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1、Unit 1Key to the ExercisesSection APassage AII. Reading ComprehensionBased on what you have learned from the text, decide whether the following statements are true (T), false (F) in the text.1) T2) T 3) F Children could not be trusted to learn naturally without a great deal of direction and criticis

2、m.4) T 5) F Yet absolute respect is required when there is absolute authority, so we didnt question more than once and obediently complied with their rules. 6) F 7) T 8) F The author set them out for readers so readers might consider what kind of rules they learned from the family in which they grew

3、 up and what kinds of rules theyre teaching their children.III. Vocabulary and Structure1. Select words from what are given and fill in the blanks with their proper forms。(1) discussions (2) perspective (3) original (4) expected (5) existing (6) to admit (7) unwilling (8) prevented (9) effective (10

4、) be understood2. Choose the right word and complete the sentence with its proper form。1)(1) rare 人类活动在某种程度上可能破坏了野生动物的生存环境,尤其是珍稀动物。 (2) scarce 由于夏季的一场大洪水导致去年蔬菜短缺。 (3) rare 他是一个对自己严格要求的人,因此不守时对他来说是很少见的。 (4) scarce 对水源的保护是有必要的,因为对于世界上很多国家来说水是稀有能源。2)(1) strict严格意义上说,霜冻仅指摄氏温度在零度或零度以下。(2) severe这是一所为学习困难

5、儿童而建的学校。(3) strict 我的父母在我很小的时候对我很严厉。(4) severe政府正面临严厉的指责。3)(1) confirms 显然他的声明进一步证实了我们所知的事情。 (2) confirm 请以书面形式确认您的抵达日期(3) decided 他发觉修理电脑花费太高,因此他买了一台新的。 (4) to decide 我等他们决定已经等了一整天了。IV. Practical Grammar1. Fill in the following sentences with the proper form of the words given, and then check your

6、answers with your partner. 1) illegal 2) impossible 3) unsuccessful 4) irresponsible 5) inappropriate6) impolite 7) irreligious 8) dishonest 9) imperfect 10) discontented 2Study the model sentence first and then complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in bracke

7、ts。1) starting to work for an international company她完成学业后就开始在一家国际公司工作。2) Having lived there for such a long time在那里住了好长时间,他就不想搬到其他城镇了。3) trying to rescue the child from the house他冲进火场试图把房子里的孩子救出来4) just not having much in common with him我并不是反对他只不过是与他没有更多相同之处5) Not having ridden a horse for several y

8、ears好几年没有骑马了,我发觉很难安坐在马鞍上了。V. Translate the following sentences into English, using the expressions in brackets.1. He is quite rich in terms of knowledge he has with himself.2. Laws must be complied with no matter what is done, which is the basis of a civilized society.3. The hardship he experienced

9、in his childhood had a great effect on his success.4. The spokesperson refused to make an official comment on the affair. 5. The form cannot be signed by anyone other than yourself.6. How important peace is to a country that has gone through so many wars.Section B Reading SkillsFind out the meanings

10、 of the words in italics by taking context clues and then discuss your answers with your partner. 1) general information without details2) lacking in energy; feeling unwilling and unable to do anything3) something false in order to deceive4) hidden or secret5) something mysteriousPassage B. Reading

11、Comprehension1. Try to figure out the meanings of the words in italics in the following sentences in the text and then discuss your answers with your partner. 1) a substitute who seldom plays2) not clearly3) a way of telling someone to not give up, despite difficulties4) extremely excited 5) extreme

12、 in a way that is unpleasant2. Understand the passage. Write down your answers and then discuss them with your partner.1) loved football and decided to hang in there2) always puts his heart and soul to every practice and provided the other memebers with the needed spirit and energy3) his father died

13、 in the morning4) his dad could see him play and the young man wanted to show him he could do itII. Vocabulary and Structure1. Using each of the following words or phrases in the box in the sentence given below. Change the form where necessary.1) hoisted 2)were thrilled 3) slipped 4) persist 5) are

14、surviving 6 )eager 7) absolutely 8) triumph2. Translate the given parts into English to complete the sentences. Some of the expressions you need have already been suggested.1) was fairly eager to be successful她雄心勃勃工作着并迫切渴望成功。2) If he persists in asking awkward questions 如果他固执地问那些让人尴尬的问题,那么就把他打发到老板那儿

15、。3) He was thoroughly astonished他听说自己儿子吸毒感到十分震惊。4) you are more persistent than I would have ever imagined面对困难你比我想象中的还要坚强。5) people all break loose from confinement当革命的新趋势即将到来时,人们全都挣脱了束缚。Section CPassage CI. Reading ComprehensionTry to complete the sentences in the fewest possible words based on what you have learned from the text.1) some wisdom and value 2) path, work and everyday life3) costs and misfortunes 4) work for his son 5) negatives into positives6) stepping stone to success7) Enjoying the jo



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