劳动出版社精品课件 《英语(第二版)》 A01 2211Unit11WeatherandClimateWordProcessor

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1、ENTER,Unit 1 Introductions & Greetings / A Computer Overview,Unit 2 School Days / Computer Components,Unit 3 Personal Information / Memory,Unit 4 Majors and Subjects / Why Is a Computer So Powerful?,Unit 5 Hobbies and Interests / System Unit,Unit 6 Holidays / Operating System,Unit 7 Sports / Windows

2、,Unit 8 Shopping / Operating a Computer,Unit 9 Transportation / System Software,Unit 10 Friendship / Application Software,Unit 11 Weather and Climate / Word Processor,Unit 12 My Dream / Spreadsheet,Unit 13 Traveling / Office PowerPoint,Unit 14 Canteens / Programs,Unit 15 School Clubs / Database,Unit

3、 16 Taboo / Network Types,Unit 17 Smoking / Internet,Unit 18 Success and Failure / Communication System,Unit 19 At a Restaurant / E-mail,Unit 20 Occupation / E-commerce,Unit 21 Resume / Artificial Intelligence,Unit 22 Interview / Computer Viruses,Weather and Climate / Word Processor,11,Task 1 Genera

4、l English,Task 2 English for Special Purposes,Task 3 Grammar,Task 4 Drills,(Li Lin and Wang Wei are talking in the classroom.) Li Lin: What a day! Autumn is coming. I like autumn best. Wang Wei, how about you? Wang Wei: Well, I am a summer person. I love hot weather because I can swim every day. Its

5、 really nice. Li Lin: I like autumn because it is neither hot nor cold. Wang Wei: Whats the weather like in summer in your hometown? Li Lin: Its quite hot and wet. The average temperature in summer is 32 degrees centigrade. Wang Wei: How about winter? Is it cold? Li Lin: A bit cold when it rains. Wa

6、ng Wei: I have been invited to travel to your hometown by one of my friends. I am planning to go there in winter. Li Lin: That would be great! Winter is the best season in my hometown.,Weather and Climate,Whats the Weather Like?,11,There are four seasons in a year. They are spring, summer, autumn an

7、d winter. In spring the weather becomes warm gradually. The fields are covered with green grass. The forests are filled with the songs of birds. All living things seem to be awakened from their long winter sleep. Summer is the hottest season of the year. The days are long and the nights are short. T

8、he sun often shines brightly, but sometimes there are heavy clouds and sudden storms. If it rains too much, floods might occur in some places. Autumn is the harvest time. The crops need to be gathered in and the fruits are picked in the orchards. The days get shorter and the nights become longer. Th

9、e woods turn yellow and brown , leaves begin to fall from the trees. The sky is blue and people feel comfortable. When winter comes, we have to spend more time indoors because it is cold outside. Lakes and rivers are frozen, and the roads are sometimes covered with ice or snow. The trees are bare. B

10、itter north winds blow and people have to put on more clothes.,Weather and Climate,Four Seasons in a Year,11,weather /we(r)/ n. 天气,气候 climate /klamt/ n. 气候 wet /wet/ adj. 湿的 average /vrd/ adj. 平均的 temperature /temprt(r)/ n. 温度 degree /dri/ n. 度数,度 centigrade /sentred/ adj. 摄氏温度的 season /sizn/ n. 季,季

11、节 gradually /rduli/ adv. 逐渐地 field /fild/ n. 原野 cover /kv(r)/ v. 覆盖 grass /rs/ n. 草 forest /frst/ n. 森林 awaken /wekn/ v. 唤醒,醒来 shine /an/ v. 照耀,发光,New Words and Expressions,11,brightly /bratli/ adv. 明亮地 cloud /klad/ n. 云 sudden /sdn/ adj. 突然 storm /stm/ n. 暴风雨,暴风雪 flood /fld/ n. 洪水,水灾 occur /k(r)/ v

12、. 发生,出现 harvest /hvst/ n. 收获,收成 crop /krp/ n. 农作物 gather /(r)/ v. 集合,聚集 fruit /frut/ n. 水果 orchard /td/ n. 果园 wood /wd/ n. 木头 leaf /lif/ n.(复数leaves)叶,树叶 comfortable /kmftbl/ adj. 舒适的 indoors /nd(r) z/ adv.在室内,New Words and Expressions,11,frozen /frzn/ adj. 冻结的,冷冰的,冷酷的 bare /be(r)/ adj. 赤裸的,无遮掩的,空的

13、bitter /bt(r)/ adj. 苦的 be covered with 被覆盖着 be filled with 装满了,充满了 gather in 收集起来 put on 穿上,New Words and Expressions,11,1. What a day! 多好的一天啊! 此句也可用来表示:多糟糕的一天啊! 可根据具体语境判断。 2. weather 指(短时间内的)天气;而要指某个地方的天气,则用 climate 一词。 3. The woods turn yellow and brown 树木都变成黄色和棕色 这里的 turn 是系动词,连接两个形容词 yellow 和 br

14、own 描述主语 woods 的状态,类似的还有下文中的 The sky is blue and people feel comfortable. 天是蓝的,人们感觉舒适。这是一个由两个主系表结构 的简单句组合而成的并列句。,Notes,11,Word processing software creates text-based documents such as reports, letters and memos. Word processor is one of the most widely used softwares. Students and researchers use wo

15、rd processors to create reports. All types of people and organizations use word processors to work. Most word processors include features to help people write better. For example, as you enter text, spelling errors are identified. They can be quickly corrected by selecting from some suggested spelli

16、ngs. In a similar way, grammar errors can also be identified and corrected. You can quickly locate any character, word, or phrase in your document by using the “search” or “find” commands. In addition, you can replace the located text with other text by using the “replace” command.,Word Processor,11,create /kriet/ v. 创造,新建 memo /mem/ n. 备忘录 researcher /rs


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