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《计算机专业英语 第3版 教学课件 ppt 作者 王小刚 ch06_第6章 计算机专业论文文体》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《计算机专业英语 第3版 教学课件 ppt 作者 王小刚 ch06_第6章 计算机专业论文文体(35页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、第6章 计算机专业论文文体,计算机系统; 数据结构; 操作系统; 数据库; 多媒体; 计算机网络; 计算机病毒; 计算机网络安全; 传感器网络; 普适计算。,6.1 计算机系统,Computer System,New Words and Expressions,powerful pauful adj. 功能很强的 tool tu:l n. 工具 personal p:snl adj. 个人的 basically beisikli adv. 基本上 consist of 由.组成 additional dinl adj. 另外的 expand ikspnd vt. 扩充,扩大 meet .nee

2、ds 满足.的需要 particular ptikjul adj. 特别的,特定的 CPU (Central Processing Unit ) 中央处理机 memory memri n. 主存,内存 RAM ( Random Access Memory) 随机存取存储器 ROM ( Read-only Memory ) 只读存储器 FDD (floppy disk drive) 软盘驱动器(FDD) HDD ( hard disk drive ) (硬)磁盘驱动器(HDD),New Words and Expressions,CD-ROM ( Compact Disc ROM ) 只读光盘

3、keyboard ki:b:d n. 键盘 mouse maus n. 鼠标器 power supply 电源 turn off 关闭 & 和,以及 entire intai adj. 整个的 typical tipikl adj. 典型的 be entered into (被)打入 be connected to (被)连接到 comfortable kmftbl adj. 舒适的 position pzin n. 位置 independently indipendntli adv.独立地 select silekt vt. 选择,New Words and Expressions,issu

4、e iu: vt. 发出 command km:nd n. 命令 response rispns n. 响应 popular ppjul adj. 常见的,众所周知的 generate denreit vt. 产生 matrix meitriks printer 点阵打印机 instruct instrkt vt. 指挥,指示,指导 be loaded into (被)装入 turn on 打开 OS (operating system) 操作系统,Notes, Your new computer is a powerful tool designed to handle all your b

5、usiness and personal needs. 本句中,“designed to .”是由过去分词引导的定语,用于修释tool ,可译为 “(被)设计用于.”。该定语部分实际上是定语从句“which is designed to handle all your business and personal needs”的简略表示形式,做到表达精练。 The basic Personal Computer consists of a system unit, keyboard, monitor, diskette drive, hard disk drive, mouse and prin

6、ter, and other options to expand your system to meet your particular needs. 句中“to expand your system to meet your particular needs”是由表示目的的不定式短语作后置定语,用来修饰名词option。能用不定式作定语的名词很多,如decision, effort, intention, opportunity, reason , wish等。 This is a good opportunity to exchange experience. 这将是一个很好的交流经验的机

7、会。 others are a more eyepleasing green; 注意are的主语是复数others ,而“a”用于表示某一种类的意思。 Software is a set of programs, which tell the computer what to do. 本句中,由which引导的是非限制性定语从句(Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses),用于补充说明programs。非限制性定语从句修饰物时用“which”, 而在修饰人时用“who, whom或 whose”。,6.2 数据结构 Data and Structure,Data

8、Types and Data Structures Typical Data Structures Stacks and Queues,New Words and Expressions,essence esns n. 基本,本质 attempt tempt vt. 尝试,企图 distinguish distigwi vt. 区别,辨别 identifiable aidentifaibl adj. 可以确认的,可识别的 native neitiv adj. 本地的 facility fsiliti n. 便利,设备 abstraction bstrkn n. 摘要,概要,抽象 stack s

9、tk n. 堆栈 queue kju: n. 队列 behavior biheivj n. 举止,行为 simplicity simplisiti n. 简单 belie bilai vt. 掩饰 arithmetic rimtik n. 算术 contrary kntrri adv. 相反地 adj. 相反的,逆的,Notes, qualities common to.表示“.所共有的特性”;essence指“本质,要素,精华”。此句由两个复合句构成,都以that引导。第一个 that引导表语从句,第二个that引导结果状语从句,that此处又代表 qualities, it代表 a gro

10、up . belie 原意为“误解”,此处转译为“不影响.”。 built . 采用过去分词短语作定语,修饰stacks。 waiting for . 采用现在分词短语作定语,修饰requests。 the line of . 意指请求的队列,为句中主语。,6.3 操作系统,Operating System Single program Multiprogramming Multiprocessing Virtual Machine,New Words and Expressions,classify klsifai vt. 分类 multiprogramming mltiprugrmi 多道

11、程序设计 multiprocessing mltiprusesi 多重处理 multitasking mltit:ski 多任务处理 multiprocessor mltipuses 多处理器,Basic Technical Words and Expressions,Application software: Programs that tell a computer how to produce information, contrast with system software. 应用软件:告诉计算机如何生成信息的程序,与系统软件相反。 System software: All the

12、programs including the operating system that are related to controlling the operations of the computer equipment,classified into three major categories:operating systems, utilities, and language translators. 系统软件:包括操作系统在内的所有与控制计算机设备的操作有关的程序,系统软件可分为三大类:操作系统、实用程序和语言翻译程序。 Operating system:one or more p

13、rograms that manage the operations of a computer,and function as an interface between the user,the application programs,and the computer equipment 操作系统: 管理计算机操作,用作用户、应用程序以及计算机设备之间接口的一个或多个程序。,Basic Technical Words and Expressions,Utilities:programs that provide commonly needed tasks such as file back

14、ups,sorting,and editing. 实用程序:提供完成常用任务如文件备份、排序、编辑等的程序。 Language translators:specialpurpose systems software programs that are used to convert the programming instructions written by programmers into the machine instructions that a computer can understand 语言翻译程序:用于把程序员编写的程序指令转换为计算机能理解的机器指令的特殊用途的系统软件程序。 Booting:the process of loading an operating system into main memory 引导:把操作系统装入主存储器的过程。 Single program Operating systems: allow only a single user to run a single program at one time 单程序操作系统:只允许一个用户在同一时间运行一个程序的操作系统。 Multiprogramming Operating systems:allow more than one program



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