综合教程 第一册 教学课件 ppt 作者 熊选琴 刘重霄Unit 5 1-U5

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1、Unit 5,Text A A Little Holiday Magic,Text B Who You Are Makes a Difference,Text A :A Little Holiday Magic,For years, my favorite day has always been Christmas Eve. December 24, 1969 is the day that will always live in my memory. Before going to my parents house for the family reunion, I went to the

2、citys oldest, but finest, department store, for a little last minute shopping. On the third floor I bought a large basket of gourmet cheese, smoked oysters, a bottle of wine and wineglasses to take to my family. Having finished my shopping, I took the elevator to go back to the ground floor when sud

3、denly, on the way down, it jerked, and then stalled. In the elevator with me were an older couple and a tall, handsome man in a navy suit and we all quickly became very worried. We were stuckon Christmas Eve! As it happened, the elevator was equipped with a phone, so the older gentleman immediately

4、called the emergency number. Someone in charge of maintenance assured us the elevator would soon be moving again. Thirty minutes passed while we made small talk but, when nothing happened, we placed another call, only to find out that the elevator needed a new part and all we could do is to wait.,课文

5、,Learning that news, the four of usthe older couple, Mr. and Mrs. Phillips; John, the handsome man in the navy suit; and Ione by one, sat down on the floor and began chatting. We were so involved in talking about our past Christmas memories while sharing my basket of cheese and wine that the time pa

6、ssed without our noticing. None of us even realized at the time that what we were doing was creating another special Christmas memory. After five hours, the elevator finally moved. We were saved but, strangely, there was a sense of sadness arising in the back of my mind, as I was about to leave that

7、 small closet. Saying our good-byes, the four of us exchanged addresses and promised to send holiday greetings to each other in the years to come. I finally managed to get home to my parentsa bit late, but I got there. As I closed my eyes that night, I saw no visions of sugarplums, but only that of

8、a handsome man in a navy suit.,On Christmas evening I returned to my apartment loaded down with gifts. There it was, a single red rose and an envelope slipped under the door. Inside the envelope was a message: I could really use some help with this cheese basket. John. At the bottom was his phone nu

9、mber. John and I got married the following Christmas Eve, in a sunset ceremony on a Hawaiian beach. That was many years ago, but we are still exchanging Christmas greetings with Mr. and Mrs. Phillips and enjoying a basket of gourmet cheese and wine for our midnight snack, every Christmas Eve. And st

10、ill, when I wake up on the morning of every Christmas Eve, my heart is always overwhelmed with excitement at the magic of the day. (502 words),New Words magic n.魔术,法术 favorite a.最受喜欢的 *reunion n.聚会,联谊活动;团聚 *gourmet n.美食家;(修饰另一名词)美食 cheese n. 干酪,乳酪 *oyster n. 牡蛎 elevator n.电梯 *jerk v.急拉,猛地拉一下 *stall

11、vi.停止转动,熄火 navy n.海军 suit n.衣服 emergency n.紧急情况,不测事件 maintenance n.维持,维护,保养 assure vt.向保证,使确信 involve vt.使卷入;使介入;牵涉 share vt.分享;共用 arise vi.出现,呈现,生词,exchange vt.交易,交换 vision n.视力;幻觉,幻想 *sugarplum n.小糖果 load vt.使负荷,使载重 slip v.滑倒;失足;偷偷悄悄地塞给 ceremony n.典礼,仪式 snack n.小吃,点心 *overwhelm vt.打败;(感情上)使突然不能自持

12、Phrases be equipped with 配置 in charge of 掌管 find out 发现 one by one 逐个地,一个接一个地 be involved in 从事;被卷入;专心地做 Names Philips 菲利普斯 Hawaiian a.夏威夷的n.夏威夷人,1.Christmas Eve 圣诞前夕 12月24日夜晚被称为圣诞前夜或平安夜,是西方国家非常重要的节日。在每年的这个时候,全家人一般都要相聚在一起,举行圣诞晚餐,开圣诞PARTY。餐宴餐桌上的食品种类繁多,丰富多彩,而其中最主要的有烤火鸡、烟熏火腿、圣诞三文鱼等。人们在享用这些美食的时候,还要喝上红酒,

13、晚餐后的甜食一般有李子、布丁和碎肉馅饼等。 2.Hawaiian Beach 夏威夷海滨 夏威夷位于亚洲与北美洲之间的太平洋上,包括8个火山群岛。夏威夷气候温和(温度介于1432摄氏度之间),风光旖旎,物产丰富,因此它成为人人向往的旅游圣地。,背景知识,1.stick v. to push into or through something刺入,戳穿; to become fixed in position,not moved 卡住,钉住 例句 She stuck her fork into the meat.她把叉子扎进肉里。 Dont stick your finger into the

14、soup.不要把手指放在汤里。 His head stuck at the small hole in the door.他的头卡在门上的小洞里动不了了。 I cant get this door opened,because it keeps sticking.我打不开这个门,它卡住了。 短语搭配 stick to 遵守,坚持 He is a policeman who will always stick to his principles.他是一个永远坚持原则的警察。 Ive made my decision and Im going to stick to it.我已经作了决定,并且会坚持这个决定。,生词讲解,2.emergency n. an unexpected and dangerous happening which must be dealt with at once紧急情况;不测事件 例句 Please push the button in an emergency.情况紧急时请按按钮。 The emergency exit is rig


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