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1、UNIT 10 E-Commerce and Games,计算机专业英语,COMPETENCIES,After you have read this unit, you should be able to: Describe the three types of electronic commerce. Describe Web storefronts and Web auctions. Describe the differences between S&A games and strategy games. Describe the game design sequence.,Text A

2、,E-Commerce,Concept Check,What are the three types of electronic commerce? Describe Web storefronts and Web auctions. What are the three basic payment options for electronic payment?,New Words and Phrases,electronic commerce 电子商务 retail store 零售商店 B2C 商业对消费者 C2C 消费者对消费者 B2B 商业对商业 negotiate v. 商议 sto

3、refront n. 店面,New Words and Phrases,virtual adj. 虚拟的 replenish v. 补充 inventory n. 存货 profitability n. 收益 auction v. 拍卖 submit bid 提交支付,New Words and Phrases,electronic payment 电子支付 check n. 支票 credit card 信用卡 electronic cash 电子货币 digital cash 数字货币,Notes,1 Oftentimes, this arrangement eliminates the

4、middleman by providing manufactures direct sales to customers. 分析 middleman指的是中间人。这句话的意思是:这种B2C的安排直接将产品卖给消费者,而不通过中间人。 2 This often takes the form of an electronic version of the classified ads or an auction. 分析 C2C将分类广告或一场拍卖成形为电子版本的形式。,Notes,3 A new type of program called Web storefront creation pac

5、kages or commerce servers has recently evolved to help businesses create virtual stores. 分析这句话的主语是a new type of program,谓语是has evolved,这句话的意思是:一种被称之为Web店面创建包或商业服务器的程序已经有了进展,它可以帮助企业创建虚拟商店。 4 These programs do even more behind the scenes. 分析 behind the scenes:在后台。,Notes,5 As with purchases at a flea m

6、arket, buyers and sellers need to be cautious. 分析 flea market::跳蚤市场,指就像在跳蚤市场上购物一样,买卖双方都需要小心。,Text B,Games,Concept Check,Describe the differences between S&A games and strategy games. How many categories in S&A games? What are they? How many categories in strategy games? What are they? Describe the g

7、ame design sequence.,New Words and Phrases,configuration n . 配置 property n . 属性 taxonomy n . 分类 skill-and-action games 技巧-动作游戏 strategy games 战略游戏 arcade games 拱廊游戏 combat games 战斗游戏 maze games 迷宫游戏 paddle games 摇柄游戏 race games 赛车游戏,New Words and Phrases,miscellaneous adj. 各种各样的 confrontation n . 对质

8、 anachronisms adj. 时代错误 projectile n . 射弹 cogitation n . 思考 booty n . 战利品 blackjack n . 扑克牌的二十一点,Notes,1 Given this large sample of games, we can learn a great deal about game design by establishing a taxonomy of computer games. 分析这个句子的主体是we can learn by,这里的game design是个词组,指游戏设计。 2 A taxonomy would

9、illuminate the common factors that link families of games, while revealing critical differences between families and between members of families. 分析 between families and between members of families指的是:在游戏家族之间和家族成员之间。,Notes,3 Indeed, most people associate all computer games with skill-and-action game

10、s. 分析 associate with ,在这里指大多数人将所有的计算机游戏都和技巧-动作游戏联系起来。 4This class of games is characterized by real-time play, heavy emphasis on graphics and sound, and use of joysticks or paddles rather than a keyboard. 分析这是个长句,主语是this class of games ,谓语部分为is characterized by,emphasis on, and use of,Notes,5 The hu

11、man player must shoot and destroy the bad guys controlled by the computer. 分析 controlled by the computer是过去分词短语,修饰bad guys。 6 Some maze games (MAZE CRAZE for the ATARI 2600 is a good example) specifically require that the player make his way to an exit. 分析 make ones way 指的是一路向前。,Notes,7 We do not me

12、an to imply that S some S&A games do indeed have a strategic element. 分析这里的do表强调。,Key Terms,cash register 现金出纳机 electronic service 电子业务 business networking 商业联网 Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) 电子数据交换 Paperless business 无纸业务 Automatic Teller Machine (ATM) 自动出纳机,Reading Materials Web Shopping,Answer the following questions. 1. What effects does web shopping bring about? 2. Describe the differences of shopping behavior in online and traditional stores.,Practical Writing,Introduction Document of a Game Software Zuma,Create Your Profile Game Selection Options How to Play Zuma Game?,



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