supplier assessment form供应商评估表

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《supplier assessment form供应商评估表》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《supplier assessment form供应商评估表(11页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、 SUPPLIER ASSESSMENT FORMSUPPLIER DATAASSESSMENT DATA :-NameAudit NoProduct :Audited By Present QMS Certification: Audit Date Phone No Fax No Supplier Auditee Team(供应商受审核方团队)Overall Rating Results (总体等级结论)RatingPercentageExcellent80-100 %Very Good60-80%Satisfactory40-60%Unsatisfactory 40 %Sr NoEleme

2、nts(要素)TotalActualPercentage 1Management Responsibility(管理职责)602Quality System1203Contract Review (合同评审)204Design Control(设计控制)605Documents & Data Control(文件与数据控制)206Purchasing(采购)407Control of Customer Supplied product (顾客提供产品的控制)108Product Identification & Traceability (产品标识与可追溯性)109Process Contro

3、l(过程控制)7010Inspection & testing(检验与测试)9011Inspection ,Measuring & Test Equipment(检验,测量&试验设备)3012Control of Non -conforming product( 不合格品控制)2013Corrective and Preventive Action(纠正与预防行动)5014Handling ,Storage, Packaging, Preservation & Delivery(操作,贮存,包装,保护,交付)6015Control of Quality records(质量记录控制)1016I

4、nternal Quality Audits(内部质量审核)5017People ,Training & competency(人员,培训,能力)4018Customer Specific Requirements(顾客特殊要求)2019Other30Total :-8101. KEY TO ASSESSMENT RATINGThe subcontractor quality assurance measures are rated with points from 0 to 10 on the basis of the following. Only those areas of the s

5、ubcontractor that bear relevance to the product/service offered by the subcontractor to TACO need be assured.(分供方质量保证方法被从010分进行分级。NTACO分供方的与产品/服务相关的方面必须得到保证)Elements of subcontractor QA system (分供方质量体系要素)Assessment Observation(评估结论)Result(Assessment Points)Non Existent(不存在)0Unsuitable approaches(不适宜

6、的做法)1Major short comings(主要的不足)3Minor short comings(次要的不足)5Appropriate(合适的)7Very good(很好的)9Excellent(优秀的)10ELEMENTS NOT APPLICABLE TO A PARTICULAR SUBCONTRACTOR(不适合特殊分供方的条款)Certain elements such as 4.7 (Control of Customer Supplied Product) and 4.19 (Servicing) will not apply to every supplier. In s

7、uch cases, N/A is entered in place of the score.REPORTING OF ASSESSMENT FINDINGS(审核结果的报告)The supplier assessment report shall be filed along with this assessment form for reporting and recommendation on supplier selection and approval.(供应商评估报告应连同此评估表格作为报告、建议新供方的选择以及批准)MINIMUM CRITERIA FOR ACCEPTANCE

8、(新供方接受的最小准则)The supplier(including Specially designated small supplier(包括指定的特别小供方)) should score minimum 40-60% & score minimum 5 points on the following elements individually for acceptance as approved supplier.(至少得分在40-60%以及至少分别在下面条款中得到5分,方可批准为供方)1. Product identification and traceability.(产品标识与可追

9、溯性)2. Control plan.(控制计划)3. Contract review.(合同评审)4. Control of customer supplied products.(顾客财产保护)5. Process monitoring operation instructions.(过程监控作业指导书)6. Control of non confirming products.(不合格品控制)7. Inspection status.(检验状况)8. Calibration status.(校验状况)9. Corrective action on customer complaints.

10、(客户抱怨纠正行动)10. Compliance with customers standards/requirements.(遵守客户标准与要求)11. Control of quality records(质量记录控制)2. CHECKLISTS(检查清单)Question(问题表)Assessor Notes(评估记录)Result(结果)1.0 Management Responsibility(管理职责)1.1 Has the responsibility, authority, interrelationship of personnel who manage, perform,

11、and verify work, affecting quality been defined and documented?(管理、运行、验证、影响质量的人的职责、权限、沟通是否被明确以及文件化)1.2 Does the suppliers management with executive responsibility review all quality system elements at defined intervals to insure its continuing suitability and effectiveness?(是否定期评审供应商管理体系的要求以保证其是适合与有

12、效的)1.3 Does the supplier utilize a formal, documented, comprehensive business plan that includes short-term and longer-term goals and plans?(供应商是否有正式文件化的并可理解的运营计划,其应包含短期与长期的目标与计划)1.4 Are trends in data and information compared with:(趋势是否于比较在数据与信息方面)- Competitors(竞争对手)- Appropriate benchmarks(适当的基准)-

13、 Progress toward business objectives, to lead to appropriate action to support(朝着运营目标的进展,引导适宜的活动支持) Developing priorities for resolving customer problems(优先解决客户的问题) Determination of key customer-related trends?(对主要客户有关的趋势的测定)1.5 Are Management Review conducted withreview on(管理评审是否依据评审)Product Realis

14、ation (Core Processes) including , Support Processes, Customer requirements and Quality Objectives.(产品实现(核心流程),支持过程,顾客要求与质量目标)Note: Can be excluded in case of specially designated small supplier(可以被排除,除非特别指定的供应商)1.6 Does the Management review participate in Resource planningandCommunicationto ensure effective implementation and adherence to Quality Management System.(管理评审是否有充分的资源策划/沟通以保证有效实施以及对质量管理体系的符合)Note: Can be excluded in case of specially designated small supplier(可以被排除,除非特别指定的供应商)2.0 Quality System(质量体系)2.1


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