genre&register 语体与语域

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《genre&register 语体与语域》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《genre&register 语体与语域(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、2019年5月21日,1,Genre and Register,Preface,Issues in Janpanese History Textbook: 1.use enter instead of invade 2.change the Nanjing Massacre into the Nanjing Incident 3.cancel slaughtering,burning, and looting 4.use emancipating and bring benefits to rather than invading Asian countries,著名历史学家家永三郎起诉日本政

2、府对他编写的历史教科书提出不合理修改要求。日文文部在审定历史教科书时,曾要求执笔者家永三郎对日本史一书中的8处记述进行修改和删除。例如对“南京大屠杀”文审部要求加入日军的行为“发生于混乱之中”、并要求删去关于日军“强奸中国妇女”的内容。此外,文审部还要求删除有关七三一细菌部队的记述。家永三郎对此举不服,并于1984年状告文审部,得到了200多名历史学家的支持。,Genre(体裁),Definition: In Aristotle times, the term was used most commonly in literary or artistic works, which is ulti

3、mately derived from the Latin word for “kind“ or “class“. In the present study, the term is defined as a purposeful, highly structured, and conventionalized communicative event in which purposeful and staged uses of language are accomplished in particular cultural contexts.,Genre as a purposeful com

4、municative event. e.g. recipes, news broadcast Genre as highly structured and conventionalized. e.g. Swaless four-move structure for a typical article introduction,Main Types of Genre,stories reports explanations arguments .,Register(语域),Definition: In the present study, register is defined as langu

5、age varieties associated with situational uses and configured by lexical and syntactic resources for realizing particular genres.,Three paremeters: field(语场):the subject matter or content being disscussed. tenor(语旨):the participants in a discourse,their relationships to each other and their purposes

6、. mode(语式):the channel of the communication.,Lab Research Puts Mobile Phone Safety under New Scrutiny,The safety of mobile phones seems set to face new questions after British researchers found that microwave emissions(微波辐射) can effect the health of earthworms(蚯蚓) in unexplained ways.The larvae(幼虫)

7、of tiny soilworms called nematodes(线虫类) grew faster and became more fertile after they were exposed for a long time to weak microwave radiation,of the same strength and frequency as that emitted by mobile phones,they found.Why this occurred is unclear, and there is no evidence that human health is also affected.,Awareness,1. have a sense of the form that the written text is expected to take (genre) 2. control the lexical and syntactic resourses contributing to the realization of this form (register),2019年5月21日,10,Thank you !,


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