【精选】TBBT 剧情学习 110

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1、看 Big Bang Theory 学英语第一季 10 集-Leonard:The liquid metal Terminator were created in the future by Skynet, and Skynet was developed by Miles Dyson, but that future no longer exists due to Dysons death in Terminator 2.liquid:液态 metal:金属 Terminator:终结者 Skynet:天网 no longer:不再 exist:存在 due to:由于液态金属终结者是在未来

2、由天网系统创造的 (见 终结者 2)而天网系统是由 Miles Dyson 设计的,可是在终结者 2中 Dyson 死了所以未来不存在了。-Sheldon:Okay, then riddle me this:riddle:谜;解谜好的,这样跟你解释吧。Assuming all the good Terminators were originally evil Terminators created by Skynet but then reprogrammed by the future John Connor.assuming:如果,假设 originally:起初 evil:邪恶的 rep

3、rogram:改编假设所有好的终结者一开始都是坏的,他们都是由天网系统制造的但被未来的 Jone Conner 重新编程。Why would Skynet, an artificial computer intelligence, bother to create a petite, hot, 17-year-old killer robot?artificial intelligence:人工智能 bother:麻烦 petite:娇小的 killer:杀手 robot :机器人那为什么天网系统这个人工智能计算机要去创造一个娇小火辣的 17 岁的杀人机器人?-Leonard:Skynet i

4、s kinky? I dont know.kinky:古怪的天网系统有怪癖? 我不知道 .-Sheldon:Artificial intelligences do not have teen fetishes.teen:十几岁的人 fetish:恋物人工智能计算机才没有恋童癖。-Leonard:All right. Wait! They use it to.等等,他们用它来.-Sheldon:Too late. I win.来不及了,我赢了。-Penny:Lets go out tonight I have to go out tonight.让我们今夜狂欢,今夜我一定要狂欢-Leonard:

5、What the hell is that?What the hell:(用以加强语气或咒骂)到底,究竟那是什么鬼叫声?-Sheldon:I dont know, but if cats could sing. Theyd hate it, too.我不知道,但是.如果猫能唱歌.它们也会恨这歌音-Penny:You want to prowl, be my night owl.prowl:徘徊你伺机徘徊与我共度良宵.Hey, guys! Hi! Where you going?嘿伙计们!嗨!你们要去哪?-Leonard:What? We just had to mail some letter

6、s and.throw away some chicken.mail:邮寄 throw away:扔掉什么?我们去寄几封信然后.把一些.鸡肉扔了.-Penny:Youll never guess what just happened.你们肯定猜不到发生了什么。-Leonard:Oh, I give up.give up:放弃我弃权。-Sheldon:I dont guess. As a scientist, I reach conclusions based on observation and experimentation.scientist:科学家 conclusion:结论 obser

7、vation:观察 experimentation:实验我不猜,作为一名科学家我只通过观察与实验得出结论。Although as Im saying this, it occurs to me you may have been employing a rhetorical device rendering my response moot.occurs to:被想到 employ:使用 rhetorical:修辞的 device:手段 rendering:表现response:回答 moot:无实际意义的虽然我这么说,我却觉得你可能一直都用的是设问句并不想听到这种答案。-Penny:What

8、 was that?什么意思?-Leonard:Believe it or not, personal growth. What happened?也许你不信,那是自我成长。发生什么事了?-Penny:All right, remember when I auditioned for that workshop production of Rent, but I didnt get it and I couldnt figure out why.audition:试镜 workshop:工作室 figure out:弄明白好吧,记得我去音乐剧吉屋出租 试镜么,但我没通过,不懂为什么。-Shel

9、don:I have a conclusion based on an observation.based on:基于我有了一个基于观察的结论。-Leonard:No, you dont. No, he doesnt.你才没有呢。不他没有。-Penny:Well, the girl they picked to play Mimi- she dropped out, and they asked me to replace her.pick:挑选 drop out:离开,退出 replace:代替嗯他们选中去扮演 Mimi 的女孩放弃了,制作单位让我代替她。-Leonard:Congratul

10、ations. What a lucky break.lucky break y:命运的转机 恭喜你,真是柳暗花明啊。-Penny:Its not that big a deal, just a one-night showcase, but they invite a lot of casting people and agents. So, you never know.showcase:展示,演出 invite:邀请 casting:演员 agent:经纪人 没那么夸张就一晚上的表演,但是他们邀请了很多演员和经纪公司,所以,谁知道呢。-Sheldon:I think I know.我想我

11、知道。 -Leonard:No, you dont. He doesnt.你不知道。他不知道。-Penny:Its this Friday night at 8:00. You guys want to come?是这个礼拜五晚上 8 点,你们愿意来看吗 ?-Together:No.-Leonard:Because. uh. Friday we are attending a symposium on molecular positronium.attend:参加 symposium:讨论会 molecular:分子的 positronium:电子偶素因为.呃. 我们周五要去参加一个关于分子电

12、子偶素的讨论会。-Sheldon:I think thats a week from Tuesday, at 6:00.我以为那是下周二 6 点。-Leonard:No, its this Friday. At 8:00.不,是这周五 8 点。-Penny:Oh, too bad. Well, I gotta get to rehearsal. See you guys. gotta:俚(=(have) got to)必须 rehearsal:排练哦太不巧了,我得去排练了。回见。 -Leonard:See ya.ya:(口语) = you 拜拜。-Penny:Lets go out tonig

13、ht.今夜让我们狂欢.-Sheldon:You just lie to Penny.lie:说谎你刚刚对 Penny 说谎。-Leonard:Yes, I did.是的,我说谎了。-Sheldon:And you did it so casually- no rapid breathing, no increase in perspiration.casually:自然的 rapid:快速 breathing:呼吸 perspiration:汗,出汗你表显得那么随意- 脸不红心不跳的.-Leonard:So?所以呢?-Sheldon:So, lack of a physiological re

14、sponse while lying is characteristic of a violent sociopath.lack:缺乏 physiological response:生理反应 lying:说谎 characteristic:特点violent:暴力的 sociopath:反社会的人撒谎时缺少应有的生理反应是暴力反社会分子的特征。-Leonard:Sheldon, are you worried about your safety?safety:安全Sheldon 你在担心自己的安全吗?-Sheldon:No, I imagine if you were going to kil

15、l me, youd have done it a long time ago.imagine:料想 a long time ago:很久以前不,我想你要想杀我的话早就动手了。-Leonard:Thats very true.那倒是实话。-Sheldon:Leonard? Leonard? Leonard?-Leonard:What?怎么了?-Sheldon:I need to speak to you.我需要和你谈谈。-Leonard:Its 2:00 in the morning!现在是凌晨 2:00!-Sheldon:Its important.这很重要。-Leonard:I highl

16、y doubt that. Go away.highly:非常 doubt:怀疑我高度怀疑。走吧。Are you still out there?你是不是还在?-Sheldon:Yes.是的。-Leonard:What?到底什么事?-Sheldon:Youre right; it can wait until morning.你说得对,可以明天再说。-Leonard:What, what, what, what, what?什什什什什么事?-Sheldon:Never mind. I clearly woke you up in the middle of a REM cycle. Youre in no state of mind to talk.Never mind:没关系 woke:wake 的过去式和过去分词,吵醒 REM:(=rapid


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