综合教程 第一册 教学课件 ppt 作者 熊选琴 刘重霄Unit 2 1-U2

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1、Unit 2,Text A Impress Your Date with Your Self-confidence,Text B The Art of Romance,Text A: Impress Your Date with Your Self-confidence,Dating can make most people stressful and nervous. During dating you might feel like you are under a microscope and all your failures and faults are exposed in the

2、open, but you can make things easier on yourself by boosting your confidence. Youll become much more attractive to any date when you show self-confidence. In addition, youll be able to enjoy yourself more and get much more out of the dating experience as well. Since the purpose of dating is to get t

3、o know someone better, most people are nervous about making a good impression. Self-doubts can creep in. People will ask themselves: are they smart enough? Attractive enough? Successful enough? Coupled with the threat of rejection, it is enough to make anyones confidence plummet. Heres how you can i

4、ncrease your confidence and make your date successful:,课文,First, dont worry too much about the date. It is just a dateonly one afternoon or evening. The rest of your life does not depend on it, except, perhaps, if you could be meeting your future spouse! Whether you are just looking for a fun night

5、or desperately trying to find your Mr. or Mrs. Right, it is best to just focus on the date itself. Take it for what it is and dont put a lot of pressure on the event. Enjoy the person you are dating with and the meal, the movie, or whateverdont have any great expectations other than a fun date. Go t

6、o date, believing in yourself as a person who has a lot of confidence. Weve all seen the person that sweeps into the room, even when they might not be the most attractive, or the best dressed. If you picture yourself as confident, you will act this wayeven when you dont really feel it is the real yo

7、u. Dont try to impress your date by acting like someone you are not, because you will know it is a charade and you have to have a lot of confidence to pull it off.,If you feel unsafe about yourself, concentrate on the other person. Show them you are interested in their hobbies, likes and dislikes an

8、d really concentrate on what they have to say. When you put them in the spotlight, it takes the spotlight away from you, but, more importantly, you get to learn a lot about them. Ask questions and really hear the answers, then ask more questions about the answers. Of course, you should do this in a

9、conversational way and do not make them feel you are grilling them! You should highlight your positive points when you talk about yourself. If you want to take some of the pressure off you during a date, try doing something different when sitting at dinner. Find a common interest, perhaps hiking, or

10、 bird watching. In this way you can talk about experiences related to each others interest. It will take a lot of the pressure off you, help improve your self-confidence when you talk about something you know a lot about! It is important to remember that you are a valuable and special person when da

11、ting. Dont feel inferior to anyone and be confidentthis will help you win many friends and, maybe even that special someone! (545 words),New Words stressful a. 产生压力的,使紧迫的 microscope n. 显微镜 fault n. 缺点,缺陷 expose vt. 揭露,暴露 *boost vt. 增加;提高 attractive a. 有吸引力的 creep vi. 爬,爬行;蔓延 couple vt. 连接, 结合 n. (一)

12、对, (一)双;夫妇 *plummet vi. 骤然跌落;垂直落下 *spouse n. 配偶 desperately adv. 不顾一切地,铤而走险地;绝望地 focus vt. 使集中;使聚焦 n. 中心;焦点 whatever pron. 无论什么,生词,expectation n. 期望 sweep v. 冲走,席卷;大模大样地走 picture vt. 想象;画;描绘 n. 图画;照片;美景 *charade n.(用动作表演的)文字游戏 concentrate v. 集中,专心 *spotlight n. 公众的注意力;聚光灯 *grill v. 严加盘问 *highlight v

13、t. 使显著,强调 positive a. 正面的,积极的;肯定的,确定的 *hiking n. 徒步旅行 valuable a. 有价值的,贵重的 inferior a. 次的,低劣的,Phrases and Expressions in addition 除此之外 as well 也,还;同样 make a good impression 留下好的印象 be coupled with 和联合, 结合 depend on 依赖,依靠 focus on 集中 concentrate on 全神贯注于 take sth. away from 把某物拿走 be related to 相关,关系到

14、be inferior to 在之下; 次于; 不如,1. Date 约会 在英语中,初次约会不叫first date,地道的说法是blind date,很形象的表达,因为初次约会确实从某种角度来说是盲目的。无论在东方文化还是西方文化中,初次约会时都应注意以下事项: 1)男女双方都应准时赴约,这样才会使彼此感到对方的诚意。如遇意外迟到,理应致歉,说明原因; 2)积极倾听并及时对你听到的内容作出反应。在倾听对方言谈时,切忌心不在焉,或目不转睛盯住对方打量,应以自然的神色为宜; 3)服装整洁不矫饰。对于赴约会者,穿着应比平日好一些,这是重视约会、尊重对方的表示; 4)谈吐热忱不轻佻; 5)约会话题以轻松愉快为宜。约会中的交谈,是了解对方和表现自己的最佳时机。这时,你应掌握住谈话的主动权,尽可能地多从谈话中了解一些对方的兴趣、爱好,避免把自己的不足及早地暴露给对方,以便使局面向有利于你的方向发展。 2.Mr.or Mrs. Right 意中人 right是“对”的意思,前面加一个Mr.,就是“对的先生”。对女人而言,就是所谓的真命天子或如意郎君。如果在Right前面加一个Mrs.,当然就是“对的女士”了,也就是男人的意中人或如意的伴侣。,背景知识,1.stressful a. full of or tending to cause stres


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