. What sort of appetizer would you like?您想来点什么开胃品?26. Would you like some hors doeuvres?您是否要来点餐前小吃?27. Would you like to have something to start with before you

6、r main course?上主菜前您要来点什么吗?28. What sort of side dish would you like?您想要点什么配菜?29. Would kind of beverage do you like to go with your meal?您想要您的菜配什么酒?30. What kind of vegetable would you like to have?您想吃点什么蔬菜?31. What kind of soup do you like to have before the main course?您吃主菜前要喝点什么样的汤?32. How many p

7、ortions?要几份?33. What would you like to follow?您下一道菜点什么?34. If you order a set dinner, you get your choice of soup or juice, one entre with potato, vegetable, salad, bread, butter and sometimes coffee and even dessert for a set price.如果您吃套菜, 您可以在规定的价格内选择某些食品, 汤或果汁, 一份主菜配土豆,沙拉, 黄油面包,有时还有咖啡,甚至甜点.35. Wh

8、at would you prefer, coffee or tea?您想要喝点什么, 咖啡还是茶?36. Is there anything else you would like to have? /Is there anything that you want?还有别的您想要吗?37. Roast Duck. There will be a slight delay for that.烤鸭, 那会稍微慢一点. 38. Pizza will take about ten minutes to prepare. Would you mind waiting?比萨大概要10分钟才能做好, 您愿

9、意等吗?39. Your order will be ready in a few minutes.您点的菜一会儿就来.40. The dish you ordered is come immediately.您点的菜马上就来.41. The T-bone steak is very good, I would suggest that you try it.T 型骨牛排很不错的.我建议您们试试这道菜.42. Can I recommend the Grand Marnia, sir. Its very popular.先生,我推荐金万利,这种酒很受欢迎.43. We have a very

10、nice vegetable today. Wine flavored bamboo shoots, its our chefs recommendation. Its delicious and worth a try.我们今天的蔬菜不错, 酒醉冬笋是我们主厨的拿手菜, 它的味道好值得一尝 .44. Chinese food is divided into eight big cuisines, such as Cantonese food, Sichuan food, Fujian food, etc. Our restaurant is famous for its Cantonese

11、style.中国菜可分为八大菜系, 有粤, 川, 闽等等. 我们餐厅以粤味风格的菜而闻名.45. What about the eggplant and minced pork in dry red chilisauce ? Its our special course.鱼香茄子怎么样? 它们是我们的特色菜.46. May I serve soup to you now?我现在可以上汤吗?47. Shall I put the fish in the middle of the table?我把鱼放在桌子中央好吗?48. Your eggs will be ready in a few min

12、utes.您点的鸡蛋马上就来.49. The food is best while eaten hot. Please enjoy your meal.这道菜趁热吃最好,请慢慢享受.50. Take your time and enjoy it.请慢享受.51. Hope youll enjoy your dinner.希望您用餐愉快.52. Wish you a good appetite祝您用餐愉快。53. How would you like to settle your bill?请问您要如何付款?54Here is your bill.这是您的帐单。55. How would you

13、 like to pay, in cash or by credit card?请问您要如何付款,付现金或用信用卡?56. Please you sign your name here, sir。请您在这儿签名.57. Please put down your number here.请在这里出写上您的房号。58. Im sorry to keep you waiting. Would you mind checking it again?让您久等了。您再查看一下账单好吗?59. Im sorry to keep you waiting. Your bill comes to 120 yuan?让您久等了,您的账单一共是120元。60. .Here is your change.这是您的零钱.可供参考书籍如下:餐饮服务英语楼面英语


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