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1、Fujian Cuisine,The history of Fujian cuisine,Fujian cuisine, also called Min Cai for short, holds an important position in Chinas culinary art. Fujians economy and culture began flourishing after the Southern Song Dynasty During the middle Qing Dynasty around 18th century, famous Fujian officials an

2、d literati promoted the Fujian cuisine so it gradually spread to other parts of China.,The branches of Fujian cuisine,Fuzhou dishes South Fujian dishes West Fujian dishes,Fuzhou dishes,Fuzhou dishes: quite popular in eastern, central and northern Fujian Province, are more fresh, delicious, and less

3、salty, sweet, and sour.,South Fujian dishes,South Fujian dishes : Popular in Xiamen, Quanzhou,Zhangzhou and the golden triangle of South Fujian, are sweet and hot and use hot sauces, (辣椒酱), and orange juice as flavorings.,West Fujian dishes,West Fujian dishes : are salty and hot, prevailing in Hakka

4、 region(客家族) with strong local flavor. As Fujian people emigrate overseas, their cuisine become popular in Taiwan and abroad.,The characteristics of Fujian cuisine,Ingredients of seafood and mountain delicacies Fine slicing techniques Various soup and broth Exquisite culinary art,(烹饪原料以海鲜和山珍为主),(刀工巧

5、妙,一切服从于味),(汤菜考究,变化无穷),(烹调细腻,特别注意调味),Typical dishes of Fujian cuisine,Typical dishes are Buddha-jumping-over-the-wall(佛跳墙), Tai Chi Taro(太极芋泥 ) , litchi fish(荔枝鱼肉), Kejia Meatballs (客家捶圆) Fried sprat (海蛎煎)、Spring rolls (春卷) and Hong Cao Cui Xiang Chicken (红糟醉香鸡) ,荔枝肉,太极芋泥,橄榄菜豆豉蒸鱼,皇帝排场食,香露河鳗,龙身凤尾虾,吉利虾

6、,扳指干肉,Buddha-jumping-over-the-wall,The Fo Tiao Qiang or “Buddha jumps over the wall“ is the most popular food in Fujian. It contains more than 30 ingredients, including sea slug, sharks fin, abalone, chicken breast, duck, pigs trotters, dried scallop, mushroom, pigeon egg and other unique ingredient

7、s. Its said that after the dish is cooked, the air is heavy with a strong fragrance.,佛 跳 墙,Buddha-jumping-over-the-wall,There is a story about this dish ,one day ,several scholars came to Gathering spring garden for a meal .when the dish is served ,one of the scholars improvised a poem :”fragrance s

8、preads to the neighborhood once the lid lifts ,one whiff and the Buddha jump the wall ,abandoning the zen prevepts .”(坛启荤香飘四邻,佛闻弃禅跳墙来)hence the name of the dish Legend has it that it smelt so good that a monk forgot his vegetarian vows and leapt over the wall to have some, giving popularity to its name.,Thank you !,Thank you !,Thank you !,



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