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1、天水一中2019届高三第六次质量检测考试英语试题(时间:100分钟 满分150分)第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳答案。A Support WorkerDo you have the ability to care for others? Can you understand how older people feel? Are you a good communicator? Do you have good listening skills? Can you work week

2、ends?If you have answered YES to the above, we would like to hear from you:Contact us at careersgolden-Trainee HairdresserFull time-40 hours per week; permanent.You will work 40 hours a week Monday to Saturday. Your responsibilities will include: welcoming clients, washing hair, bringing coffee and

3、tea to customers, and keeping the salon clean and tidy at all times.No previous experience is necessary.Contact us at cathvcut-Writers wantedWowee Magazine is looking for writers working 5 days a week for its website. Pay is based on the number of people who read your articles. You may also receive

4、free tickets to events and free products to test. This is a great opportunity to get valuable work experience.We want people who are: interesting, passionate, skilled.Contact us at ModelThink you could be a model? If so, wed like to meet you! Working as a successful fashion model isnt easy but it is

5、 very exciting and could be a great opportunity.Girls should be over 16 with a minimum height of 172cm and boys should have a minimum height of 182cm. If you are under 16 and do not yet have the required height, we would still be interested in meeting you, but you must bring a parent.Contact us at i

6、nfotop-model-agency.ukWork for Coffee BeansJoin Britains number one cafe at Coffee Beans, where every cafe has the same aims: to create family-like teams and to give excellent customer service.Many different kinds of people come and work with us, so start your career at Coffee Beans:-choose the hour

7、s you work - get management experience-share your love of coffeeContact us at jobscoffeebeans.co.uk1If you are good at communicating, you can apply to be a .Asupport worker BmodelCtrainee hairdresser Dwriter2If you want to work flexible hours, you should contact .Acareersgolden- Bcathvcut-C Djobscof

8、feebeans.co.uk3In which section of a newspaper can you find this article?ASociety. BCampus.CAdvertisement. DTravel.B Have you ever been in a situation where a bad mood suddenly wraps itself around you and wont let go? Its kind of like being in the middle seat on a long flight, and youre fighting for

9、 armrest (扶手) space with the person next to you.I was reminded of this recently when my wife and I went to a rock concert that wed been looking forward to all year. When the band came on, everyone, including me, jumped to our feet. But then, nobody sat down, and I couldnt see the stage for the rest

10、of the show. Needless to say, I was extremely disappointed.My wife could see the show fine, so she accepted it when I told her not to worry about me. But she was very sensitive. I knew that she could feel my displeasure, but I never want anyone else to feel uneasy just because I do. Moods are infect

11、ious, and I dont want those I care for to get any of the fallout (后果) form whatever I may be dealing with. Still, I couldnt force myself to have a good time. We got home and I was looking forward to sleeping off my disappointment, but it didnt work. I felt sad the next day, and my disappointment did

12、nt go away for several days.Looking back at the concert, its like I was a kid again and someone had taken Christmas away. Yes, I let the experience get to me, but Im only human, and sometimes that is going to happen. However, I learned that when something like this happens, just remember that it doe

13、snt mean that youre a bad person or broken. You just dont like where you are at the moment, but the bad feelings will pass. So the next time you cant rise to the occasion because a bad mood has you in its hold, give yourself a break. You can still learn something positive, even if it takes you a whi

14、le to figure out what that is.4According to Paragraph 1, how might you feel being in the middle seat on a long flight?AIn high spirits. BIn awful mood.CIn excitement. DAt ease.5What was the authors reaction when the concert started?AHe was upset. BHe was disappointed.CHe was thrilled. DHe burst into

15、 anger.6What do we learn from Paragraph 3?AThe author enjoyed himself at the latter part of the concert.BThe wife was not in the mood for the concert because of the author.CThe author got rid of his disappointment after a nights sleep.DThe author cared about his wifes mood and didnt want to spoil it.7What might the author agree with?ABeing emotional at times is acceptable.BChristmas is important to the author.CBeing stuck in bad mood means you are a bad person.DYou


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