《Unit 10 You're supposed to shake hands》导学案课件

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1、Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.,第一课时 Section A(1a 2d),根据首字母提示完成单词。 1. He always made some m_ when he was a little boy. 2. People in Korea often b_ when they meet for the first time. 3. In China, people often s_ hands when they meet in the street. 4. What are you s_ to do when you meet someone

2、? 5. Its our c_ to greet people by giving them flowers.,自主学习方案-【新词自查】,istakes,ow,hake,uppose,ustom,课堂导学方案-Step1情景导入,In you country, what are you supposed to do when you meet someone for the first time?,Ss: _. I like loud music. I can dance to it. I like quiet music.,Students A: We are supposed to _.

3、 Students B: We are supposed to _. Students C: We are supposed to _.,shake hands,kiss,bow,课堂导学方案-Step 2/1a,课堂导学方案-Step 2/1a,c,a,b,a,1b. Listen and check your answers in 1a.,c,b,a,b,a,小结训练,汉译英,每空一词 1)你应该鞠躬。 You _ _ _ bow. 2)当你第一次与日本人见面时,你应该鞠躬。 You are supposed to bow when you meet Japanese _ _ _ _. 3

4、)在中国,人们见面时通常握手。 In China, people often _ _ when they meet.,are,supposed,to,for,the,first,time,shake,hands,课堂导学方案-Step 3 /1c,课堂导学方案-Step 3 /2a,课堂导学方案-Step 3 /2b,arrived at 8:00,come later,shake hands,wear,课堂导学方案-Step 3 /2c,课堂导学方案-Step3/2d,根据听力内容完成下面句子中所缺的单词。,1)Well, I _ _ to arrive at 7:00, but I arr

5、ived at 8:00. 2)Then when I met Pauls mom, I _ her. 3)_ _ was wearing a T-shirt and jeans. 4)I guess you _ _ _ what you were supposed to wear.,was,supposed,kissed,Everyone,else,should,have,asked,Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.,第二课时 (Section A 3a-3c,根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. As teenagers, we should _(珍视)

6、the friendship between our classmates. 2. My parents are planning to travel to Beijing, the _ (首都) of China. 3. We often have a short break at _ (中午) at school. 4. I will make an _ (努力)to improve my listening skills. 5. On weekends . I often go out for a picnic with my friends _ (一起)。,自主学习方案-【新词自查】,

7、value,capital,noon,effort,together,哥伦比亚,课堂导学方案-Step 2/3a,根据短文内容补全下面的对话,A: Hi! Teresa! Could you tell me some rules about time in Colombia? B: Sure, they have _ _ rules about time. A: Like what? B: Its OK if youre not _ _. Do they also have relaxed time in Switzerland? A: No, it is the opposite. Its

8、very _ to be on time. Do you need to call your friends before visiting them? B: No, we dont have to. We often just _ _ our friends homes. How about Switzerland? A: If you want to visit a friend, you must call first. And we often _ _ to see friends. B: Thats different with ours. We dont have to make

9、plans to meet friends.,pretty,relaxed,on,time,important,drop,by,make,plans,We are pretty relax about time.,Its very important to be on time.,We often just drop by our friends homes.,We never visit a friends house without calling first.,We dont have to make plans when we get together with friends.,We

10、 usually make plans to meet friends.,课堂导学方案-Step 2/3b,课堂导学方案-Step 2/3c,Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.,第三课时 (Grammar Focus-4c),根据汉语提示完成单词。 1. Carmen found she had left her _ (护照)at home just before getting on the plane. 2. The teacher asked me to get some _ (粉笔) for her in the office. 3. We f

11、ound there was no_(黑板) in the classroom on the first day in school. 4. On this island, there is only one _ (季节),its spring. 5. You should pay attention to your table _ (礼仪)when you are living with a foreign family.,自主学习方案-【新词自查】,passport,chalk,blackboard,season,manners,课堂导学方案-Step1情景导入,课堂导学方案-Step1,

12、课堂导学方案-Step2/4a,is important to,are expected to,is important to,are supposed to,are supposed to,课堂导学方案-Step2/4b,arent expected to know,to learn,to understand,are supposed to do,are supposed to do,课堂导学方案-Step 2/4c,Pairwork,Unit 10 Youre supposed to shake hands.,第四课时 Section B (1a-1d),根据句意及首字母提示完成单词。

13、1.Its i_ to speak loudly in public. 2. The bag is e_ and I cant find anything in it. 3. Its not polite to s_ your chopsticks into your food. 4. The oldest person is supposed to start e_ first in China. 5. Dont p_ at anyone with your chopsticks while eating.,自主学习方案-【新词自查】,mpolite,mpty,tick,ating,oint

14、,课堂导学方案-Step1情景导入,1. Where are you supposed to put your napkin? _ 2. When are you supposed to leave the table? _ 3. Is it polite to make noise while eating food? _ 4. Are you supposed to stick your chopsticks into food? _,课堂导学方案-Step 2/1a,2a Tomorrow Steve is going to Japan to be an exchange student

15、. His Japanese friend Satoshi is telling him about the table manners in Japan. Listen and number the pictures in the order Satoshi talks about them.,2,4,3,课堂导学方案-Step 2 /1b,课堂导学方案-Step 2/1c,b,c,a,根据听力内容完成下面的句子,1. You _ really excited about leaving for Japan tomorrow, Steve! 2. I could give you a little le


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