蛋白标记黑色素瘤转移:总结 计划 汇报 设计 可编辑

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《蛋白标记黑色素瘤转移:总结 计划 汇报 设计 可编辑》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《蛋白标记黑色素瘤转移:总结 计划 汇报 设计 可编辑(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、蛋白标记黑色素瘤转移近日,发表在PNAS杂志上的一项研究揭示了致命性的皮肤癌黑色素瘤中基因表达的升高,可以提高肿瘤的死亡率风险,该基因是潜在的新的治疗靶标。研究论文呢题目为Pleckstrin Homology Domain-Interacting Protein (PHIP) as a Marker and Mediator of Melanoma Metastasis,该研究由加州太平洋医疗中心研究所(CPMCRI)研究人员完成。研究人员强调,这是第一次证实PHIP(PH结构域相互作用蛋白)在癌症中发挥作用。萨特亚太医学基金会黑色素瘤研究和治疗中心主任、CPMCRI科学家Mohammed

2、Kashani-Sabet医学博士领导这项研究。我们已经表明这种基因是扩散风险增加以及黑色素瘤死亡的一种标记物。研究这种基因有助于我们了解恶性黑色素瘤。希望进一步的研究将导致能有针对性的治疗黑色素瘤和其他癌症。为了确定PHIP蛋白高水平对黑色素瘤转移的影响,研究人员检测了小鼠和黑色素瘤患者组织中该蛋白。研究人员发现, PHIP表达的增加与人和小鼠的存活率降低有关。随后抑制小鼠黑色素瘤PHIP发现小鼠存活时间明显长于表达PHIP的小鼠。研究人员还研究345名病患的黑色素瘤组织由,发现PHIP表达水平较低的患者比PHIP高水平的患者存活更久。我们了解到,在小鼠和人身上, 肿瘤PHIP表达越多,癌症


4、rin homology domain-interacting protein (PHIP) as a marker and mediator of melanoma metastasisDavid De Semira, Mehdi Nosratia, Vladimir Bezrookovea, Altaf A. Dara, Scot Federmana,Geraldine Bienvenua, et al.Although melanomas with mutant v-Raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 (BRAF) can now b

5、e effectively targeted, there is no molecular target for most melanomas expressing wild-type BRAF. Here, we show that the activation of Pleckstrin homology domain-interacting protein (PHIP), promotes melanoma metastasis, can be used to classify a subset of primary melanomas, and is a prognostic biom

6、arker for melanoma. Systemic, plasmid-based shRNA targeting of Phip inhibited the metastatic progression of melanoma, whereas stable suppression of Phip in melanoma cell lines suppressed metastatic potential and prolonged the survival of tumor-bearing mice. The human PHIP gene resides on 6q14.1, and

7、 although 6q loss has been observed in melanoma, the PHIP locus was preserved in melanoma cell lines and patient samples, and its overexpression was an independent adverse predictor of survival in melanoma patients. In addition, a high proportion of PHIP-overexpressing melanomas harbored increased P

8、HIP copy number. PHIP-overexpressing melanomas include tumors with wild-type BRAF, neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog, and phosphatase and tensin homolog, demonstrating PHIP activation in triple-negative melanoma. These results describe previously unreported roles for PHIP in predicting and promoting melanoma metastasis, and in the molecular classification of melanoma.


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