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1、安徽省铜都双语学校2014年高中英语 Unit1 Grammarusage导学案 牛津译林版必修1【佳句赏析】(大声朗读三遍):Living without an aim is like sailing without a compass. 没有目标的生活如同没有罗盘的航行。【自研课导学】(时段:晚自习)预习内容及目标:认真研读课本P8-9内容,深入理解直接引语和间接引语。 【晨读课】 熟读P9-10的单词及课文。【展示课导学】(一)学习内容: M4 Unit 1 Grammarusage 第五课时 (二)学习主题:1.了解直接引语和间接引语的概念。 2.掌握直接引语和间接引语的用法。 (三)

2、 定向导学互动展示 Self-study & Self-explorationCooperation & ExplorationShow & ImprovementConclusion & Summarization自学指导内容学法时间 15互动策略内容形式时间 23展示方案内容形式时间 22 随堂笔记成果记录知识生成同步演练热身活动:导生导学:亲爱的同学们,你们知道什么是直接引语?什么是间接引语吗?开动脑筋想一想,然后把你的想法和小组同学交流一下。Step1:直接引语与间接引语的概念直接引语用来准确叙述别人所说的话,我们也可以使用间接引语转述说过的话,而不使用确切的词句。让我们先将课本翻到P

3、8,认真研读第1点, 看完这两个句子后,你们发现它们有什么不同吗?将它们记录在随堂笔记处。Step2:火眼金睛找寻规律1. 现在我们知道了直接引语和间接引语的概念了,请同学们看第2点,比较这两组句子在结构上有什么不同。2.直接引语改成间接引语除了在句子结构上的改变外,需要改变的地方有:人称代词、时态、时间和地点状语以及其他情况。请同学们仔细阅读第3点内容,总结归纳出它们的变换规则,完成随堂笔记的表格。Step3:开动脑筋大显身手1.同学们请将课本翻到P9,认真阅读上方的广告词及读者的评论,了解其大意,并将这些广告语和读者的评论变为间接引语,完成下方短文的填空。动手试一试吧!2.完成填空后,有感

4、情的朗读这篇短文,注意自己的语音语调。Pair Work:(10)1. 与你的合作对子交流讨论直接引语和间接引语的概念;ABCD2. 选择四人相互间一人讨论P8页直接引语和间接引语的变换规则Group Work of Five:(3)组长主持,带领组员弄清P9短文的大意并挑选最喜欢的段落进行有感情的大声朗读,注意语音语调,争取人人会读。Team Work of Ten:(10)组长主持全员参与A.十人共同体讨论展示内容,要求紧扣展示主题;B.预演展示,准备充分到位。展示主题一:“规律我总结”经过认真的自研,激烈的讨论,相信聪明的你一定知道直接引语和间接引语的概念以及它们的变化规则了,请向同学讲

5、解你的所学所悟吧。【要求:讲解到位详细,展示时自然大方,声音洪亮,调动全班的参与】展示主题二“文章我来读”两组PK朗读全文,可采取个人秀,组际秀,也可采取开火车的方式朗读,随时停,找其他同学接力。同学们在读的同时注意直接引语和间接引语的变化规则【要求:朗读者声音洪亮、清晰、互动,倾听者倾听认真投入、专注有效】Step1:Step2:2.时态的变换规则:Direct speechReported speechDirect speechReported speechSimple presentSimple past时间状语的变换规则:直接引语变为间接引语时,时间状语的变化为:today ;tomo

6、rrow ;yesterday ;next month ;a week ago指示代词的变化为:this ;these动词的变化为:comego (注意go不用变come)知识补充:人称的变化规则:由直接引语变间接引语时,从句的主语人称要遵循一主、二宾、三不变的原则。即直接引语的主语是第一人称,变为间接引语时要和主句的主语保持一致;如果直接引语的主语是第二人称,变为间接引语时要与主句的宾语保持一致如果直接引语的主语是第三人称,变为间接引语时,人称不变。Eg:They said to me, “we will go there by bus.” They said they would go t

7、here by bus.She said to me, “Are you interested in science?” She asked me if I was interested in science.His mother said to me, “He cant go to school.” His mother told me that he couldnt go to school.等级评定: 【训练课导学】1.时段: 晚自习 2.时间: 20 3.训练方式: 独立 ,自主完成 “日日清过关”巩固提升三级达标训练题姓名 自评: 师评: 批阅日期: 一、基础题 将下列句子改为间接引

8、语。(每空一词)1. Xiao Li said to me, “I joined the Party in 1980.”Xiao Li me that the Party in 1980.2. He said, “It was completed a year ago.”He said it a year .3. Mike said, “Im starting the work the day after tomorrow.”Mike said the work .4. She said, “I have finished this letter.”She said that letter.5

9、. He said, “I am living with my brother.”He said that living with brother.二、发展题 将下列句子改成直接引语。1. His father told Mike that he ought to work even harder.2.He told his assistants that he would not give up the experiment.3. I warned the children not to go swimming in the lake.4.He said that he could hard

10、ly support his family.5. The teacher asked me if everything was ready.三提高题 阅读理解If you dig down deep enough into the earth, you will find rock. Over the top of most of this rock there is a layer(层)of soil like sugar on a cake. You may call it earth or dirt, but the real name is soil.The top layer of

11、this soil is not very deep, but it is one of the most important things in the world. To grow well, plants need good topsoil. First, topsoil is made of little pieces of rock. Wind and sun, ice and water and plants have slowly broken big rocks up into little pieces. Then, these little pieces of rock h

12、ave become mixed with many other bits of things: crumbled(粉碎的)pieces of dead plants and dried leaves, even dead insects and other dead animals. So the topsoil is bits of rock mixed with humus(腐殖土壤)that used to be living things.In some places, earthworms(蚯蚓)are helpful in making good soil. As they go

13、 through the earth getting their food, they make little tunnels(坑道)that air and water come through. And they turn the soil over in such a way that rock pieces are slowly pushed to the top. Besides, earthworms break the soil into very small pieces as they eat.If you put some soil in a glass of water, the rock, which is heavier, falls to the bottom of the glass. The humus, which is made of lighter things, floats(漂浮)on top.72. The layer, which covers most of the rock, is called . A. topsoil B. soil or dirt or


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