《Unit 8 It must belong to Carla》单元课件(公开课)

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《《Unit 8 It must belong to Carla》单元课件(公开课)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《《Unit 8 It must belong to Carla》单元课件(公开课)(141页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Unit 8 It must belong to Carla,Section A 1a-2b,一.词汇与短语 whose 谁的 rabbit 野兔 truck卡车 picnic野餐 belong to属于 toy truck玩具卡车 hair band发带 at the picnic在野餐 二.句型 Whose .is this? It must/could/might/cant belong to Linda. 三.学会应用: must could /might/may cant等表推测,学习目标,at the picnic,Learn new words,CD,toy truck,maga

2、zine,The little dog must be hungry.,学习导航,一定,The boy must be ill.,He must have a cold.,The man must have a toothache.,Who is she?,She cant be Guo Jingjing.,She might/could be Wang Nan.,She must be Zhang Yining.,?,Oh, yes. She is Zhang Yining.,cant在此表示猜测,译为“不可能”,后接动词原形。,might/could在此表示猜测,译为“也许,可能”,后接动

3、词原形。,must在此表示猜测,译为“肯定”,后接动词原形。,Wu Ning,Whose notebook is this?,It must be Wu Nings.,Because it has her name on it.,= It must belong to Wu Ning.,belong to 属于,Wu Ning,J.K.Rowling is Marys favorite writer.,-Whose book is this ?,-It_ be Marys.,must,It must belong to Mary. (属于),hair band 发 带,Whose hair b

4、and is this?,It must be,It must belong to,Liuyifeis,Liuyifei,must用在肯定句中表 示较有把握的推测, 意为“一定”。 (100%).,It could be _. It also might/may be _.,Can you guess what it is?,a dog,two girls,Can you guess what it is? It could be _. It also might be _.,a white vase(花瓶),two faces,用“might” “may” or “ could” 来 表示推

5、测的可能性很小(可能, 大概 20%-80%),Whose T-shirt is it?,It must be Jennys. It cant be Marys.,用 “cant” 推测不可能的 事情 (可能性0%).,Mary,Jenney,must,cant,could Might/ may,100% probably true 表肯定推测,20%-80% possibly true 表推测的 可能性不大,0%可能性表 否定推测,What is it doing?,It might /could be _.,It must be _.,Who is she?,She cant be_. 不

6、可能是/一定不是 She could/might be_. 可能是/也许是 She must be_. 肯定是/一定是,Is this Alices house?,Yes, it must be Alices. It must belong to Alice.,She _ be rich. She _ have lots of money. She _ be poor(穷).,must,must,cant,1a Look at the picture. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,Whose thi

7、ngs are these?,guess,CD,book,T-shirt,tennis ball,toy truck,magazine,jacket,hat,plate,cup,1a Look at the picture on Page 57. Write the things you see in the correct columns in the chart.,jacket,T-shirt,CD,toy truck,magazine,book,cups,plate,volleyball,hat,厨房用具,1b Listen and match each person with a th

8、ing and a reason.,pairwork,things,Whose,Why,CD,Graces,She loves pop music,volleyball,Carlas,loves volleyball,magzine,Deng Wens,He loves rabbits.,toy truck,Janes little brothers,Because he was the only little kid at the picnic,-Whose . is this? I t must be sbs/ belong to sb ,because It could/might be

9、 It cant be because,A: Whose football is this ?,Tony,1c Pairwork,B:It_be Tonys.,Because he likes football very much.,might/could,-,A: Whose_ is this? B: It _be Janes little brothers. Because he was the only little kid at the picnic.,toy truck,must,A: Whose magazine is this? B: It must be_. He loves

10、rabbits.,Deng Wen,Deng Wens,A: Whose CD is this? B: It must belong to_. She always listens to pop music.,Grace,Grace,-Whose bicycle is this ?,-It_ belong to Bush. Because_,cant,his bike is white and black.,Bush,Mary,Whose blouse is it?,I think it _be Marys Because it is too small for her.,cant,2a Bo

11、b and Anna found a schoolbag at the park. Listen and write down the things in the schoolbag.,T-shirt,hair band,tennis balls,The person _ go to our school. The person _ be a boy. It _ be Meis hair band. The hair band _ belong to Linda. It _ be Lindas schoolbag.,cant,could,might,must,2b Listen again.

12、Fill in the blanks.,must,一.词汇与短语 谁的 野兔 卡车 野餐 属于 玩具卡车 发带 在野餐 二.句型 A: Whose .is this? B: It must/could/might/cant belong to Linda.,summary(小结),whose,rabbit,truck,picnic,belong to,toy truck,hair band,at the picnic,情态动词 must, might, could, cant 后接动词原形, 可以表示对现在的情况的 .,be Tonys (是的) It must,推测,不可能,有可能,肯定,b

13、elong to Tony. (属于),及时小结才能巩固所学知识,达标测评,1. Whos singing in the next room? It _ be Lily. She has gone to New York. A. cant B. must C. shouldnt D. Can 2. Whose T - shirt is this? It _ be John s. Im not sure. A. might ; B. cant ; C. mustnt ; D. must ; 3.The guitar _belong to Alice. Only she plays the gui

14、tar here. Acould Bmust Ccant DCan 4This backpack must be _.I saw her carry it yesterday. ALucys BLucy CLucys DLucys,A,A,B,D,翻译句子 那本数一定是Tom的。 That book _ _ Toms. 2.这件T- shirt可能属于她。 This shirt _ _ _ her. 3. 那个人不可能是他的叔叔。 That man _ _ his uncle.,must be,might belong to,cant be,同意句转换 The toy truck might be Jacks. (同义) 1)The toy truck might _ _ _. 2)_ toy truck is this? (画线部分提问). 2. The book must be his. (否定句) The book _ _ his. 3. The book belong to Mike. (画线部分提问) _ _ the book belong to ? 4. Whose book it is ? (同义) _ _ the book _ _ ?,belong to Jack,Whose,cant be,



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