汽车专业英语 教学课件 ppt 作者 蒋芳 吴喜骊 Unit 5

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1、UNIT 5 COOLING SYSTEM TEXT A Cooling System Principle Cooling System Task How Does a Cooling System Work Circulation Antifreeze,New Words infinitely 5infinitli adv. 无限地,无穷地 circulate 5sE:kjuleit v.(使)流通,(使)运行,(使)循环 grill gril n. 烤架,铁格子,格栅 maintain men5tein vt. 维持,维修 destruct dis5trQkt vi. 破坏 passage

2、 5pAsidV n. 通过,经过,通道 coolant 5ku:lEnt n. 冷冻剂,冷却液 thermostat 5WE:mEstAt n. 节温器,温度调节装置 radiator 5reidieitE n. 散热器,水箱 plumbing 5plQmiN n. 铅工业,铅管品制造 interconnect 7intE(:)kE5nekt vt. 使互相连接 preset 5pri:5set vt. 事先调整,relieve ri5li:v vt. 减轻,解除,援救 pavement 5peivmEnt n. 人行道,公路 reserve ri5zE:v n. 储备(物),储藏量;vt.

3、 储备,保存 flatten 5flAtn vt. 使平,变平 undergo 7QndE5Eu vt. 经历,遭受,忍受 compact 5kRmpAkt adj. 紧凑的,紧密的,简洁的 inhibiter in5hibitE n. 抑制剂,抑制者 recommend rekE5mend vt. 推荐,介绍 antifreeze 5Anti5fri:z n. 防冻剂 poisonous 5pCiznEs adj. 有毒的 ingest in5dVest vt. 摄取,咽下,吸收,Phrases and Expressions in a matter of 大约,大概 cooling sys

4、tem 冷却系统 liquid cooled 水冷 air cooled 风冷 water pump 水泵 radiator cap 散热器盖 engine compartment 发动机仓 in excess of 超过 ethylene glycol 乙烯乙二醇 keep away from 远离,TEXT B The Components of Cooling System Radiator Radiator Fan Pressure Cap and Reserve Tank Water Pump,Thermostat Bypass System Heater Core Hoses,Ne

5、w Words zigzag 5zizAg v. 成Z字形,曲折前进 brass brB:s n. 黄铜,黄铜制品 braze breiz vt. 铜焊 monitor 5mCnitE vt. 监控 wax wAks n. 蜡,蜡状物 pellet 5pelit n. 小球 bypass 5baipB:s n. 旁路;vt. 设旁路,迂回 version 5vE:FEn n. 形式,种类 blower 5blEuE n. 送风机,吹风机 duct dQkt n. 管,输送管 approximately EprRksI5mEtlI adv. 近似地,大约 tear tiE vi. 撕破,被撕破

6、routine ru:5ti:n n. 常规,日常事务,程序 spongy 5spQndVi adj. 像海绵的,柔软的 mold mEuld n. 模子,铸型;vt.浇铸,塑造,Phrases and Expressions keep from 防止 bleed off 放出,排出 reserve tank 膨胀壶 fan belt 风扇皮带 timing belt 正时皮带 centrifugal force 离心力 heater core 加热器 be subject to 遭受 call for 要求,请求,EXERCISES 1. Answer the following quest

7、ions according to the text (1) What is the cooling system task? (2) What kind of cooling system is used on most modern cars? (3) Can you list the basic components of the cooling system? (4) What keep the fluid circulating in the cooling system? (5) Why is the cooling system designed to be pressurize

8、d? (6) How does the radiator cap maintain the pressure in the cooling system? (7) When was the reserve tank added to cooling system? (8) What are the two strokes in a two-stroke engine? (9) What is the function of thermostat in cooling system? (10) What is the coolant made from in todays vehicles?,2

9、. Translate the following into Chinese (1) be made up of (2) consist of (3) pick up (4) makes ones way to (5) make sure (6) belong to (7) Prior to (8) by this time (9) in excess of (10) no more than,3. Translate the following into English (1) 冷却系统 (2) 水冷 (3) 风冷 (4) 水泵 (5) 散热器盖 (6) 发动机仓 (7) 膨胀壶 (8) 风

10、扇皮带 (9) 上水管 (10) 加热器,4. Translate the following passage into Chinese Thermostat Check for Proper Opening and Closing This step is only necessary if you are having problems with the cooling system. A thermostat is designed to open at a certain coolant temperature. To test a thermostat while it is sti

11、ll in the engine, start the engine and let it come to normal operating temperature (do not let it overheat). If it takes an unusually long time for the engine to warm up or for the heater to begin delivering hot air, the thermostat may be stuck in the open position. If the engine does warm up, shut

12、it off and look for the two radiator hoses. These are the two large hoses that go from the engine to the radiator. Feel them carefully (they could be very hot). If one hose is hot and the other is cold, the thermostat may be stuck closed. If you are having problems and suspect the thermostat, remove

13、 it and place it in a pot of water. Bring the water to a boil and watch the thermostat. You should see it open when the water reaches a boil. Most thermostats open at about 195 degrees Fahrenheit. An oven thermometer in the water should confirm that the thermostat is working properly.,Radiator Press

14、ure Cap Test A radiator pressure cap is designed to maintain pressure in the cooling system at a certain maximum pressure. If the cooling system exceeds that pressure, a valve in the cap opens to bleed the excessive pressure into the reserve tank. Once the engine has cooled off, a negative pressure begins to develop in the cooling system. When this happens, a second valve in the cap allows the coolant to be siphoned back into the radiator from the reserve tank. If the cap should fail, the engine can easily overheat. A pressure test of the radiator


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