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1、http:/page.re 914832804 20 经 济 学 人 英 语601091303 考 研 官 方 主 页 0经济学人英语热点文章精选 8 篇(中英文对照)2013 年 10 月07 日 10:40:04 (考研英语阅读原文很多来自经济学人,希望大家好好看看)印度的救赎IN MAY Americas Federal Reserve hinted that it would soon start to reduce its vast purchases of Treasury bonds. As global investors adjusted to a world without

2、 ultra-cheap money, there has been a great sucking of funds from emerging markets. Currencies and shares have tumbled, from Brazil to Indonesia, but one country has been particularly badly hit.今年五月,美国联邦储备委员会(Federal Reserve)暗示,它将很快开始缩减大量购买国债的规模。随着全球投资者开始调整策略,以适应没有超廉价资金的世界,大量资金开始逃离新兴市场。从巴西到印度尼西亚,货币及股

3、票纷纷暴跌,但有一个国家受创尤其严重。Not so long ago India was celebrated as an economic miracle. In 2008 Manmohan Singh, the prime minister, said growth of 8-9% was Indias new cruising speed. He even predicted the end of the “chronic poverty, ignorance and disease, which has been the fate of millions of our countrym

4、en for centuries”. Today he admits the outlook is difficult. The rupee has tumbled by 13% in three months. The stockmarket is down by a quarter in dollar terms. Borrowing rates are at levels last seen after Lehman Brothers demise. Bank shares have sunk. 不久前,印度还以经济奇迹而闻名。2008 年,该国总理曼莫汉 辛格(Manmohan Sin

5、gh)表示,8% 至 9%的增长率是印度新的”巡航速度”。他甚至预测,” 几个世纪来一直是我们无数同胞宿命的长期贫困、愚昧和疾病”将宣告结束。现在他承认,前景不容乐观。卢比 3 个月内下跌了 13%。以美元计算,股市下跌了四分之一。借款利率已处于雷曼兄弟倒闭后的水平。银行股票一片暴跌。On August 14th jumpy officials tightened capital controls in an attempt to stop locals taking money out of the country (seearticle). That scared foreign inve

6、stors, who worry that India may freeze their funds too. The risk now is of a credit crunch and a self-fulfilling panic that pushes the rupee down much further, fuelling inflation. Policymakers recognise that the country is in its tightest spot since the balance-of-payments crisis of 1991.8 月 14 日,紧张

7、不安的官员收紧了资本控制,试图阻止当地人把钱转移到国外。这一举措吓到了外国投资者,他们担心印度可能也会冻结他们的资金。现在的风险是信贷紧缩,以及自我实现的恐慌,后者将进一步推动卢比下跌,从而推高通货膨胀。政策制定者承认,该国正处于 1991 年国际收支差额危机以来的最紧急时刻。How to lose friends and alienate peopleIndias troubles are caused partly by global forces beyond its control. But they are also the consequence of a deadly compl

8、acency that has led the country to miss a great opportunity.如何失去盟友并疏远人民印度的麻烦部分源于其控制范围之外的全球性力量。但同时,它们又是印度致命的自满情绪造成的,后者让该国错过了一个很好的机会。During the 2003-08 boom, when reforms would have been relatively easy to introduce, the government failed to liberalise markets for labour, energy and land. Infrastructu

9、re was not improved enough. Graft and red tape got worse. 在 2003 至 2008 年的繁荣中,实施改革会相对容易,但政府未能让劳动力、能源和土地市场自由化,基础设施也没有得到足够的改善,贪污和官僚风气则更加猖獗。Private companies have slashed investment. Growth has slowed to 4-5%, half the rate during the boom. Inflation, at 10%, is worse than in any other big economy. Tyc

10、oons who used to cheer Indias rise as a superpower now warn of civil unrest. 如今,私营公司已削减了投资。经济增长率已放缓至 4%至 5%,只有繁荣时期的一半。通货膨胀达到 10%,比任何其它大型经济体都严重。大亨们曾欢呼,印度将崛起成为一个超级大国,如今他们发出了关于国内动乱的警告。As well as undermining 1.2 billion peoples hopes of prosperity, failure to reform dragged down the rupee. Restrictive l

11、abour laws and weak infrastructure make it hard for Indian firms to export. Inflation has led people to import gold to protect their savings. Both factors have swollen the current-account deficit, which must be financed by foreign capital. Add in the foreign debt that must be rolled over, and India

12、needs to attract $250 billion in the next year, more than any other vulnerable emerging economy.未能改革不仅让 12 亿人对繁荣的希望破灭,它还导致卢比下跌。限制性的劳动法律和落后的基础设施让印度企业难以出口。通货膨胀促使人们进口黄金,以保护自己的储蓄。这两个因素都让国家的经常帐户赤字变得庞大,而这必须由外资提供资金。加上必须延缓付款的外债,印度明年需吸引 2500 亿美元,这超过了所有其它脆弱新兴经济体所需的规模。A year ago the new finance minister, Palan

13、iappan Chidambaram, tried to kick-start the economy. He has attempted to push key reforms, clear bottlenecks and help foreign investors. But he has lukewarm support within his own party and faces obstructionist opposition. Obstacles to growth, such as fuel shortages for power plants, remain. Foreign

14、 firms find nothing has changed. Meanwhile, bad debts have risen at state-run banks: 10-12% of their loans are dud. With an election due by May 2014, some fear that the Congress-led government will now take a more populist tack. A costly plan to subsidise food hints at this. 一年前,新的财政部长帕拉尼亚潘 奇丹巴拉姆(Pa

15、laniappan Chidambaram)试图强力推动经济。他努力推进关键性改革,清除发展瓶颈,为外国投资者提供帮助。但他在本党内得不到有力的支持,且面临着阻挠者的反对。发电厂的燃料短缺等增长障碍仍然存在。外国企业发现,一切都没有改变。同时,国有银行的坏账已大大增加,10% 到 12%的贷款已成为坏账。随着 2014 年 5 月大选的临近,一些人担心,现在这个由国大党领导的政府将采取更民粹主义的行动方针。一个耗资巨大的食品补贴计划正暗示了这一点。Stopping the rotTo prevent a slide into crisis, the government needs first

16、 to stop making things worse. Those capital controls backfired, yet the urge to tinker runs deep: on August 19th officials slapped duties on televisions lugged in through airports. The authorities must accept that 2013 is not 1991. Then the state nearly bankrupted itself trying to defend a pegged exchange rate. Now the rupee floats, and the state has no foreign debt to speak of. A weaker currency will break some firms with foreign loans, but poses no direct threat to


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