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1、第一节单项填空21A22B23D24A25C 26C27A 28D29B 30C 31B 32C 33D 34A35B21. The Internet has made _ easier than ever to start a business. A. itB. thatC. this D. one22. The washing machine isnt working. I used it this morning. It _ fine then.A. is working B. was working C. works D. has worked23. _ the heart attac

2、k, Monica brought her doctor a bunch of flowers to express her thanks. A. Surviving B. To surviveC. Survived D. Having survived 24. Wedidntget a hotel room because we _ in advance.A. hadnt booked B. havent booked C. werent booking D. wouldnt book25. Dont become addicted to online games, _about what

3、is more important.A. forgotB. to forgetC. forgettingD. having forgotten26. Sorry for being latethis morning. Never mind. The weather was terrible and many people _ the bus. A. miss B. will miss C. missedD. have missed27. We live in a beautiful cottage with a yard, which _ 20 feet from side to side.A

4、. measures B. is measuredC. measured D. has been measured28. _ exercising is a good way to keep fit, you shouldnt overdo it at the beginning. A. As if B. As long as C. In caseD. Even though29. At the foot of the mountain is a well-preserved village _ you can experience the traditional lifestyle. A.

5、which B. where C. that D. when30. _ from this point, the problem presents no easy solution. A. See B. To see C. Seen D. Seeing31. I had a fever the day before the exam, _ I failed. What a pity!Good luck next time. A. or B. so C. for D. but 32. _ smiling and one day life will get tired of upsetting y

6、ou.A. To keepB. Keeping C. KeepD. Having kept33. Peter, you delivered a wonderful speech today.Thanks, but I think I _ more attention to my stage manners during that time.A. must pay B. should payC. must have paid D. should have paid34. The joy of living comes from _ we put into living. A. what B. t

7、hat C. where D. how35. Experts advised that parents _ children from doing homework by using electronic equipment too much.A. discouraged B. discourage C. would discourage D. have discouraged第二节完形填空As a teenager, I was pretty lazy when it came to doing things for my family. I worked hard at school, a

8、nd sometimes looked after my younger sister. Still, I found myself regularly resisting the urge to 36 out at home with even the simplest things.Every Wednesday afternoon, for example, my mother 37 me to another town for a piano lesson. During my two-hour lesson, shed rush to the nearby store and buy

9、 a weeks worth of 38 . Given the fact that my mom had driven me twelve miles there, twelve miles back, 39 for my lesson, and bought me a candy bar, youd think Id be very 40 to help her bring the groceries into the house. 41 I wasnt. I generally just brought in an armload and left the 42 for Mom as I

10、 ran to my room, shut the door, and started studying. 36A37B38C39A 40B36A. help outB. cryC. start outD. work out37A.sentB. droveC. walkedD. guided38A. fruitsB. flowersC. groceriesD. vegetables 39A. paidB.foughtC. appliedD. planned40A. nervousB. gratefulC. confidentD. unwillingDont get me wrong: even

11、 back in my room, I felt 43 about not helping my mother more. Deep inside, I wanted to change my 44 . But I also realized that once I did change, thered be no going back. 45 I took on more responsibility, my parents would start 46 more of me. At age fifteen, I sensed that this one small change would

12、 47 something much bigger: my personal change from a cared-for, spoiled (被宠坏的) child to a more 48 , caring and giving young man.41D42D43C44A45D41A. SoB. AndC. ThusD. But 42A. oneB. otherC. nextD. rest 43A. excitedB. curiousC. guilty D. doubtful 44A. wayB. worldC. careerD. shape45A. SinceB. ThoughC.

13、UnlessD. Once 46C47B48D 49B 50C 46A. warningB. remindingC. expectingD. informing47A. tell B. markC. expressD. describe48A. energeticB. ambitiousC. outgoingD. responsible 49A. excuse B. decisionC. statementD. appointment50. A.dutyB.storeC. lesson D. holidayIll never forget the Wednesday when I made a

14、(n) 49 to jump in and see what happened. Returning home from the 50 , I disappeared into my room, as usual. But once inside, I felt that deep and burning 51 . Throwing my school books on the bed, I suddenly opened my door and 52 back to the garage to help my mother. How happy I felt that day!Surely, over time, I continued to help out with more housework. The neat thing was, the more I helped out, the 53 I felt about myself and my place in my family. As Mom and Dad r


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