《Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.》单元教案

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《《Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.》单元教案》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.》单元教案(16页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.单元教案【单元教学内容分析】本单元围绕“Bad days ”这一话题进行教学活动。运用“By the time,sb had already done.”句型谈论发生在身边的令人尴尬或难忘的事,学习和巩固过去完成时态。本单元的核心语言项目是“Narrate past events”,通过一系列的听说读写的训练,加深学生对过去完成时态的理解,在学习和运用过去完成时态的过程中,进一步掌握动词的过去式和过去分词的变化规则,区别现在完成时及过去完成时的用法,最终达到将目标语言运用到真实的生活语境的目的,让学生在用中学,在学中

2、用。【教学目标】知识目标:1.用过去完成时态来谈论过去发生的事情。2.正确运用一般过去时,现在完成时,过去完成时叙述自己的难忘经历,并注意事情发展的先后顺序.3.谈论愚人节发生的一些有趣的故事。语言功能:用过去完成时态来谈论过去发生的事情。语言结构:过去时态和过去完成时。重点词汇及短语:oversleep, exhausted, embarrassed, fool, rush, describe, lock, flee, reveal, convince, get married, on time, empty, show up, break down, get dressed.重点句型:Wh

3、at happened?I overslept. And by the time I got up, my brother had already gotten into the shower.When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.情感目标:1.学会合理安排时间,养成良好的习惯,增强做事的计划性.2.能通过交流分享难忘的经历,增进彼此的了解,学会沟通3.了解西方国家愚人节发生的事情,学会理智地分析事件,不愚弄人.【教学重点】过去完成时的构成及应用。【教学难点】1. 掌握过去完成时的结构并能正确地加以运用.

4、had p.p2. 区分一般过去时态,现在完成时态和过去完成时3. 综合运用各种时态进行语言交际【课时安排及教学内容】Period 1 (Section A: 1a-2d)Period 2 (Section A: 3a-3c)Period 3 (Section A: Grammar focus & 4a-4b)Period 4 (Section B: 1a-2e)Period 5 (Section B: 3a-3b & Self check) 【教学过程设计】Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 能掌握以下单词及短语:unexpecte

5、d, by the time, backpack, oversleep, ring, give a lift,2)掌握By the time I got outside, the bus had already left.When I got to school, I realized I had left my backpack at home.3) 掌握过去完成时时态,结构及用法。2. 情感态度价值观目标:能学会合理安排自己的学习和生活,做到守时守信。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:过去完成时的用法。2. 教学难点:用过去完成时叙述过去的事件。三、教学过程Step 1. Warm-up Gr

6、eeting.Step 2. Lead-inWhat do you usually do in the morning before school?Do you like mornings?Why or why not?Do you remember any unexpected situation in your daily life?展示几张尴尬的人的图片。Ask: What do you think of the people in these pictures?Ss: They look scared/bad.T: What happened to the boy?Ss: He bro

7、ke his arm. He is getting an electric shock.T: I was late for work today. When I got up, I found my clock had rung. It was 7:30.By the time I went to the bathroom, my son had been in. So I had to wait. When I went out, I found my motorbike had broken down. (老师讲述自己迟到的经历,激起学生对一下内容的学习)。Now look at the

8、picture, lets learn something about Tinas bad day。Step 3 Presentation Work onStep 4. Listening Work on 1b.Step 5 Pair work: Work on 1cStep 6. Listening 通过听力训练,进一步熟悉练习过去完成时的构成和用法。Step 7 Practice1. Finish 2c. Make up an ending for the story and share it with your partner.2. Ask several students to tel

9、l their stories in class.Step 8 Role-play. 2d1. Ask Ss to role-play the conversation in 2d.2. Answer the questions:1) Why was Kevin late for class?2) How did Kevin get to school?Language points:1. Life is full of the unexpected.unexpected adj. 出乎意料的;始料不及的It will not be unexpected if Tom comes late a

10、gain, because he is always like this.如果汤姆又迟到了,一点也不意外,因为他一向如此。2. By the time I got up, my brother had already gotten in the shower.by the time 在以前,常引导表示过去的时间状语从句,主句常用过去完成时,即had+动词过去分词。By the time I got there, he had already left. 在我到那儿之前,他已经离开了。3. So I just quickly put on some clothes and rushed out

11、the door.rush out 冲出去,冲出e.g. Henry rushed out the room and disappeared in the rain.亨利冲出房间,消失在了雨中。Julia rushed out and didnt return. 朱丽叶冲了出去,再没回来。4. Luckily, Carls dad saw me on the street and gave me a lift in his car.gave a lift 捎一程e.g. Could you give me a lift, please? 请问你能否捎我一程?Jim gave me a lift

12、 on my way home yesterday.吉姆昨天在我回家的路上捎了我一程。Step 9 ExercisesStep 10 HomeworkWrite out the story of Mary, note to use the target languagePeriod 2 Section A 2 (3a-3c)一、教学目标:1. 语言知识目标:1) 学习掌握下列单词和短语:block, in line with, worker, stare, disbelief, above, burn, burning, alive, airport, till , west2) 能掌握以下句

13、型:Life is full of the unexpected.I was about to go up when I decided to get a coffee first.As I was waiting in line with other office workers, I heard a loud sound.Before I cold join the others outside to see what was going on, the first plane had already hit my office building.3) 进一步熟练掌握过去完成时的用法。2.

14、 情感态度价值观目标:1) 通过学习使学生认识到生活中充满着许多出乎预料的事件,培养学生正确看待事物的积极心态。2)能运用所掌握的语法,句型和词汇进行交流。3)能比较流利地讲述自己曾经有的特别的一天。二、教学重难点1. 教学重点:1)掌握本课时中出现的生词block, in line with, worker, stare, disbelief, above, burn, burning, alive, airport, till , west2) 学会用过去完成时叙述自己曾经有的特别的一天。2. 教学难点:用过去完成时叙述自己曾经有的特别的一天。三、教学过程Step 1: Revision1

15、. Could you please make sentences with these words and phrases below?unexpected adj. 出乎意料的by the time 在以前backpack n. 背包oversleep v. 睡过头;睡得太久2. Please make your own sentences.By the time I got home, _.By the time I came in, _.By the time I got to school, _.By the time the bell rang, _.By the time I got up, _.3. Retell the story of Marys bad day according to the pictures in 1a and 2a.Step 2. DiscussionTell Ss Life is full of the e


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