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1、1 素养全练素养全练 1717 九年级九年级( (全一册全一册) ) Unit5Unit6Unit5Unit6 .单项选择 1 1.(2018 云南曲靖,32)Nowadays China for its new “four great inventions”shared bicycle,electronic payment,high-speed railways and online shopping. A.was knowingB.was known C.is knowingD.is known 答案 D 解析考查动词的语态。句意:如今,中国以其新的“四大发明”而闻名共享自行车、电子支付、

2、高速铁 路和网上购物。beknownfor“因而著称”,由时间状语 nowadays 可知用一般现在时,故选 D 项。 2 2.(2017 山东青岛,6)Jenny is afraid to travel by plane.She always feels when getting on it. A.nervousB.interested C.relaxedD.happy 答案 A 解析考查形容词辨析。根据句意“詹妮害怕坐飞机旅行,上飞机后她总是感到紧张。”nervous“紧张的”; interested“感兴趣的”;relaxed“放松的”;happy“开心的”。故选择 A 项。 3 3.A

3、ccording to a recent survey, three fifths of working mothers in China dont want to have a second child. A.mostlyB.especially C.partlyD.nearly 答案 D 解析考查副词。句意:据最近的一项调查显示,近五分之三的中国在职妈妈不想生二胎。mostly“主要地”; especially“特别”;partly“部分地”;nearly“几乎”。 导学号 53324032 2 4 4.They are from .They are both . A.Germany;Ge

4、rmenB.Germany;Germans C.Germans;Germany D.German;Germany 答案 B 解析 Germany“德国”;German“德国人”;Germans 是 German 的复数形式。句意:他们来自德国,所以他们 都是德国人。故选 B 项。 5 5.The air fresh after the rain.And the sky is blue. A.feelsB.tastes C.smellsD.sounds 答案 C 解析考查感官动词。feel“摸起来”;taste“尝起来”;smell“闻起来”;sound“听上去”。句意:雨后空 气闻起来很清新。

5、天空蓝蓝的。C 项为正确答案。 6 6.A new road near my school next year. A.buildsB.will build C.is builtD.will be built 答案 D 解析考查时态和语态。根据句意可知此题为被动语态。根据句尾的时间状语“nextyear”可知该题应该选 择一般将来时态的被动语态结构,故选 D 项。 7 7.Where is Mum? She must be cooking. Is it the Chinese Beijing Duck? Yes,it delicious. A.soundsB.smells C.looksD.fe

6、els 3 答案 B 解析考查感官动词辨析。由 delicious“美味可口的”可推知,北京烤鸭应该是闻起来很美味,故选 B 项。 导学号 53324033 8 8.The box is heavy.Could you please help me carry it? ! A.My pleasureB.You are kidding C.Good ideaD.Not at all 答案 A 解析考查情景应答。句意:这个箱子很重,你能帮我抬一下吗?我很愿意。Mypleasure“我很愿意”; Youarekidding“开玩笑吧”;Goodidea“好主意”;Notatall“没关系”。A 项为

7、正确答案。 9 9. his partner he has been to Paris,so they know Paris well. A.Neither;norB.Not only;but also C.Either;orD.Both;and 答案 B 解析考查连词。notonly.butalso“不但而且”。句意:不仅他的伙伴,而且他也曾去过巴黎,所 以他们很熟悉巴黎。由后面的 sotheyknowPariswell 以及 has 可知选 B 项。 1010.(2019 预测)We need someone who can Japanese English. A.connect;with

8、B.divide;into C.pour;intoD.translate;into 答案 D 解析考查短语动词。句意:我们需要能把日语翻译成英语的人。connect.with.“把与联系起 来”;divide.into.“把分成”;pour.into“把倒入”; translate.into.“把翻译成”。 .完形填空 4 On March 14,one of sciences brightest stars went dark.Stephen Hawking,the world-famous British 11 ,died at 76 in Cambridge,UK. Hawking is

9、 considered to be the 12 scientist in history since Albert Einstein.He came up with the theory that the universe(宇宙)began with the Big Bang(大爆炸) and will 13 in black holes.He also 14 books to help common people understand the universe.His most famous book is ABriefHistoryofTime, 15 has sold more tha

10、n 10 million copies around the world. 16 his scientific achievements,Hawking was also someone who had a strong will(意志) and optimistic(乐观的) attitude. When Hawking was 21,he got a serious 17 that stopped him from walking and talking. Later in life,he had to 18 in a wheelchair and“speak” using a compu

11、terized voice.But this didnt stop him from living a meaningful and colorful 19 . Hawking traveled the globe to attend science conferences.He was also a fan of pop culture and appeared on TV shows. He celebrated 20 60th birthday by going up in a hot-air balloon,when he was 65.He hoped to travel into

12、space one day. 1111.A.artistB.scientist C.teacherD.pilot 答案 B 解析考查名词词义辨析。根据第二段第一句中的 scientist 可知霍金被视为世界上伟大的科学家。故选 B 项。 1212.A.heaviestB.nicest C.greatestD.luckiest 答案 C 5 解析考查形容词词义辨析。根据 inhistorysinceAlbertEinstein“自阿尔伯特爱因斯坦以来世界上的” 可推断答案是 C 项,意为“最伟大的”。 1313.A.endB.work C.studyD.draw 答案 A 解析考查动词词义辨析。

13、联系上文中的 beganwith“从开始”可知选 A 项,意为“结束”。 1414.A.boughtB.sold C.copiedD.wrote 答案 D 解析考查动词词义辨析。联系下文 HismostfamousbookisABriefHistoryofTime“他最著名的书是时间简 史”可推断霍金也写书来帮助普通人了解宇宙。故选 D 项。 1515.A.thatB.which C.whoD.whom 答案 B 解析考查连词词义辨析。ABriefHistoryofTime时间简史是一本书,指物。故选 B 项,引导定语从句,在 句中作主语。 1616.A.BesidesB.Except C.W

14、ithoutD.Through 答案 A 解析考查介词词义辨析。联系下文中出现的 also 可知霍金不但在科学上卓有成就,而且意志坚强、精神乐 观。故选 A 项。 1717.A.happinessB.sadness C.illnessD.kindness 答案 C 6 解析考查名词词义辨析。根据 stoppedhimfromwalkingandtalking“不能走路和说话了”可推断霍金得了一 种很严重的疾病。故选 C 项。 1818.A.standB.sit C.lieD.climb 答案 B 解析考查动词词义辨析。根据 inawheelchair“在轮椅里”,可推断选 B 项,意为“坐”。

15、 1919.A.lifeB.job C.pleasureD.fun 答案 A 解析考查名词词义辨析。根据下文 Hawkingtraveledtheglobetoattendscienceconferences.HewasalsoafanofpopcultureandappearedonTVshow s“霍金环游世界去参加科学会议,也是流行文化的粉丝,还经常出现在电视节目上”,可推断霍金即使是靠着 语音合成器来说话,也没有阻止他过着有意义的、丰富多彩的生活。故选 A 项。 2020.A.myB.her C.hisD.your 答案 C 解析考查代词词义辨析。根据句子主语 He 可知答案为 C 项

16、。 .任务型阅读理解 TravelTipsforHolidaysAbroadTravelTipsforHolidaysAbroad Everyone loves holidays abroad.They give us the chance to see some sights,have some fun and relax.However,holidays arent always a great experience.Follow these tips to make sure you enjoy your holiday. Get organized passport,you,packed,have,your(?)Your tickets?Every year,thousands of people miss flights because theyve forgotten their passport.They arrive at th


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