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1、会泽县茚旺高级中学2019年春季学期高一年级见面考英语试卷考生注意:本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题)两部分。总分150分,考试时间120分钟。第卷(选择题)第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。第二部分 阅读理解(共20小题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节(共15小题:每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下面短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C,D)中选出最佳

2、选项,并在答题卡将该选项涂黑。AEarthquakes have killed many people and have caused serious damage to peoples life. Here are some of the worst earthquakes that happened around the world.Haiti EarthquakeA great earthquake hit Haiti on January 12, 2010. Its center was located just southwest of the capital city of Hai

3、ti. It is the strongest earthquake to hit the country since 1770. It led to 100,000 to 36,000 deaths and left 2 million people homeless and 3 million people in need of immediate help. At least $195 million have been given by different countries, along with a large number of rescue workers to make re

4、scue efforts.Kashmir EarthquakeThe Kashmir earthquake happened on the morning of October 8, 2005. It was centered near the city Muzaffarabad. The official number of deaths was 75,000 and there were 106,000 people who were injured. As Saturday is a normal day in the area, most students were at school

5、s when the earthquake happened. Therefore, many young people were buried under destroyed school buildings. Many people were also trapped in their homes.India Ocean EarthquakeKnown as the Sumatra-Andaman earthquake, Indian Ocean Earthquake happened on December 26, 2004. While the earthquake itself la

6、sted for only 10 seconds, it caused a tsunami(海啸). The tsunami killed about 200,000 to 310,000 people along the shores(海岸) of Indonesia, Sri Lanka, South India and Thailand. There was one death even happening at Port Elizabeth in South Africa, 8,000 miles away from the center.21. What can be learnt

7、from Paragraph 2?A. Haiti is a poor country. B. Haiti suffered many disasters.C. Over 400,000 people died in the earthquake.D. Haiti received international help after the earthquake.22. Why were many young people buried in Kashmir earthquake?A. It is the strongest in history. B. Its center was near

8、Muzaffarabad.C. It happened during the school time. D. There were too many school buildings.23.Why does the author mention a death in South Africa in the last paragraph?A. To suggest South Africa is far away.B. To show how strong the earthquake was.C. To tell us the earthquake killed many people.D.

9、To prove the earthquake was felt by South Africa.BFrederick William I, the King of Prussia, could never have imagined that his greatest gift to the Russian people would have such an amazing history. This gift was the Amber Room, which was given this name because several tons of amber were used to ma

10、ke it. The amber which was selected had a beautiful yellow-brown colour like honey. It was also a treasure decorated with gold and jewels.In fact, the room was not made to be a gift. It was designed for the palace of Frederick I. However, the next King of Prussia, Frederick William I, to whom the am

11、ber room belonged, decided not to keep it. In 1716 he gave it to Peter the Great. In return, the Czar sent him a troop of his best soldiers. So the Amber Room became part of the Czar s winter palace in St Petersburg. About four metres long, the room served as a small reception hall for important vis

12、itors.Later, Catherine had the Amber Room moved to a palace where she spent her summers. She told her artists to add more details to it. In 1770 the room was completed the way she wanted. Sadly, although the Amber Room was considered one of the wonders of the world,it is now missing.In September 194

13、1 , the Nazi army was near St Petersburg. Before the Nazis could get to the summer palace, the Russians were able to remove some furniture and small art objects from the Amber Room. However, some of the Nazis secretly stole the room itself. In less than two days 100,000 pieces were put inside twenty

14、-seven wooden boxes. There is no doubt that the boxes were then put on a train for Konigsberg, which was at that time a German city on the Baltic Sea. After that,what happened to the Amber Room remain a mystery.23. What did Frederick William I get when he sent the Amber Room to Peter the Great?A. A

15、box of treasure. B. A team of soldiers.C.A piece of open land. D.A great palace.25. Who used the Amber Room as a small reception hall?A. Frederick I B. Frederick William I C. Peter the Great D. Catherine 26. What do we know about the Amber Room?A. Tons of yellow-brown honey were used to make it.B. The Amber Room was found at the summer palace.C. More details were added to the Amber Room by Catherine .D. 27 wooden boxes inside the room were stolen by the Nazis.27. What is the text mainly about?A. The search for the lost Amb


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