安全工程专业英语第2版 司鹄UNIT SIX

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1、UNIT SIX,INDUSTRIAL HYGIENE,句子分析,Industrial hygiene has been defined as “that science or art devoted to the anticipation, recognition, evaluation, and control of those environmental factors or stresses, arising in or from the workplace, which may cause sickness, impaired health and well-being, or si

2、gnificant discomfort and inefficiency among workers or among the citizens of the community.“,工业卫生被定义为“致力于预期,识别,评估和控制工作场所内外产生的环境因素或压力的科学或艺术,可能导致疾病,健康和福祉受损,或显着 工人或社区公民之间的不适和低效。,The industrial hygienist, although basically trained in engineering, physics, chemistry, or biology, has acquired by undergra

3、duate and/or postgraduate study and experience, a knowledge of the effects upon health of chemical and physical agents under various levels of exposure.,工业卫生师虽然基本上接受过工程,物理,化学或生物学方面的培训,但已通过本科和/或研究生学习和经验获得了各种暴露水平下化学和物理因素对健康影响的知识。,Noise is a serious hazard when it results in temporary or permanent hear

4、ing loss, physical or mental disturbance, any interference with voice communications, or the disruption of a job, rest, relaxation, or sleep.,The chance of developing heat stress increases with increased humidity, hot environments, and the use of personal protective equipment.,当噪音导致暂时性或永久性听力损失,身体或精神

5、障碍,对语音通信的任何干扰,或工作中断,休息,放松或睡眠时,噪音是一种严重危险。,随着湿度增加,炎热环境以及个人防护设备的使用,产生热应激的可能性增加。,Ionizing radiation has the ability to change or destroy the atomic (chemical) structure of cells, non-ionizing radiation does not.,Although non-ionizing radiation is not as hazardous as ionizing, there are exposures that ca

6、n cause severe injuries.,Items such as sanitation and housekeeping items regarding potable water, removal of industrial waste and sewage, food handling, and personal cleanliness have the potential to exacerbate the potential risk of biological hazards.,电离辐射具有改变或破坏细胞原子(化学)结构的能力,而非电离辐射则没有。,虽然非电离辐射不像电离

7、那样危险,但是存在可能导致严重伤害的暴露。,关于饮用水,工业废水和污水的清除,食品处理和个人清洁等卫生和家政用品等项目有可能加剧生物危害的潜在风险。,The majority of the occupational health hazards arise from inhaling chemical agents in the form of vapors, gases, dusts, fumes and mists, or by skin contact with these materials.,To recognize occupational factors or stresses,

8、 a health and safety professional must first know about the chemicals used as raw materials and the nature of the products and byproducts manufactured.,大多数职业健康危害源于吸入蒸气,气体,灰尘,烟雾和雾气形式的化学试剂,或通过皮肤接触这些材料。,为了识别职业因素或压力,健康和安全专业人员必须首先了解用作原材料的化学品以及所生产的产品和副产品的性质。,安全术语,工业卫生 物理危害 化学危害 非电离辐射 生物危害 职业病,翻译技巧(五) 常见多功

9、能词的译法 (I),一、as的译法,作为介词的译法,Fire protection engineers define the term explosion as an “effect“ produced by a sudden violent expansion of gases.,We take steel as the leading engineering material.,作为关系代语的译法,As known to us, inertia is an absolute quality possessed by all bodies.,Fire deals with such idea

10、s as substance, temperature, explosion and combustion.,The weight of an object on the moon is not the same as its weight on the earth.,作为关系副词的译法,A vector multiplied by a scalar quantity is a vector in the same direction as the original vector.,The force of gravitational attraction between two bodies

11、 decrease as the distance between them increases,作为连词的译法,As liquids and gases flow, they are called fluids.,The wheel turns as fast as stable.,The development stage lasts as long as it needs to.,Complicated as the problem is, it can be worked out in a few minutes by a computer .,Friction, as the ter

12、m is understood in mechanics, is the resistance to relative motion between two bodies in.,作无人称主语,二、it的译法,We found it necessary to use modern composite materials for tall buildings.,It is to reduce accidents that safety valves are designed.,作人称代词的译法,A new science, safety behavior, has emerged, and it is very closely allied to management and psychology.,The light is slowed down as it goes through the lens.,Is a structure safe when loaded? It is a problem to be studied.,



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