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1、rapid development of the market economy environment to explore public servants duty consumption monetization reform has provided a good foundation. The socialization of rear service work has been launched, and rapid progress in some places and departments, duty consumption monetization of carrier an

2、d approach to management has been resolved. Third, in recent years, exploring the monetization of duty consumption has made some progress, have gained some experience and can provide reference to the comprehensive reform of the system of public servants duty consumption further. Implementing an hone

3、st canteen, standardize official entertaining management; enhancing the telecommunication expense management; elimination of County travel and countryside subsidies; research village officials capitalization management of corporate spending, and so on. Finally, group .18 session to be held in Beijin

4、g from November 9, 2013 to 12th. 35 years ago blew the third plenary session of the reform and opening up in the spring breeze, changed, affect the world; today, 35 years later, in the eyes of the nation and the world expect, again to reform mark China, ushered in the 18 session. XI General Secretar

5、y pointed out that Chinas reform has entered a crucial period and the Sham Shui Po District, must be based on greater political courage and wisdom, lose no time in deepening reform in important fields. Dares to crack a hard nut, dares to question the Rapids, which dares to break the barrier of ideas

6、, and dare to benefit cure barriers. Deepening reform and opening up is on schedule to achieve institutional safeguards of the moderately well-off. Under the five in one the General layout of socialist modernization requirements, 18 session of the decision was a five in one and the improvement of ov

7、erall scheme of reform, will promote an integrated and coordinated economic, political, cultural, social and ecological civilization construction of the five reforms and the partys construction in the area of institutional reform. The five in one programme is to achieve a comprehensive reform of ins

8、titutional guarantees for objectives of build a well-off society, the smooth progress of the construction of a well-off society and reform the objectives of the programme. One, holding time and place importance on November 9, 2013 to the 18 session of the 12th Beijing since 1978, 35, have been 7 ple

9、nary session, each time on major issues of political and economic life of the country has made important deployment. In accordance with PRC political practice, often at every session of the CPC Central Committee in a plenary session was held immediately after the partys Congress, on the theme person

10、nel, discussing election Centrals top leaders, such as the election of the Standing Committee of the political Bureau, through the Central Committee members, decisions, such as members of the Central Military Commission. The second plenary session, is held in two sessions before the general election

11、, mainly to discuss a new State personnel issues. But by the third语文八年级下册第六课雪导学案班级: 学号: 姓名:学习目标:1品析文中的两幅雪景图,理解作者表达的思想感情。2学习文章借景抒情的表达技巧。 3学习作者敢于直面惨淡人生,不屈不挠的斗争精神。学习重点、难点:1、文章象征手法的运用。2、渗透在形象背后的思想和情感学习课时:1课时一、课前导练(一)作者简介:鲁迅(18811936),原名周树人,字豫才,浙江绍兴人,伟大的文学家、思想家、革命家。我国现代文学的奠基人之一。有小说集呐喊彷徨故事新编,回忆散文集朝花夕拾,散文诗

12、集野草等。(二)背景介绍:1924年,作者生活的北京正处在段祺瑞政府的统治之下。面对昏暗沉闷的社会,鲁迅的心情异常苦闷。12月30日,一场大雪铺天盖地而下,于是,作者创作了这篇充满诗情画意而又富有哲理的散文诗雪(三)词语积累1、读一读:磬口( ) 忙碌( ) 粉奁( ) 灼灼( ) 嘻笑( ) 褪尽( ) 朔方( ) 凛冽( ) 粘结( ) 粘连( ) 旋转( ) 旋风( )2、记一记博识:凛冽:精魂:消释:升腾:二、课堂导练(一)整体感悟:1.作者为我们描绘了哪两个地方的雪景?各有什么特点?南方的雪和北方的雪 南方:滋润美艳之至 北方:永远如粉、如沙2.你觉得全文表达了作者怎样的思想感情?


14、不粘连”,而且和他们相伴的是失去了生命力的枯草。在这里作者不仅如实地反映了朔方严冬的景象,而且也暗示了当时的社会现实。在恶劣的环境下,朔方飞雪并不安于孤独凄凉的境遇,自然联想到当时作者及进步人士所作的种种不屈斗争。作者借朔方飞雪奋飞的情景,抒发他那不畏艰险,渴望战斗的豪情。3.如何理解文章最后两个段的含义?最后两段,作者从雪与雨的关系上,进一步深化朔方飞雪蓬勃奋飞的意境,与篇首相呼应。严寒使雨死掉,“雨的精魂”变成雪,但雪不屈于严寒。“在无边的旷野上,在凛冽的天宇下”旋转升腾。这里包含的诗人的感情,是对寒冷环境的反抗,也是对不屈的、斗争的品格的歌颂。 滋润美艳的“南方的雪”,寄托了鲁迅对美好理

15、想的炽热追求,这旋转升腾的“朔方的雪”则蕴蓄了鲁迅反抗冷酷的现实社会的斗争品格。要用战斗来创造一个春天般美好的世界。4语句品析(1) 暖国的雨,向来没有变过冰冷的坚硬的灿烂的雪花。“冰冷的”“坚硬的”强调雪的不屈精神,而这种精神是“灿烂的”,是最值得赞赏的。(2)那是还在隐约着的青春的消息,是极壮健的处子的皮肤。作者赞美江南的雪“可是滋润美艳之至了”,它蕴含着“青春的消息”,它如同那“极壮健的处子的皮肤”。“青春”“处子”都是最富有生命力的状态,这里是指江南的雪蕴育着生命,是与轻柔和缓的境界相联系的。(3)是的,那是孤独的雪,是死掉的雨,是雨的精魂。北方的雪的特质之一是孤独,在这里朔方的雪是雨死掉之后的“新生”,是一种升华,是凝聚了所有坚强内核的“精魂”。 (三)拓展延伸:欣赏毛泽东的沁园春雪沁园春雪毛泽东北国风光,千里冰封,万里雪飘。望长城内外,惟余莽莽;大河上下,顿失滔滔。山舞银蛇,原驰蜡象,欲与天公试比高。须晴日,看红装素裹,分外妖娆。 江山如此多娇


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