《Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.》单元教案

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1、Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry.单元教案【单元教学内容分析】本单元以How do things affect you?为话题, 谈论外界事物如何影响人的心情。重点语法为使役动词make的用法。通过本单元的学习,引导学生学会比较、选择对自己有影响的事物,并能正确处理一些实际问题,要求学生掌握表达某物或某事给人带来的感觉、看法或影响等。既巩固了语言学习目标,又培养了学生的合作能和交际能力,培养他们做个情感丰富的人。【单元学情分析】通过两年多的初中英语学习,九年级学生已经掌握了一定的英语基础知识,他们也能够比较自觉地学习英语,并能够通过使用英语来表达他们的某些感受。结合

2、学生的年龄特点及知识能力,本课联系学生生活实际,引导学生结合自己的生活体验,以小组对话、采访等方式,运用所学的语言基础知识自我学习,互相学习,鼓励他们主动参与教学活动,在课堂上能进入角色,克服语言障碍和胆怯害羞的心理压力,真正成为学习的主体。【教学目标】语言知识目标:1、能够运用所学知识,谈论或询问事物对我们情绪的影响或人对某一件事或物的看法。2、学会比较,分析不同事物的优缺点,从而进行优化选择。语言技能目标:1、学习动词make的用法,即make宾语形容词,并能在实际情境中简单地运用。2、学会以下基本句型:How do you feel about loud/soft music?How d

3、o you feel about the picture?Loud music makes me tense/angry/.Soft music makes me sleepy/sad/Soft music makes her relaxed/The awful pictures make me tense/.3、能听懂听力内容,并能完成相应的练习。情感态度目标:培养学生做一个情感丰富的人。学习策略目标:通过小组对话、采访等方式比较不同的事物,谈论它们对我们情绪的影响。【教学重难点】1、词汇:描写“feelings(感受)”的形容词:happy,surprised,embarrassed,si

4、ck,anxious,angry, guilty,annoyed,sad,upset,unhappy,stressed out,worried,tense,excited,interested,relaxed,bored,comfortable2、动词make的用法:make宾语形容词【教学方法】任务型教学法:倡导体验参与,培养自主学习能力。竞赛教学法:根据初中生争强好胜的性格特征,在课堂内引进小组竞争机制,提高团体活动效率,加强团体凝聚力,激发学生的求知欲和参与意识。多媒体辅助教学:形象,生动,使课堂容量相对增加,给学生提供更多的语言实践机会,有利于综合语方运用能力的提高。【教具】电脑多媒体

5、等。【课时安排及教学内容】Period 1 (Section A: 1a-2d)Period 2 (Section A: 3a-3c)Period 3 (Section A: Grammar focus & 4a-4c)Period 4 (Section B: 1a-2e) Period 5 (Section B 3a-3b & Self check)【教学过程设计】一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:单词:friendship 友谊, king 君主, pale 苍白的, queen 王后, examine 检查, nor 也不, palace 王宫, power 权力, wealth 财富,

6、 grey 阴沉的, lemon 柠檬, fame 名声, Prime 首相的句型:The loud music makes me nervous.Soft and quiet music makes me relaxed.Money and fame dont always make people happy.She said that the sad movie made her feel like crying.能够用英语描述事情对自己感情的影响,复习被动语态。2.情感态度价值观目标:了解一些表达感情的词,能正确的表达自己的感情,并培养学生正确处理事情,特别是不好的事情对自己的正面影响。

7、二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1) 掌握本课时中出现的生词2) 能够用英语描述自己的情感。3)正确理解make 的用法。2. 教学难点:掌握make的用法Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d)Step 1. Greetings and revision:Step 2. Presentation1. Show some pictures for Ss and ask them about their feelings.2. How do you feel about these following pictures?3. Review the kinds of movies a

8、nd answer the question “How do you feel about the movie?”Step 3 Learning1. 1a. Look at the two restaurants below. Which would you like to go to? Why?2. 1b.Listen and fill in the blanks. Then match the restaurants with the statements.3. 1c.Role-play a conversation between Amy and Tina.Tina: Id rather

9、 go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.Amy: But that music makes me sleepy. I want to have the hamburgers at Rockin Restaurant.Tina: Lets go to the Rockin Restaurant. I love their hamburgers.Amy: Those awful pictures on the walls make me uncomfortable, and the loud

10、 music makes me nervous.Tina: So where do you want to go, Amy?Amy: Lets go to Blue Ocean. The soft music makes me relaxed.4. 2a. Listen and number the picture (1-4) in the order you hear them.5. Listen again. Complete the statements.6. Role-play the conversation.7. 2d Pole-play the conversation.Step

11、 4 Language points.1.Id rather go to Blue Ocean because I like to listen to quiet music while Im eating.我宁愿去蓝色海洋餐馆,因为吃饭时我喜欢听点舒缓的音乐。would rather do sth. (prefer to do sth.)意为“宁愿;宁可;更喜欢”,此处would并无过去的意思,rather 为副词,表示相当或相反,该句式常用来表示选择的意愿。She would rather work in the countryside. 她宁可到农村去工作。2. But that mus

12、ic makes me sleepy. 但是那种音乐会让我昏昏欲睡。主语+make sb. +adj.意为“使某人感到; 使处于某种状态” 。The color red makes me nervous. 红色会使我紧张。3. Waiting for Amy drove Tina _. 等待艾美令缇娜有点抓狂。drive sb. crazy 意为“让某人抓狂;使某人发疯;令人疯狂”,相当于make sb. crazy。So much work almost drives me crazy. 这么多工作几乎让我抓狂。4. The movie was so sad that it made Tin

13、a and Amy _ . 电影如此的悲伤以至于它让缇娜和艾美感到。“主语+谓语+so +adj./adv. +that +句子”引导结果状语从句,意为“如此以至于”。When the fans saw the famous singer, they got so excited that they cried out.当粉丝们看到这个著名的歌手时他们如此激动以至于都哭出来了。5. Well . yes and no. She was really late. 嗯,既开心又不开心。yes and no 表示对某一问题的两可回答,意为“既是又不是;不能说定”。- Were you surpris

14、ed when you received something from Andy?你收到安迪的东西时惊讶吗?- Well, yes and no. I knew he would send me something. But I just wasnt sure what it would be.嗯,既惊讶又不惊讶。我知道他会送我东西,但是不知道他会送什么。6.Well, the more I got to know Julie, the more Ive realized that we have a lot in common.我越是了解朱莉,就越意识到我们是有多么的相似。(1) “The+

15、形容词或副词比较级(+句子), the+形容词或副词比较级(+句子)”意为“越越.”。表示一方的程度随着另一方的变化而变化,其中的两个the都是副词,而不是冠词。The more I read the book,the more I liked it这本书我越看越喜欢。The earlier you start, the sooner youll be back. 你出发得越早,回来得就越早。(2)“have in common”意为“有共同点;相似”My sister and I have only one thing in common. 我和姐姐只有一个共同点。7. Mmm . why dont you ask Alice to join you each time you do something with Julie?嗯每次你和朱莉在一起的时候,你何不邀请爱丽丝加入呢?each time 名词词组, 充当连词引导时间状语从句, 意为“每一次”, 类似的词组还有every time, next time, last time, the first time等。Yo


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