劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit10FriendshipApplicationSoftware

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《劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit10FriendshipApplicationSoftware》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit10FriendshipApplicationSoftware(18页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、ENTER,Unit 1 Introductions & Greetings / A Computer Overview,Unit 2 School Days / Computer Components,Unit 3 Personal Information / Memory,Unit 4 Majors and Subjects / Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,Unit 5 Hobbies and Interests / System Unit,Unit 6 Holidays / Operating System,Unit 7 Sports / Windows

2、,Unit 8 Shopping / Operating a Computer,Unit 9 Transportation / System Software,Unit 10 Friendship / Application Software,Unit 11 Weather and Climate / Word Processor,Unit 12 My Dream / Spreadsheet,Unit 13 Traveling / Office PowerPoint,Unit 14 Canteens / Programs,Unit 15 School Clubs / Database,Unit

3、 16 Taboo / Network Types,Unit 17 Smoking / Internet,Unit 18 Success and Failure / Communication System,Unit 19 At a Restaurant / E-mail,Unit 20 Occupation / E-commerce,Unit 21 Resume / Artificial Intelligence,Unit 22 Interview / Computer Viruses,Task 1 General English,Task 2 English for Special Pur

4、poses,Task 3 Grammar,Task 4 Drills,10,Friendship / Application Software,(Zhang Hua and Li Lin are making a phone call. They are talking about making friends online.) Zhang Hua: Hi, Li Lin. What are you up to? Li Lin: Im just reading a newspaper. Zhang Hua: Do you often read the newspaper for news? L

5、i Lin: Yes, a lot. And I surf the Internet sometimes. What about you? Zhang Hua: I often chat and look for friends online. Li Lin: Whats your favorite web site? Zhang Hua: Let me see. Well, I think sina. com is one of the best websites. Li Lin: How many hours a day do you spend online? Zhang Hua: Mo

6、re than one hour. Li Lin: Have you ever made close friends online? I am told that you have many friends at school. Zhang Hua: Yes. I have made several good friends online.,Friendship,Have You Made Any Friends Online?,10,We all need friendship. Friends will listen to us when we want to talk, will wip

7、e our tears away when we cry and will take care of us when we are sick. Friendship in our hearts is forever pure, fresh and simple. I often feel very lucky to have a lot of good friends. Justin was my English teacher from the U.S.A I met him when I was a student. He was a vivid young man with a brig

8、ht smile on his face, and he always had a special way to make the class active. He taught us English by telling stories, playing games, singing songs, and even dancing. I could still remember very clearly that one afternoon when we finished our class, we went to some other classes to sing songs for

9、them, just like people did in the States on Christmas Eve. It was so interesting and unforgettable. Justin was an excellent teacher, because he taught us not only the way to study English well, but also the way to find the beauty in the world. Justin is my best friend, and I will cherish those days

10、spent with him as the best part of my memory. Friendship needs to be treasured. It is actually like a bottle of wine. The longer it is kept, the better it will be! ,Friendship,My Friendship with Justin,10,chat /tt/ v. 聊天 wipe /wap/ v. 擦,擦去 pure /pj(r)/ adj. 纯洁的,纯粹的 vivid /vvd/ adj. 生动的,活泼的 active /k

11、tv/ adj. 积极的,活跃的 unforgettable /nfetbl/ adj. 忘不了的,令人难忘的 cherish /ter/ v. 珍爱,怀抱(希望等) treasure /tre(r)/ v. 珍爱,珍惜 wine /wan/ n. 酒,葡萄酒 Christmas Eve 圣诞节前夜,平安夜,New Words and Expressions,10,1. What are you up to? 你在做什么? 2. The longer it is kept, the better it will be. 保存得越久,就会越好。,Notes,10,There are two ki

12、nds of software applications: general-purpose applications and special- purpose applications. General-purpose applications are also known as basic applications, such as word processing software and communication software. They are widely used. On the other hand, special-purpose applications are also

13、 known as advanced applications. For example, the SAS system, which is used in bank, is one of the special-purpose applications. Word processing software, presentation software, spreadsheet software, browser, e-mail and game software are wonderful applications for PCs. You could become a happy PC us

14、er with these popular applications. Indeed, there are many commercial software packages and downloadable shareware , and freeware. Shareware is copyright software and it can be downloaded for free, but users will have to pay a small fee to use them. Freeware is a kind of copyright software that can

15、be downloaded and used free of charge.,Application Software,10,general /denrl/ adj. 一般的 purpose /pps/ n. 用途 advanced /dvnst/ adj. 高级的,先进的 presentation /preznten/ n. 介绍,陈述,表现 browser /braz(r)/ n. 浏览器 indeed /ndid/ adv. 真正地,实际上 commercial /kml/ adj. 商业的,贸易的 package /pkd/ n. 包裹,包 downloadable /danldbl/

16、 adj. 可下载的 shareware /ewe(r)/ n. 共享软件 freeware /friwe(r)/ n. 免费软件 copyright /kpirat/ n. 版权,著作权 fee /fi/ n. 酬金,费用 charge /td/ n. 费用,价钱 on the other hand 相反,另一方面,New Words and Expressions,10,SAS system(Statistical Analysis System)统计分析软件 free of charge 免费,New Words and Expressions,10,1. There are two kinds of software applications: general-purpose applications and special- pur


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