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1、高考核心词汇与练习-B(含答案)1. balance n. 均衡;平衡;天平;余额 v. 平衡;权衡(1) You have to balance the advantages of living in the countryside _ the disadvantages.你得权衡一下住在乡下的好处和坏处。 【答案】against (2) As is known to all, a _ diet should keep your body healthy. A. balance B. balanced C. balancing D. balance of【答案】答案 B解析:balanced

2、为形容词,意为“平衡的”,符合题意。 (3) In education there should be a good _ among the branches of knowledge that contributes to effective thinking and wise judgment. A. distribution B. balance C. combination D. assignment 【答案】答案 B解析:“在知识的分支方面应该有一个好的平衡”,balance“平衡”,符合题意。2. ban v. 禁止;取缔 n. 禁令(1) They signed agreemen

3、ts _ (ban) the use of chemical weapons.【答案】banning (2) As a peace-loving country, well declare a total _ on nuclear arms. A. ban B. arrival C. control D. movement【答案】答案 A解析:句意:作为一个热爱和平的国家,我们宣布全面禁止核武器。ban“禁止”,符合题意。( 3) Because of the shortage of water there is a _ on the use of hose-pipes. A. ban B.

4、vote C. lawyer D. boycott 【答案】答案 A解析:ban强调通过法律禁止,后接介词on。题意为:因为缺水,禁止使用水龙软管。3. base n. 根基;底座;根据;基础 v. 以为基础(根据)(1) Actually, teaching is an art _ (base) on science. 【答案】based (2) The movie _ J. K. Rowlings Hotter and the Goblet of Fire was put on on November 18 this year. A. basing on B. based on C. be

5、ing based on D. to be based on 【答案】答案 B解析:句中的the movie和base之间是被动关系,其实质是base the movie on J. K. Rowlings Hotter and the Goblet of Fire,故正确答案为。(3) The professor could hardly find sufficient grounds _ his arguments in favor of the new theory. A. on which to base B. which to base on C. to base on D. to

6、be based on 【答案】答案 A解析:题意为:教授几乎找不到支持这一新理论的充分理由。根据句意,题中的professor是想将自己的argument建立在sufficient grounds之上,即to base his arguments on these grounds。因此,关系代词which指代的先行词grounds应是介词on的宾语,故应选择on which to base。4. bear v. 承受;忍耐;运送;携带;生(孩子)(1) Hebb has _ (bear) him six sons and the eldest son was _ (bear) in 1970

7、.【答案】borne ; born (2) Why did Bob cry? He couldnt bear _ like that before the whole class. A. making fun of B. being made fun of C. to be laughed D. being made fun【答案】答案 B解析:动词bear后可跟v.-ing形式或不定式作宾语,且此处应该使用被动形式。选项C中应用短语动词laugh at。(3) We have no vacancies (空职) now, but well certainly _ your applicati

8、on in mind. A. hide B. bear C. stand D. endure 【答案】答案 B解析:本题考查固定短语bear in mind“记住”。5. benefit n. 优势;利益;成效 v. 使受益;得益于(1) The new regulation will be _ (benefit) to everyone concerned.【答案】beneficial(2) Who is most likely to _ the old ladys death? A. benefit B. benefit from C. be beneficial D. be benefi

9、cial to 【答案】答案B解析:benefit“对有益”;benefit from“从中获益”;be beneficial to“对有益”,故选B项。(3) The new medical care policy will be _ to us all. A. great benefit B. benefited C. beneficial D. for the benefit【答案】答案C解析:考查固定短语be beneficial to,“对有益”。6. blame v. 把归咎于;指责 n. .责任;指责(1) He was blamed _ the accident, but he

10、 blamed it _ others. In fact, it is he, not others that is _ (为受责备) it.【答案】for ; on ; to blame for(2) They blamed the failure on George. Actually, he _. A. is not to blame B. is to blame C. is not to be blamed D. should not blame【答案】答案 A解析:sb. be to blame表示“某人被责备”。又由actually知此处应选。 (3) His driver, _

11、for the accident, had not been driving carefully. A. blamed B. being blamed C. to be blamed D. blaming 【答案】答案 A解析:考查过去分词短语作定语。句意:为事故而受责备的司机没有仔细开车。7. burst v. 爆裂;胀开;猛冲,突然出现 n. 突发;爆破(1) Hearing the news, she burst _ tears (= burst _ crying).【答案】into ; out (2) As soon as she saw her mother, she _. A. b

12、urst out tears B. burst into tears C. broke out tears D. broke into crying 【答案】答案 B解析:考查固定短语burst / break into tears和burst / break out crying。 ( 3) In a sudden _ of anger, the man tore up everything within reach. A. attack B. burst C. split D. blast【答案】答案 B解析:句意:一气之下,这个男人把够得着的东西全撕毁了。名词burst可用来表示情感的迸

13、发,因此,只有项能满足该句的句意。8. bury v. 埋葬;埋藏;使陷入(1) She sat there, _ (bury) in thought.【答案】buried(2) _ in the newspaper, I didnt notice what was happening. A. Having buried B. Burying C. Buried D. To be buried【答案】答案 C解析:句意:专心看报,他没注意到发生了什么。buried in the newspaper为过去分词短语作状语。 (3) _ deep down in the earth, the dea

14、d forests rotted away and became coal. A. Buried B. Burying C. To bury D. Being buried【答案】答案 A解析:句子的主语和bury之间是被动关系,且动作发生在谓语动词之前,故用过去分词形式。9. bargain n. 减价品;便宜货 v. 讨价还价(1) In the market, dealers were bargaining _ growers _ the price of coffee.在市场上商人正和种植者就咖啡的价格进行商谈。【答案】with ; over (2) After much _, the shop owner agreed to cut down the price of the MP4 by 20%. A. debating B. talking C. discussing D. barg


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